Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

The people that pray to cheeto jesus in my area are going underground. There used to be very open about their hero,MAGA hats,yard signs,bumper stickers and lots of lock her up stuff. You would hear people talking in stores defending the village idiot and claiming everything was going to be all puppies and rainbows. But now the signs are gone and you hear no one talking about the fool in public anymore. When the lights come on the cock roaches scurry into the dark.

I still have one in my corner of the shire, has a Trump! flag like this:


Incidentally, he flies it above the American flag
Better than supporting a traitor.

The Democratic party is becoming extremely destructive. All I see anymore are Democrats calling people who don't agree with them nazi's, kkk, fascist, etc... They have been trying to eliminate the middle class for quite some time!! My family had a car dealership that was successful for 35+ years. Once the Dems took office and new tax laws/regulations were created for smaller businesses we suffered extremely. The dealership shut down in 2015, thanks obama.

I'm also middle-eastern and I hate Islam. It's ruined my families home.. Iran was once a beautiful place until Sharia was performed. I've had a cousin die under Sharia because she was not a virgin when married off(obviously against her will, we love islam!!!! ya!!!). I'm all for trying to incorporate the women in children into a first world society, but the middle-east is a breeding ground for extreme mental illness.. Look at Hamtramck Michigan for example. You've got a community(this is normal in Islam life) that refuses to rent or give property to anyone not believing in the faith of Islam. They are literally a fucking herd of muslims, that somehow was able to purchase 60% of an entire town, and drive everyone not believing in Muslim faith away. They'll fuck your girl, steal ur car, smoke ur weed, execute ur cousin, and maybe fuck ur dog as well. Islam is the religion of peace.
The Democratic party is becoming extremely destructive. All I see anymore are Democrats calling people who don't agree with them nazi's, kkk, fascist, etc... They have been trying to eliminate the middle class for quite some time!! My family had a car dealership that was successful for 35+ years. Once the Dems took office and new tax laws/regulations were created for smaller businesses we suffered extremely. The dealership shut down in 2015, thanks obama.

I'm also middle-eastern and I hate Islam. It's ruined my families home.. Iran was once a beautiful place until Sharia was performed. I've had a cousin die under Sharia because she was not a virgin when married off(obviously against her will, we love islam!!!! ya!!!). I'm all for trying to incorporate the women in children into a first world society, but the middle-east is a breeding ground for extreme mental illness.. Look at Hamtramck Michigan for example. You've got a community(this is normal in Islam life) that refuses to rent or give property to anyone not believing in the faith of Islam. They are literally a fucking herd of muslims, that somehow was able to purchase 60% of an entire town, and drive everyone not believing in Muslim faith away. They'll fuck your girl, steal ur car, smoke ur weed, execute ur cousin, and maybe fuck ur dog as well. Islam is the religion of peace.

Perhaps your family got out while the getting was good. I predict an off shore source of power that Bush was unable to contain.

"Last year I had the pleasure of driving around London in a hydrogen-powered Hyundai ix35, one of the first mass-production hydrogen cars to hit the market."

Got to love that American middle class funded technology from the last century.
These threads make me laugh so hard I sometimes shart. Impeach? Lmfao. The left is effing lost in so many ways. Trump is gonna win again in the next election. The more the left cries all over their coloring books the stronger the right becomes. The morons coming out of our universities of anti America indoctrination are clueless to the real world. Keep up the good work I can't wait to say Trump is still my prez in 2020. It's sad that you guys hate Trump more than you love your country.
Coming from the guy who has join the war against the war on weed in his sig. You know Trump and Sessions are fixing to go after weed and pushing for longer minimum sentences?:roll:
The media lying? Example? What makes you think I don't have a job, that I receive 'government cheese' or I'm posting from a Obama phone, which prior was Bush phone since the phone program was STARTED by Bush?

Did you know this? Bush started the phone program?
Actually it was started by Reagan. The first cell phones came out by safe link wireless 3 months before Obama took office.

Reagan created the lifeline program which provided a credit towards landline phones.

Anyone saying Obama phones are ignorant. The credit has been there for decades. Now that 25 dollar credit provides cell phones.
Actually it was started by Reagan. The first cell phones came out by safe link wireless 3 months before Obama took office.

Reagan created the lifeline program which provided a credit towards landline phones.

Anyone saying Obama phones are ignorant. The credit has been there for decades. Now that 25 at credit provides cell phones.
Trump voters ignorant? Nah! Go on!
The people that pray to cheeto jesus in my area are going underground. There used to be very open about their hero,MAGA hats,yard signs,bumper stickers and lots of lock her up stuff. You would hear people talking in stores defending the village idiot and claiming everything was going to be all puppies and rainbows. But now the signs are gone and you hear no one talking about the fool in public anymore. When the lights come on the cock roaches scurry into the dark.
I went out drinking last night.. there was a group of rednecks in there. One started yelling about "that n*gger Obama" and praising trump. He got confronted and bitches out. Paid his tab and left. Bunch of pussies. Was pretty hilarious
The Democratic party is becoming extremely destructive. All I see anymore are Democrats calling people who don't agree with them nazi's, kkk, fascist, etc... They have been trying to eliminate the middle class for quite some time!! My family had a car dealership that was successful for 35+ years. Once the Dems took office and new tax laws/regulations were created for smaller businesses we suffered extremely. The dealership shut down in 2015, thanks obama.

I'm also middle-eastern and I hate Islam. It's ruined my families home.. Iran was once a beautiful place until Sharia was performed. I've had a cousin die under Sharia because she was not a virgin when married off(obviously against her will, we love islam!!!! ya!!!). I'm all for trying to incorporate the women in children into a first world society, but the middle-east is a breeding ground for extreme mental illness.. Look at Hamtramck Michigan for example. You've got a community(this is normal in Islam life) that refuses to rent or give property to anyone not believing in the faith of Islam. They are literally a fucking herd of muslims, that somehow was able to purchase 60% of an entire town, and drive everyone not believing in Muslim faith away. They'll fuck your girl, steal ur car, smoke ur weed, execute ur cousin, and maybe fuck ur dog as well. Islam is the religion of peace.
Why is it that so many other businesses made it?

Don't blame that shit on Obama. Your family couldn't hack it. Plain and simple.

Plenty of small family owned car dealerships here made it.

You also know nothing of Muslims. Most just want what everyone wants. To make a living and provide for their family.
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I thought Obama did right by us. The People. My only grievance is that he was elected, at least partially, on the premise of legalization, and it was likely his casual demeanor regarding his own admission that he had smoked in college that got at least a significant fraction of support for him. That's my only beef with him.
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I love how the right is crying that the dems are obstructionist and just sore losers. Selective memory as usual, they openly admitted and called for blocking anything obama wanted for 8 years. There's no telling what kind of president he was because he wasn't allowed to do that much.
A black man was in office so it was OK because angry black man.
The people that pray to cheeto jesus in my area are going underground. There used to be very open about their hero,MAGA hats,yard signs,bumper stickers and lots of lock her up stuff. You would hear people talking in stores defending the village idiot and claiming everything was going to be all puppies and rainbows. But now the signs are gone and you hear no one talking about the fool in public anymore. When the lights come on the cock roaches scurry into the dark.

Step One: Acceptance
As I recall, you had Clinton in a striped uniform before Comey's report in July. Maybe I'm just confusing you with Flaming Pie.


I voted Clinton and yes I'm insulted that you would lump me into the same category as flaming pie. We both have a pussy, I guess.