You're eating because you're high.....doesn't take a genious to figure that out. I was a stay high for more years than I wish to admit, but I quit one day, and that was that. MJ is not addictive physically.....period. It's a mind game. It sounds like you believe you need it, and you simply don't.
I promise that if you just give it up, the world looks way brighter. I stayed away from it for years, but now I've gone back, and only use to help me sleep, or when my meds aren't helping my nerve damage, or if I'm having one of these weird seizure like events. I never just get stoned for the sake of it.
Just quit. It isn't that hard. The hard part is staying away from your friends that are smokers. I quit haning with them and found new friends that don't smoke. After that, I spend all my time with my family, and doing cool sports that I only did when I wasn't too baked to get off my couch.
I can grow and don't have any desire to sit around and get high for fun. I strictly use it as a medication, for which I have and enjoy having a med card from my great state, and don't abuse the privelage of having that.
You just have to grow up man. We all need to do that.
Tough love bro.