Income tax and freedom!


Well-Known Member
how/why did we allow ourselves to become the goto guy for the rest of the world? ever since we went and put a smack down on Hitler, yeah, Russia did some damage but it was mostly the weather and poor strategy on Hitler's part that kept them alive. we then save the french in Korea, Vietnam, even in South America we save them... the french should just stop fighting, ever, they are too weak. anyway, what politics are allowing our leaders (left and right) to rationalize this servitude? the world shines their batman light up into the night and we come running, for what? they turn on us and leave us while our troops die.. why?

i say we owe the world nothing and we should let them fend for themselves..


New Member
i say we owe the world nothing and we should let them fend for themselves.. Pretty much my outlook also. The problem is, the corporations have monetary interests all over the globe and since they have bought and paid for our politicians, they actually determine when and where we'll go to fight for "freedom" to save their interests. It's always been that way since time began. "Money is the root of all evil" and causes the wars. The sad part is, the money boys don't do the dying. In olden times, the kings (some of them) led their soldiers into battle, those days are gone. If the guys actually profiting from the wars had to do the fighting, how many wars do think there would be? If Dubya would have had to have gone to a neutral place and duke it out with Sadam do you honestly think we'd be in Iraq? I doubt it! I think it should be that way: The kings fight the wars!


Well-Known Member
:clap: i agree with you med, i wish that we still had people that cared about us as a hole and we still had leaders that fight for/with the people. But it seems to me that the American way is to look out for yourself.


Well-Known Member
two observations that come to mind:

the machinery of bureaucracy is the catalyst for inhumanity.

any thing that divides one from personal responsibility is a hinderance to good decision making.


New Member
two observations that come to mind:

the machinery of bureaucracy is the catalyst for inhumanity.

any thing that divides one from personal responsibility is a hinderance to good decision making.
I think I can Agree with that to an extent, Bureaucracy is found in any organization where more than 2 persons abide. It is not soley relegated to government organizations. Any organization where the participants place their own interests above the interest of the people they are supposed to serve could be called a bureaucracy, whose whole purpose is to sustain its existence, and defend itself against all criticism. A CEO is the epitomy of the head of a bureaucracy, only he has the power to expell anyone under him without any hindrence. Also, A CEO can absolve himself of all personal responsibility by blaming his subordinates, and in most cases, unless taken to a court, can get away with most anything. As you can tell, I have a Very strong dislike for CEOs. They think themselves as mini-Gods, above all laws, and especially egregious against all humanity. That King of the Jungle mentality is why they have made it to the "top", they have stomped all over everyones parade from the beginning of their careers, Mental bullies if you will!


Well-Known Member
to further your beaurocracy idea, which i agree with, i think that it boils down to being a pyramid scheme. one guy starts the company, he hires people "under" him and so on. it's all synthetic structure, illusion that "we" (workers, even self-employed) are supposed to subscribe to. the more we take to it (asskiss) the better we'll be one day.. illusion. society is really the most vain invention i know of.

fake tits, vain as they are, are like a necessity compared to the daily lifestyle of most people, jumping through hoops, bitting their tongue. lol we give ourselves so little credit.

the egoist CEO is more like an embryo in the corporate placenta than a dominant lion prowling the herd for his next "take". he relies on the fragile balance of supply/demand and distances himself from leadership by barricading himself behind walls of beaurocracy, waves of gossip and expensive diners with others held hostage in the clutches of greed ... the wizard of oz was really an ingenius concept..

another observation is in the making but i am hungry, i need lunch. :)


New Member
to further your beaurocracy idea, which i agree with, i think that it boils down to being a pyramid scheme. one guy starts the company, he hires people "under" him and so on. it's all synthetic structure, illusion that "we" (workers, even self-employed) are supposed to subscribe to. the more we take to it (asskiss) the better we'll be one day.. illusion. society is really the most vain invention i know of.

fake tits, vain as they are, are like a necessity compared to the daily lifestyle of most people, jumping through hoops, bitting their tongue. lol we give ourselves so little credit.

the egoist CEO is more like an embryo in the corporate placenta than a dominant lion prowling the herd for his next "take". he relies on the fragile balance of supply/demand and distances himself from leadership by barricading himself behind walls of beaurocracy, waves of gossip and expensive diners with others held hostage in the clutches of greed ... the wizard of oz was really an ingenius concept..

