I'm on Ukraine's side but they are Racist.

I think there's a difference to the extent they can influence others. The world's all weird now, that pizzagate shit broke my faith in humanity, but I just don't see the flat earth type conspiracy people as an issue. The views are to silly to gain traction, the ideas don't hit a wide enough audience to connect with a dangerous person that could act on them if that makes sense.

We are pretty dumb though so eh...who knows, I think I might revisit my view.
yeah, i thought the same thing about qanon and pizzagate, before it became apparent there were a LOT more ignorant/stupid/insane people than i thought there were...if there is some way the qop can franchise flat earth shit into their "platform", they will, more idiots voting for you is still more votes, and they've already proven that shame is not a motivating factor in their behavior.
Watched 22 min in 5, amazing
Tell us the part about deamons having sex with people in their dreams.
ok Neo, all the independently owned news outlets in the world are all willing partners in a scheme to keep us all ignorant of the truth...like you can get three people to agree to a fucking thing, much less several hundred. apparently they all go investigate shit that didn't happen, then they get together to write their made up stories about non events... :roll:
i don't quite understand "where you live and who built the shits."....care to elaborate? are you just implying that every single one of us are ignorant of our own histories, or are you implying that we live on a flat earth administered by aliens or subterranean mole people?
i like to know the level of insanity i'm replying to.
if you're implying that we're ignorant of our own history, i'd like you to explain how? you aren't the only person capable or interested enough to do some independent research...and it becomes more apparent each day that you aren't the only one gullible enough to buy into Qanon bullshit, sadly.
so are you a little crazy? or a lot crazy? help me craft a meaningful reply :D
He's Qrazy. ;-)
Challenge the narrative and your alerts go crazy lol. Walt Disney, and nasa worked together to depict space to indoctrinate you so you will blindly have these fights and beleive in their ball. How could it ever be possible to be chasing the sun thru ever expanding space, corkscrewing around it while we chase it, rotating on a axis, doing millions of miles in speed between these things. Yet our stars are exactly the same forever? We perceive no movement? Your telling me if we go a half a mile apart and measure the distance between the bottoms of a buildings then the top that the top will be further apart \ / because they are on a ball? And your also telling me that water is higher in the middle than at the shores cuz it's a ball? All these have been proven lies do some research
Fucking magnets - how do they work?
This is about the most factual thing I could find on the lizard people that run our country and telepathically control things like in firestarter. And by the way this is my morning read daily. please don’t judge it’s very informative and truthful you will not find anything more truthful you’ll see everybody agrees very helpful
if the birds aren't real.....what are they serving at KFC?...... :o
does that mean colonel Sanders is a lizard person?
Birds aren't real is millennial ridicule of conspiracy theories and started as a bit of a joke, these stupid fucks will believe anything, so give them something harmless to play with... :lol:

I might just dream up a few harmless conspiracies to displace the more harmful ones.

Ok, any suggestions for some new harmless conspiracy theories to keep the simple minded busy and out of trouble?
Exactly. Who built these things, with what technology in what time. Why all the mud to move? Why such amazing building next to mud roads? How were cities like San Francisco built out to such glory so fast? Why are all the amazing buildings buried stories deep? Why are so many buildings"found"ed not constructed? How is this the same story absolutely everywhere once you look? How is the same architecture all over the world in every country? Why all the insane asylums?

i guess im saying you live in a reset inherited world. History is mostly fake, and your blind. God bless and good luck. View attachment 5129953View attachment 5129957View attachment 5129958View attachment 5129959View attachment 5129960View attachment 5129961View attachment 5129962View attachment 5129963View attachment 5129964

Sorry to chime in but I read all your posts last to first and I agree with all of it. It’s all fake. Space, history, boobs…..all fake.

but you wrote “your” instead of “you’re” in this one post. It should be “you’re blind” (which they are man - they’re all totally fucking blind)

everything else was flawless. Carry on.
Oh man, that 4% of people believing in flat earth is going to bother me for a while. I hope they were just being smart asses.

Just...ahhhhhh.....this is why the world can't get better. Looking back at conversations with random people when they slipped something in, I thought it was a joke.
My cousins both work in the blast dept, for nasa in edwards afb. working with rockets and blast charges or some shit. I also have friends who work in administration. And I live 20-25 min from nasa socal on base. The earths round you crack. Put the meth down and get some sleep. Flat earth. Lmfao that’s 2016 talk. Lmao. Where you been.
Every test done to prove curve has proven flat. Can't see curve from a hot air balloon, from a commercial flight, can't see curve from the red bull space jump, can't see curve from 60 some miles up when that billionaire just went 60 miles up. So Neil from nasa admits it, says you can't see the curve from 60 miles up.... so how high do you gotta go to see this 6 inches a mile curve? I'm confused. Lots of talk with no facts from yall. Ships dont disappear over curvs, lasers go hundres of miles straight, do some reading. Its flat sorry. Flat earth was taught in the united states till the 20s, find a 120 year old person and ask what they were taught in school. Pop that bubble. You'll be better off. All your historic Characters are fiction, half the maps were injected to look like the ball theory been around since the 1500s in actuality it all started with the Roman catholic church in the 1920. I have the facts, been down this hole for a long time. Attack me, whatever, it's all good I'm just throwing it out there for those that wanna wake up.

God bless you all
I'm ready for fish eye lenses photos lol, before you send pictures try comparing the ground pictures to space for the red bull jump look how the curve already there and stays the same while they go up
Every test done to prove curve has proven flat. Can't see curve from a hot air balloon, from a commercial flight, can't see curve from the red bull space jump, can't see curve from 60 some miles up when that billionaire just went 60 miles up. So Neil from nasa admits it, says you can't see the curve from 60 miles up.... so how high do you gotta go to see this 6 inches a mile curve? I'm confused. Lots of talk with no facts from yall. Ships dont disappear over curvs, lasers go hundres of miles straight, do some reading. Its flat sorry. Flat earth was taught in the united states till the 20s, find a 120 year old person and ask what they were taught in school. Pop that bubble. You'll be better off. All your historic Characters are fiction, half the maps were injected to look like the ball theory been around since the 1500s in actuality it all started with the Roman catholic church in the 1920. I have the facts, been down this hole for a long time. Attack me, whatever, it's all good I'm just throwing it out there for those that wanna wake up.

God bless you all
no it hasn't, how can you believe this preposterous horseshit? why do you believe this preposterous horseshit? this is the one question none of you can answer without pulling out the lizard people and plasma beings...WHY? why would they want us to think the world is round? what possible purpose would it serve? what fucking difference does it make? it's the object we inhabit in space...does it fucking matter if its a plane, a sphere, a rhomboid, a tetrahedron? what possible advantage could they derive from making us think the world is other than it is?
and here is an interesting psychological point...EVERY government on the planet is in on it? you seriously expect every government to agree to this lie? you expect EVERY government to agree to the same thing, unilaterally? you can't get three world governments to agree that water is wet....but ALL of them not only go along with this, they have done so FOR AS LONG AS THERE HAVE BEEN PEOPLE TO BE GOVERNED, with not one slip, not one dissenter, not one rebel making public statements to the contrary?
let me guess, that's where the lizard people come in...they posses every politician on the planet for the rest of their lives, to keep them from revealing the "truth" to the rest of the world...
one of us is at least semi sane, and one of us is a fucking naive fool...why don't we ask the lizard people, whose very existence is supposed to be a top secret, what they think?