I'm on Ukraine's side but they are Racist.

You need a hug big guy. It’s not coming from me though. This makes 22 posts … biiiaaatch. Thank you

yeah, no....pull the fire hydrant sized plug out of your butthole, i haven't had any fucks to give since before you were born, snotnose...on ignore you go, and stay...that's the wonderful thing about the internet, i CAN make you shut up with no effort at all. :lol:
bitch got 25 posts, probably all of them in politics...fuck a sock, fuck a troll, fuck that bitch
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I’m waiting for the “part 2, flat earth explained” thread. It’s gonna be great for the morning coffee read. Also if my stepdaughter eats a fly for $10 does that mean she’s a reptilian? Asking for a friend, and to clarify it was $10 Canadian so like $3.00 for you rich as fuck Americans :finger: