I'm sorry Great Britain.


Well-Known Member
americans and english should not be fighting each other definitly not on this site lets face were all one religon, race, nation STONERS! we gotta work together to fight the powers that be (in the words of public enemy) cuz lets face it the way are so called leaders are acting were heading down a long and dark road of depresion and poverty wich will take a long time to recover from
no argument there, well put


Well-Known Member
americans and english should not be fighting each other definitly not on this site lets face were all one religon, race, nation STONERS! we gotta work together to fight the powers that be (in the words of public enemy) cuz lets face it the way are so called leaders are acting were heading down a long and dark road of depresion and poverty wich will take a long time to recover from
WERD! Lizzardking
You just brought me outta retirement haha ;)


Active Member
wow. can't believe you guys are so lame to sit here and critic a GIFT. What would you guys say if he gave them nothing at all? and I'm pretty positive that he didn't even pick the gift. obama is just a pawn and all of us are just little tiny things that in the end dont matter. thats why its cool if we smoke weed cause we all are just a bunch of nothings

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
oh my bad, i didnt even see the ani slave ship thing. but reguardless, why is his color always the most important thing? why didnt the prime minister give him like a life time supply of tea or some shit? why is his race that so important to people. i mean dont get me wrong its good to see america changing its old ways and wtvr. and it makes me a very proud american. BUT, that does not mean that we should love him or hate him BECAUSE he is black. judge him on the work he does for this country, and the world. obveously the prime minister judges him on his color because if not, he would of never gave him anything that involved slaves in the first place. he is a president, not a civil rights leader. a civil rights leader would of loved that gift because that involves the work that he or she does. Obama just wants to be looked at as any other president. and people keep throwing down the race card. but yea obamas gift was crappy and it made the country look kinda bad.......but the prime minister made himself look like an asshole. take it how u like it.
shut the fuck up now your speeking for obama "
Obama just wants to be looked at as any other president. and people keep throwing down the race card.
" do you think Brown is a racist? we have 1000000s of immigrants/ asylum seekers who are all the colors under the sun they are given homes to live in free cash to live on without so much as a thank you. the 1st words the learn is DHSS:cuss:

Tastes like popcorn

Active Member
read much?:dunce:

its actually an incredibly well thought out gift. the first man of african decent to lead our nation and a pen made from timbers of a vessel that helped start the movement that WAY down the line resulted in his presidency.

Thanks for reminding us of how terribly we treated Africans, great way to move on.

Seriously, Americans are bored as hell of this whole race thing, I think we love all the different cultures associated with different regions, places, and sometimes sadly races, but honestly, its done, drop it. Shut the fuck up Gordon.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Thanks for reminding us of how terribly we treated Africans, great way to move on.

Seriously, Americans are bored as hell of this whole race thing, I think we love all the different cultures associated with different regions, places, and sometimes sadly races, but honestly, its done, drop it. Shut the fuck up Gordon.
drop bombs on us then you do it to every other fucker:lol::roll:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shut the fuck up now your speeking for obama "" do you think Brown is a racist? we have 1000000s of immigrants/ asylum seekers who are all the colors under the sun they are given homes to live in free cash to live on without so much as a thank you. the 1st words the learn is DHSS:cuss:
ahahahah dude you gonna be voting ukip i take it then! i know i am.

the immigration/asylum system is crippling our country/ economy. i understand that if someone is going to persecute or physically harm you in your own country youd want to leave but why travel through upto 14 different eu countries to get to britain?!?!

one anacronim DHSS

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
lmao, exactly

Thanks ;-)
what goes round comes around, be afraid very afraid! China and its plans are working and they are out for blood they are the new super power and they want to flatten America and are building a war machine as i type this to do it with.

china hate america with a passion just the same as most people hate pedophiles thats 1.5 billion people who would love to invade the USA.

search google america V china


Well-Known Member
That is kinda true actually,China's military spending has gone throught the roof the last 20yrs....The pentagon is worried sick about it as the chinese are understating their spending.
Russia too are concerned as the first place they will march through is the Motherland.
BUT!......If Allies stick together we have nothing to worry about,this is why i try not to get drawn into the whole U.S/U.K thing......We're gunna need each other so much in years to come.
So those of you who say fuck the U.K were "AMERICA". as ALL these kinda threads end up on forums..Let's wonder if your saying that when the red dawn breaks.......

Stay safe all....Outties


New Member
It just seems pretty clear from the outrageous gaffes socially and the unbelievably noobish political moves, Obama is out of his league. I don't think he was prepared to be president. He reminds me of the Robert Redford movie, "The Candidate". He never thought he would actually win....this was supposed to be a primer. Now he has pulled it off and hasn't a clue, politically, economically, socially. He's in the big leagues where you are not allowed to stay on the side line. The only thing holding him together is his arrogance. It's a sad thing to watch.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It just seems pretty clear from the outrageous gaffes socially and the unbelievably noobish political moves, Obama is out of his league. I don't think he was prepared to be president. He reminds me of the Robert Redford movie, "The Candidate". He never thought he would actually win....this was supposed to be a primer. Now he has pulled it off and hasn't a clue, politically, economically, socially. He's in the big leagues where you are not allowed to stay on the side line. The only thing holding him together is his arrogance. It's a sad thing to watch.

out. :blsmoke:
I think your spot on there Jax.He's like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
I was watching him in a t.v broadcast yesterday and he actually addressed some politician at the G20 as "My Man".


New Member
naaah give him some slack hes actually not made that many mistakes compared to bush hes a saint
we shall see...i dont think he's gunna be as good at dodging shoes.

I think your spot on there Jax.He's like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
I was watching him in a t.v broadcast yesterday and he actually addressed some politician at the G20 as "My Man".
obama is a walking ipod commercial :sad: