I'm sorry Great Britain.


Well-Known Member
Who cares its a dumb story I have flung plenty controllers across the room breaking them. Sounds like you need one o these :joint:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
back on track...

Brown and Obama have some scarry that shit lies a head! you though bush and blair was bad? watch these 2 cunts together! Brown is the worst prime minister the UK has ever had ( other than thacher) lets hope he stays clear of brown for his own sake!


Well-Known Member
Dude you said theres a better chance of winning the lottery than breaking a TV with a game controller that you swing around constantly while playing it..........

Thanks for the good laugh though

I appreciate it :hump:


Well-Known Member
all are prime minister needs is a fat slap in the face and be booted out of office the one eyed scottish twat should just fuck off.

(No offence to the scots you all great)

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Dude you said theres a better chance of winning the lottery than breaking a TV with a game controller that you swing around constantly while playing it..........

Thanks for the good laugh though

I appreciate it :hump:
no i said
LOL wake the fuck up :sleep:
and you think 1000's and 1000s of times this has happend? what are you? some sort of handicap that can not hold a controler in your hands and let it go? never mind the chances of someone video recording it at the precise moment you let go + it hit's and smashes the TV what are the odds in that happening??? and then to talk to someone on the net on a forum that you are one who its happend to?

you have more chance winning the lottery than finding someone who this sort of thing actually happend to.
thats o.k i get a bigger laugh out of the fatct you belive all the shit you are told:lol:

m8 put me aginst you in a IQ test you will lose ill put money on it:dunce: you are thick as dog shit.


Well-Known Member
no i said
thats o.k i get a bigger laugh out of the fatct you belive all the shit you are told:lol:

m8 put me aginst you in a IQ test you will lose ill put money on it:dunce: you are thick as dog shit.

You don't know me, first of all, and listen up.

I NEVER said I believed it all but I did say I can easily see how it happened

Pull your head out of your asshole.
But you're right, you are smarter than me because you said so......:roll:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member

You don't know me, first of all, and listen up.

I NEVER said I believed it all but I did say I can easily see how it happened

Pull your head out of your asshole.
But you're right, you are smarter than me because you said so......:roll:
that's an intelligent response? good bye! *waves good bye* see you later fool :dunce:
whats difference between a ass hole and a arse hole? look it up if you want to speak proper english.:finger: LOL

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
name 1 war America as won on its own with out the u.k help? for fuck sake do not bring world war 1 and 2 ill shoot you down trust me ! dont go there if you wont to be un happy with what in i will tell you. the UK is good at war we have been doing it for 1000s of years you have been doing it for 200 years thats why you ask us for help!

small little county like we are? fuck with us you will all die LOL we have just as much nukes as you!


Well-Known Member
that's an intelligent response? good bye! *waves good bye* see you later fool :dunce:
whats difference between a ass hole and a arse hole? look it up if you want to speak proper english.:finger: LOL

LOL I love it when people try to correct my grammar and say things like that.

try an ass hole vs an arse hole

But you're right intelligence and grammar are definitely your strong suits.


Well-Known Member
yea well maybe obama thought the slave ship pen holder was offencive. i kno i would wtf would he want with a pen holder made out of the same shit that thousands upon thousands of slaves lost their lives? thats like giving someone of jewish decent a shower head from the gas chambers. thats fucked up man. the old bastard is lucky he got fuckin movies. if it was me i would of took the pen holder and hit him over the fuckin face with it. then i would of spat on the queen for letting him give that shit to me.
When Prime Minister Gordon Brown called on President Barack Obama, he came bearing gifts: a pen holder carved from the timbers of HMS Gannet, a sister ship of the HMS Resolute, from which the "Resolute Desk" in the Oval Office was fashioned; the framed commissioning certificate for HMS Resolute; and a first edition seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill by Sir Martin Gilbert.



Well-Known Member
and America would know all about bringing black slaves over on boats wouldnt they?:dunce:

and it was not a slave ship it was an Anti slave ship do you know what the difference is between a slave ship and an Anti slave ship?

now a lot of thought went in to that gift september the 11th= anti slave ship that tryed to put an end to slavory wich affected obama's family at some point in time.

read much?:dunce:

its actually an incredibly well thought out gift. the first man of african decent to lead our nation and a pen made from timbers of a vessel that helped start the movement that WAY down the line resulted in his presidency.
oh my bad, i didnt even see the ani slave ship thing. but reguardless, why is his color always the most important thing? why didnt the prime minister give him like a life time supply of tea or some shit? why is his race that so important to people. i mean dont get me wrong its good to see america changing its old ways and wtvr. and it makes me a very proud american. BUT, that does not mean that we should love him or hate him BECAUSE he is black. judge him on the work he does for this country, and the world. obveously the prime minister judges him on his color because if not, he would of never gave him anything that involved slaves in the first place. he is a president, not a civil rights leader. a civil rights leader would of loved that gift because that involves the work that he or she does. Obama just wants to be looked at as any other president. and people keep throwing down the race card. but yea obamas gift was crappy and it made the country look kinda bad.......but the prime minister made himself look like an asshole. take it how u like it.


New Member
It's pretty clear that Obama is an economic NIGHTMARE for the US, but I thought at LEAST he wouldn't botch up the social graces of the high office. WRONG!!!

We thought we were getting Jed Clampett? We got jethro Bodine....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Dude,its the significance of the desk and his ancestry....do you still not get it?
It was a meticulously planned gift with great thought given to it...Your man obama is too ignorant to even aknowledge it.He probably didnt even get it tbh....

I'm bailin this thread guys..its been fun i must say :)


New Member
Obama is actually not in charge. Did you see where Mrs. obama put her arm around the Queen's waist? Lawdy... surely they were told.... which means what... so far England has received nothing but DISRESPECT from our new president. Obama is an embarrassment. I for one APOLOGIZE. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
americans and english should not be fighting each other definitly not on this site lets face were all one religon, race, nation STONERS! we gotta work together to fight the powers that be (in the words of public enemy) cuz lets face it the way are so called leaders are acting were heading down a long and dark road of depresion and poverty wich will take a long time to recover from