another observation is in the making but i am hungry, i need lunch. :)
Well tarnish my hide, I believe we have more in common than I ever envisioned. Now on to the solution. Maybe you can start to see the necessity of a socialist premise. Not one giving equal amounts to all, or to the undeserving, of course we would want to reward hard work and dilligence, Just one that took social responsibility seriously. We have the richest society on the planet. It's just that the wealth is held in most part by a very few individuals that could not spend it in a hundred lifetimes. My contention is to distribute this in a justifiable fashion, I wouldn't leave the super rich penniless (although this might be a justifiable scenario considering their lack of consideration for the less fortunate) but with enough for a few generations of their offspring to live comfortably if they invested wisely. Inheritance tax is a responsible way of ensuring the next generation will not be spoiled do-nothing dolts that lie around and self destruct. This Nepotistic society we now endure assures the related a far better chance in life from the gates, sort of like royalty. I propose leveling the playing field with college for all who are interested and then a move to employment by merit, not nepotism. Keeping wealth within the family is a human trait and one that will be hard to break. It all boils down to this premise: when you are willing to give up anything you have to a person that needs it more than you, then socialism will work, untill then it will denegrate into a communistic state of slavery as opposed to a capitalistic state of slavery. Either one are corrupt, it's just that capitalism is by nature of it's workings is far more sucseptible to corruption. As Lenin said "it will be at least 5 hundred years before humanity will be intelligent enough for socialism to work"!


Well-Known Member
"socialism" which is administered by anything other than man and his conscience is illusion. you could have no "authority" in a truly "socialistic" system; because of this basic fact i see gvnmnt forced pseudo-socialism as a pig sty of the human condition.

gvnmnt initiated socialism is nothing but a way for the hard worker to be punished and the slacker to be rewarded. as someone mentioned in another thread, it might work in certain EU states because they have a much less diverse culture, but here, in the USA, we have everything from useless slugs to inspired industrious people... while it's a romantic notion to say that opposites attract we all know that opposites also kill each other after a while!


New Member
"socialism" which is administered by anything other than man and his conscience is illusion. you could have no "authority" in a truly "socialistic" system; because of this basic fact i see gvnmnt forced pseudo-socialism as a pig sty of the human condition.

gvnmnt initiated socialism is nothing but a way for the hard worker to be punished and the slacker to be rewarded. as someone mentioned in another thread, it might work in certain EU states because they have a much less diverse culture, but here, in the USA, we have everything from useless slugs to inspired industrious people... while it's a romantic notion to say that opposites attract we all know that opposites also kill each other after a while!

I'm not saying to punish the industrious person, just limit the amount of greed and influence he has over society in general. I think it's alright for some to make more than others, and If you don't want to participate at all, maybe find a state (Arkansas comes to mind) where you could put all the slackers and feed them protein pellets, like fish food to keep them alive. provide no comforts and no rewards unless they show some iniciative, then gradually integrate them into society. On the other end, the Kingfish, need to be taken down a few notches, no more palatial estates with more money than they could burn in a hundred lifetimes. For sure they need to be rewarded for their hard work and sacrifice but limit their wealth and power to no more than ten times the mean average wage. Put some sense and sensebility back into society. The avaricious greed factor is out of control and is making everyone crazy with desire. It's the wannabees that are keeping the insanity alive. If we need a picture of indecent wealth, maybe we could institute a king for a year scenario, where by a lottery type draw, some lucky stiff is rewarded with a palatial existence for a year. Meanwhile, turn all the palatial estates into homeless housing and build low cost housing on all the luxury golf courses, afterall, golf is one of those worthless games enloyed by the Idle rich and Business scoundrels to make illicit deals. I'd say at the current state of affairs and inflation, around a hundred grand per household should be the median wage, or 50 grand per wage earner. Hows that float your boat. At least I'm thinking of ways to improve the general populace, and fuck the rich imperialists (plutocratic ogliarchs) [assholes]!


Well-Known Member
i would want more than 50k per year....or, polygamy. that way i get more women and money at the same time. lol, when does that really happen? :)

the concept is nice, it's a warm fuzzy feeling and all but you still have people deciding, to some extent, the fate of other people rather than leaving it to their own will. that's an open door to corruption.

It's the wannabees that are keeping the insanity alive.

i agree with this, they have a ravenous appetite but no discipline, they just see their idols climbing rungs of the ladder and try to do it themselves, making a mess of everyone they come across.

what do you think would happen if we did away with currency and traded "deeds" and actions only?


New Member
i would want more than 50k per year....or, polygamy. that way i get more women and money at the same time. lol, when does that really happen? :)

the concept is nice, it's a warm fuzzy feeling and all but you still have people deciding, to some extent, the fate of other people rather than leaving it to their own will. that's an open door to corruption.

It's the wannabees that are keeping the insanity alive.

i agree with this, they have a ravenous appetite but no discipline, they just see their idols climbing rungs of the ladder and try to do it themselves, making a mess of everyone they come across.

what do you think would happen if we did away with currency and traded "deeds" and actions only?
I think society is way too sophisticated to return to the barter system, what would you trade for a quadruple bypass, a lemon tree? ~LOL~. I've watched the Kissasses in life for a good many years, the yes men so to speak. They never rise above a certain level with few exceptions, IE Scooter Libby, GW Bush, etc. If anyone thinks Bush comes up with this shit on his own, they're dillusional. Cheney pulls the strings. If you watch the State of the Union speeches, you'll see Cheney hinging on every word to see if it's delivered right, like a sceptor in the background, waiting to be-head Dubya. We cant impeach Dubya without his two brains, Cheney and Rove!