I'm sick from smoking some contaminant in my BHO


New Member
Ok everyone I'm not here to bash on anyone or anything . I just want to put my story out there . So here it goes. I'm 19 healthy , work out too. Never had any health issues. Ok so let me stay . I got quarter of dabs. I didn't know if they were bad. Smoked them chronically for a week i never coughed and I know there big dab hits least a pee size . 5 times a day. All of the sudden I started getting burning sensation I'n my heart and chest. I knew there was something wrong I stopped right away when I noticed this but it's to late. I have been hospital 4 times now, lost feeling in whole body, can't hear. Can't see. Can't taste right at all now. My skin is crawling and tingling and burning all the time now. Too .I'm dizzy and balance is off bad headaches. I'm just hear to tell u guys there was butane in the dabs and now I'm screwed up. Just don't want anyone else to go through what I am. It really sucks and I have no idea how to help myself. So there u go proof if u don't know what's in ur stuff or know how it's made I wouldn't do it. Have a blessed day everyone!
Yeah I know but it's not hospital can't find anything wrong no blood clots or anything, they did check a lot of stuff. So for now it's related to the dabs I never had this till them. And thank for the reply
I know dabs aren't that bad for u if there made correctly . But if not then they are truly bad for ur health. So I just think I got bad dabs for sure. And trust me guys I love to smoke them and tree but now I've stopped everything just to help out my health.
Ok everyone I'm not here to bash on anyone or anything . I just want to put my story out there . So here it goes. I'm 19 healthy , work out too. Never had any health issues. Ok so let me stay . I got quarter of dabs. I didn't know if they were bad. Smoked them chronically for a week i never coughed and I know there big dab hits least a pee size . 5 times a day. All of the sudden I started getting burning sensation I'n my heart and chest. I knew there was something wrong I stopped right away when I noticed this but it's to late. I have been hospital 4 times now, lost feeling in whole body, can't hear. Can't see. Can't taste right at all now. My skin is crawling and tingling and burning all the time now. Too .I'm dizzy and balance is off bad headaches. I'm just hear to tell u guys there was butane in the dabs and now I'm screwed up. Just don't want anyone else to go through what I am. It really sucks and I have no idea how to help myself. So there u go proof if u don't know what's in ur stuff or know how it's made I wouldn't do it. Have a blessed day everyone!

You've stopped taking them and still have these problems? I've never heard of anything from cannabis capable of having these effects after you've stopped consuming. There is nothing about butane that should do that either.

If this was caused by dabs, then there was something in them that shouldn't be. Not even sure what type of solvent could cause what you're describing. Even if it was a denatured alcohol I doubt you could ingest enough of it though dabs to cause that.
This doesn't prove dabs are bad for you, if anything it proves that butane is bad for you and that's freaking obvious. You don't even know for sure what caused your alleged problems. If you smoke under purged bho then you that's your problem, but people that care about what they are making aren't pumping out contaminated products. This just seems like a fear mongering post. Honestly, I'm not even into dabs as much as straight flowers. I just think you're off the mark on this one.
Yeah I stopped them for sure and still have these problems it's been like 2-3 weeks and still having them. The doctors can't find anything wrong with me with all there test's. And I know it wasn't the cannibis in the dabs I know weed wont do that. I was just trying to say that the dabs could have had something In them that did this to me.
Yeah I stopped them for sure and still have these problems it's been like 2-3 weeks and still having them. The doctors can't find anything wrong with me with all there test's. And I know it wasn't the cannibis in the dabs I know weed wont do that. I was just trying to say that the dabs could have had something In them that did this to me.

Well yes, it certainly wasn't cannabis. It also wasn't butane. It sounds like the effects of drinking methanol, but I don't see how that's possible. Even if some idiot is making concentrates through denatured alcohol I don't see how it's possible for you to smoke enough of it without noticing. The OSHA safety rating on it would be 2000 parts per million. Meaning that the dabs you were smoking would have had to been in liquid form and would have smelled terribly.

Also you would think that any doctor would have been able to easily pick up on it if it was that obvious.

Ok i can edit the title if possible for u guys I wasn't trying to mislead anyone . I'm sorry I was just trying to make a point that dabs could be bad if made wrong which in my case they were . Most likely . Like I said though guys I'm not trying to make dabs look bad . I know there good for u and wouldn't harm u if done correctly. I am a huge 420 fan and would love to keep going but I can't.
Ok i can edit the title if possible for u guys I wasn't trying to mislead anyone . I'm sorry I was just trying to make a point that dabs could be bad if made wrong which in my case they were . Most likely . Like I said though guys I'm not trying to make dabs look bad . I know there good for u and wouldn't harm u if done correctly. I am a huge 420 fan and would love to keep going but I can't.

Did you take some of the dabs into the hospital with you? If that's what is causing it then you probably should. RIU is a terrible place to go for medical advice.

This shouldn't be possible with bho. If something you were smoking did this to you then you should find out what was really in it.
Sorry no I couldn't because I smoked all of it:/ I wish I knew ... I know for a fact it had something in it either butane and other stuff or something because like everyone said I've smoked dabs and bud before this and never had this problem at all an I love to smoke and take dabs.
Sorry no I couldn't because I smoked all of it:/ I wish I knew ... I know for a fact it had something in it either butane and other stuff or something because like everyone said I've smoked dabs and bud before this and never had this problem at all an I love to smoke and take dabs.

It certainly wasn't butane. Those aren't effects of butane ingestion.