I'm sick from smoking some contaminant in my BHO

Good question is how much, and how regularly do you drink alcohol? I used to work with a guy who was seemingly healthy, and one day out of know where he had a seizeure, and afterwards had many of the symptoms you do. Long story short it turns out it was from alcohol withdrawl. I didn't even know the guy drank a lot. Apparently with some people it doesn't take much. Not saying it is the same as you got, but I can guarantee you it was not the bho. Butane can easily be broken down by the human body with no to little side effects. Unfortunately you are not as healthy as you previously thought. Sorry to hear you are having health problems. Nothing more important than good health, and family.
Sorry no I couldn't because I smoked all of it:/ I wish I knew ... I know for a fact it had something in it either butane and other stuff or something because like everyone said I've smoked dabs and bud before this and never had this problem at all an I love to smoke and take dabs.

So you kept smoking the stuff that was making you seriously ill so you didn't have enough for analysis. That's convenient.
Sorry no I couldn't because I smoked all of it:/ I wish I knew ... I know for a fact it had something in it either butane and other stuff or something because like everyone said I've smoked dabs and bud before this and never had this problem at all an I love to smoke and take dabs.

So you happened to have this issue after smoking the last of your 7 grams? I call troll. Show me some discharge papers from the er.
troll thread.

he can't see, or have feeling in his body and his first idea is to start an account on an mj forum and post paragraph posts about his "experience"

Yeah im quite skeptical..... cant see , cant hear, cant talk...... But sure as hell CAN type. Seems to me this whole post is fabricated. Shit like this cracks me up.
Ok everyone I'm not here to bash on anyone or anything . I just want to put my story out there . So here it goes. I'm 19 healthy , work out too. Never had any health issues. Ok so let me stay . I got quarter of dabs. I didn't know if they were bad. Smoked them chronically for a week i never coughed and I know there big dab hits least a pee size . 5 times a day. All of the sudden I started getting burning sensation I'n my heart and chest. I knew there was something wrong I stopped right away when I noticed this but it's to late. I have been hospital 4 times now, lost feeling in whole body, can't hear. Can't see. Can't taste right at all now. My skin is crawling and tingling and burning all the time now. Too .I'm dizzy and balance is off bad headaches. I'm just hear to tell u guys there was butane in the dabs and now I'm screwed up. Just don't want anyone else to go through what I am. It really sucks and I have no idea how to help myself. So there u go proof if u don't know what's in ur stuff or know how it's made I wouldn't do it. Have a blessed day everyone!

The best part is him doing pea size dabs
all week and no caughing.
Maybe it was cookie dough?
Sorry about your mishap, but if the Doctors don't know what's wrong with you, you don't. You think the Butane in the bho u did hurt you. More than likely it did. Did you make the bho? I wont buy bho from a dispensary, they put fragrance and shit in the bho. All my friends say I make the best butter. Most people I know who do dabs only do it every once in awhile, like before I go to bed or something. I like smoking my good weed and smoking bho all the time will increase ur tolerance. Plus u are 19 years old. My god dude! Slow down, I have been smoking weed for 30 years. I cant remember what happin 10 minutes ago, but I just give it an hour and the short term memory loss wears off and I remember what it is I needed, ANOTHER BONG HIT!
this thread is all the proof I need, dabs must be banned. it must have been some of that extract dr sanjay gupta mentioned contained over half it's weight in pesticide, if that's even possible (I doubt it) that would be really bad for you...
this thread is all the proof I need, dabs must be banned. it must have been some of that extract dr sanjay gupta mentioned contained over half it's weight in pesticide, if that's even possible (I doubt it) that would be really bad for you...

Oh for fucks sake! The OP was trolling.
Dude u guys have no idea what I'm going though. I've seen the hospital 5 times u really want to see the papers ? I have all of them and doctor visit to. It's not that I can't see or hear it's that it comes ad goes. I have extreme depression and lack of energy on too of that my whole body can't feel things they took blood and I didn't even feel the needle ! I'm not bashing on dabs like I starte this thread to inform people that it could have a chemical or pesticide in it that did this too me cause it's not from weed I know for a fact. It was a bad batch and now I'm screwed . Please understand I'm not trolling guys I'm serious and don't want people to go through what I am.
Dude u guys have no idea what I'm going though. I've seen the hospital 5 times u really want to see the papers ? I have all of them and doctor visit to. It's not that I can't see or hear it's that it comes ad goes. I have extreme depression and lack of energy on too of that my whole body can't feel things they took blood and I didn't even feel the needle ! I'm not bashing on dabs like I starte this thread to inform people that it could have a chemical or pesticide in it that did this too me cause it's not from weed I know for a fact. It was a bad batch and now I'm screwed . Please understand I'm not trolling guys I'm serious and don't want people to go through what I am.

We get it.
Somking butane and pesticide is dumb.
Thats why we dont do it.

Just in case you don't know.
Don't drink and drive
my uncle did it and after the crash
somehow the beer made him retarded.

Did you drink n drive?
Dude u guys have no idea what I'm going though. I've seen the hospital 5 times u really want to see the papers ? I have all of them and doctor visit to. It's not that I can't see or hear it's that it comes ad goes. I have extreme depression and lack of energy on too of that my whole body can't feel things they took blood and I didn't even feel the needle ! I'm not bashing on dabs like I starte this thread to inform people that it could have a chemical or pesticide in it that did this too me cause it's not from weed I know for a fact. It was a bad batch and now I'm screwed . Please understand I'm not trolling guys I'm serious and don't want people to go through what I am.

what you are going through is nothing to do with smoking cannabis, but smoking some kind of contaminant. Either acknowledge that, or just admit you are trolling.

Hey, i poured some bleach into my OJ, oh shit, i'm sick, OJ must be poisonous!
Dude u guys have no idea what I'm going though. I've seen the hospital 5 times u really want to see the papers ? I have all of them and doctor visit to. It's not that I can't see or hear it's that it comes ad goes. I have extreme depression and lack of energy on too of that my whole body can't feel things they took blood and I didn't even feel the needle ! I'm not bashing on dabs like I starte this thread to inform people that it could have a chemical or pesticide in it that did this too me cause it's not from weed I know for a fact. It was a bad batch and now I'm screwed . Please understand I'm not trolling guys I'm serious and don't want people to go through what I am.

ok just for s&g...what dispensary did you get it from? name date time and vendor should be provided. If you really care about everyone elses' health. Also go ahead and put your own personal info up. You have nothing to hide? Sounds like death is upon you...and I hope not.

but if I got some seriously bad stuff like that I would give ALL the details.

So I will give you the benefit of a doubt for now.If you are really sick I hope you get better. and if you are trolling you will probably die a slow painful death someday....that's messed up.