I'm on Ukraine's side but they are Racist.

Opinions with out knowledge are a recipe for stupidity and you have repeatedly demonstrated that here. A theory must be falsifiable and is repeatedly tested by experiment or observation. It is a human process with competition and rivalry too that helps to get to the root of the matter and keeps things honest. A theory like natural selection is accepted until something that fits the facts better comes along, or it is modified as understanding and knowledge are deepened. Gravity is a theory too, you should find a high place and test the math of 9.8m/s/s , you won't need calculus either.
Gravity is a theory your right. The real physic is called density. Things rise or fall based on their relative density to their surroundings. No gravity involved
Put him on ignore, if the idiot bothers you. I don't really argue as much as ridicule them, I don't ignore anybody, its interesting to see what passes for crazy these days, now that they closed the state hospitals.

I don't hesitate to ignore Trumpers, trolls, socks and the delusional. They're only here because of all the people that keep taking the bait.

Bye bye false ProPhet.
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I'm confused.

Put a bandaid on that butthole of yours. Should do the trick. I have zero fucks to give tough guy. Move along.

how would you know either of those things? you wouldn't...so you're running off at the mouth...isn't the internet a wonderful thing? shit heel coward neck beards can act like they're real men and insult people without fear of getting their lips mashed into what few teeth the meth left them...
Put a bandaid on that butthole of yours. Should do the trick. I have zero fucks to give tough guy. Move along.
yeah, no....pull the fire hydrant sized plug out of your butthole, i haven't had any fucks to give since before you were born, snotnose...on ignore you go, and stay...that's the wonderful thing about the internet, i CAN make you shut up with no effort at all. :lol:
bitch got 25 posts, probably all of them in politics...fuck a sock, fuck a troll, fuck that bitch