I'm sorry Great Britain.


Well-Known Member
DuDe...its not about kissing the UK's ass!,Theres a worldly ettiquette when it comes to state visists,It just makes your leader look tacky as fuck.....It's very disrespectful actually but that doesn't really bother me at all,I guess he'll be very friendly as per usual when theres something needs pushing through....The same happened with bush when he came to power...As for you guys that say fuck it were AMERICA,Well i guess you know fuck all about world politics OR previous empire building...you NEED your allies on side to do what you do!

This is all i have to say...G'Day :)


Well-Known Member
yea well maybe obama thought the slave ship pen holder was offencive. i kno i would wtf would he want with a pen holder made out of the same shit that thousands upon thousands of slaves lost their lives? thats like giving someone of jewish decent a shower head from the gas chambers. thats fucked up man. the old bastard is lucky he got fuckin movies. if it was me i would of took the pen holder and hit him over the fuckin face with it. then i would of spat on the queen for letting him give that shit to me.

And your just a silly ignorant little fuck!


New Member
It puts on open display an ARROGANCE Obama hid from the public during the campaign. This guy is one cold fish.
Think about it...you walk into a bar and sitting in four separate booths are Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Whom would you sit down with to share a brew and some stories (regardless of your political slant). Obama comes in dead last, although I get the feeling Obama would walk out early and leave his tab on your bill.

out. :blsmoke:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
thats fuck all he gave the Queen an Ipod shes in here 80's for fucks sake! what is she going to do with an Ipod? ROLF! It does not look good for diplomatic relations does it? when diplomats meet from other countrys its normal to exchange gifts that mean somthing to that country part of its history ect.. its a good will gesture and exchanging gifts like that has been going on for 100s even 1000s of years untill barack obama comes along and hands out DVD's and Ipods PMSL HAHAHA! the bloke does not have a clue.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
yea well maybe obama thought the slave ship pen holder was offencive. i kno i would wtf would he want with a pen holder made out of the same shit that thousands upon thousands of slaves lost their lives? thats like giving someone of jewish decent a shower head from the gas chambers. thats fucked up man. the old bastard is lucky he got fuckin movies. if it was me i would of took the pen holder and hit him over the fuckin face with it. then i would of spat on the queen for letting him give that shit to me.
and America would know all about bringing black slaves over on boats wouldnt they?:dunce:

and it was not a slave ship it was an Anti slave ship
Prime Minister Gordon Brown gave Mr Obama an ornamental pen holder made from the timbers of the Victorian anti-slave ship HMS Gannet.
do you know what the difference is between a slave ship and an Anti slave ship?

After the refit was complete, the Gannet was assigned to the Mediterranean as an anti-slaver. On 11 September 1888,
now a lot of thought went in to that gift september the 11th= anti slave ship that tryed to put an end to slavory wich affected obama's family at some point in time.



Well-Known Member
yea well maybe obama thought the slave ship pen holder was offencive. i kno i would wtf would he want with a pen holder made out of the same shit that thousands upon thousands of slaves lost their lives? thats like giving someone of jewish decent a shower head from the gas chambers. thats fucked up man. the old bastard is lucky he got fuckin movies. if it was me i would of took the pen holder and hit him over the fuckin face with it. then i would of spat on the queen for letting him give that shit to me.
read much?:dunce:

its actually an incredibly well thought out gift. the first man of african decent to lead our nation and a pen made from timbers of a vessel that helped start the movement that WAY down the line resulted in his presidency.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
all royalty is shit
its to do with history great britain would not be great britain if it was not for our royalty our kings put armys together to protect the U.K from invading forces, may be where you live you dont have much history or if you do its only 200 years old:lol: are you not proud of where you come from? millions of people from all round the world go to london just to stand out side the Queens house that brings in millions to the uk economy.

the sun never sets on the british empire you can thank royalty for that, without it we would own fuck all!


Well-Known Member
its to do with history great britain would not be great britain if it was not for our royalty our kings put armys together to protect the U.K from invading forces, may be where you live you dont have much history or if you do its only 200 years old:lol: are you not proud of where you come from? millions of people from all round the world go to london just to stand out side the Queens house that brings in millions to the uk economy.

the sun never sets on the british empire you can thank royalty for that, without it we would own fuck all!

Dude come off it. Everyone hates Brittan. Even brittish folk.


New Member
History is just that...history. Britannia is long gone, but obviously not forgotten. Only the imprint of its colonialism has been left as an echo upon the unfortunate nations to come under the thumb of it.

out. :blsmoke:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
where to start ahaha ok so the gifts were a bit piss poor but hey who really cares, you think the queens bothered?! you think obama is bothered the impression the gifts leave ? colonial times are gone but some only just recently we only gave back hong kong and australia in the last few years.

the more pressing and important issue is that once again the usa's economy is coming to the aid of the world/uk in a time of need and the f@cking french and germans are looking after their own. what makes me sick is that brown/blair and the labour party have shafted us into europe where now most of our laws are made and we the british cant say shit about it.


Well-Known Member
the best weed u see in england is the stuff u grow yourself. thats why i grow.... its either damp/mouldy/contaminated/under weight or harvested to early providing u with a 2 minit stonage if that.
sometimes some nice kush/bubble gum/white rhino and afghan stuff about but but like once a month if your lucky and even that when checked under the micro looks to have benn harvested to early.
maybee i smoke 2 much(if thers such a thing) but british green dont do it 4 me

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
im british and britain is shite simple as that. id rather live in the states
go and move over there then whats stopping you? get cought with a small bit of weed and get thrown in jail, you need to go to hospital you have to pay to be seen. you think the US is that grate??? they are worse off than the UK! The debt in America should've stayed in America.

i agree the UK as gone to shit, but so as every other country we are in a global recession.


Well-Known Member
go and move over there then whats stopping you? get cought with a small bit of weed and get thrown in jail. you think the US is that grate??? they are worse off than the UK! The debt in America should've stayed in America.

i agree the UK as gone to shit, but so as every other country we are in a global recession.
They have 4,000,000 cameras in the UK doing surveillance on cities night and day. He may get thrown in jail over a small amount of bud, but at least there wont be premature intervention based on over zealous police who have nothing better to do than spy on the populous.