Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**


Well-Known Member
Actually it was started by Reagan. The first cell phones came out by safe link wireless 3 months before Obama took office.

Reagan created the lifeline program which provided a credit towards landline phones.

Anyone saying Obama phones are ignorant. The credit has been there for decades. Now that 25 dollar credit provides cell phones.
Yeah I was lazy, knew it was a republican but didn't check.

Thank you for the correction:clap:


Well-Known Member
I still have one in my corner of the shire, has a Trump! flag like this:

Incidentally, he flies it above the American flag
Do society a favor, toss a pipe bomb through his window.

I went out drinking last night.. there was a group of rednecks in there. One started yelling about "that n*gger Obama" and praising trump. He got confronted and bitches out. Paid his tab and left. Bunch of pussies. Was pretty hilarious
Doesn't daveyskunk live in Cali?

We both have a pussy, I guess.
?! You "guess", eh?


Also: please do the right thing and NEVER reference pie's genitalia EVER again.


Well-Known Member
The Democratic party is becoming extremely destructive. All I see anymore are Democrats calling people who don't agree with them nazi's, kkk, fascist, etc... They have been trying to eliminate the middle class for quite some time!! My family had a car dealership that was successful for 35+ years. Once the Dems took office and new tax laws/regulations were created for smaller businesses we suffered extremely. The dealership shut down in 2015, thanks obama.
You couldn't compete, too bad.

Shouldn't have had higher prices. The other dealerships are still there, maybe they were bigger and cheaper. Don't tell the whole story though.

Everything's Obama's fault to you wing nuts.