Well-Known Member
No you don't, you hate them too, just be honest, you hate poor people, which is why you make brash generalizations and frequently delve into racism.I feel for the children
No you don't, you hate them too, just be honest, you hate poor people, which is why you make brash generalizations and frequently delve into racism.I feel for the children
You're probably right. But I think paying them 5k or so to give up the ability to reproduce is not enough and would me immoral.
Maybe 5k (double tax refund) for a reversible birth control measure. Like implanting something.
But a perminant procedure is worth more than 5k.
So you're saying that your genetics are not able to thrive. hahahaha you're weak and unfit.
I feel for the children, they have no say or means of providing for themselves. Its the adults we need to cut off and fund a meat wagon for.
It needs to go as far as controlling what foods ebt is used for, among other things. Its not for fun, it should be for healthy survival. Do you think adults would be selling EBT credits for cash when all you could buy is the essentials needed for a healthy diet? No one is going to trade dope for grain. This way the kids are taken care of in a healthy fashion (no boxed processed garbage and soda drinks for their lazy parents to throw at them) and it takes the potential "benefits" of qualifying for assistance away and turns it into what it should be, a healthy survival.
poors should only eat grains. I guess they can go grind it down at the neighbor hood mill if they want flour. lulz
poors should only eat grains. I guess they can go grind it down at the neighbor hood mill if they want flour. lulz
assume? you're the one said your family can't compete against the poors. lmao you're weak. between my wife and I we are paying somewhere in the ball park of 500 dollars a week in taxes. But then again we are ballers who came out of poverty and can thrive in any system thrown at us. You're complaining like a little bitch.If it makes you feel better, you can totally assume this. Have a great day.
I am not saying the children should not be taken care of. We have a handful of layers of government. I am saying the federal government needs to get out of these programs. Send the money to the states. Why do people take for granted the federal government is better at dealing with all of this stuff?
so you hate the poors but you're the one grinding flour. Ok broke ass.Wife and I grind our own, whats wrong with that? We can the shit out of everything we can get our hands on, too.
I can't remember the last time we bought flour.
I guess he doesn't know about the negative correlation between racism and cognitive function established by science.perm-a-n-e-nt.. Learned that in 3rd grade spelling.. No more acting like you're so damn intelligent..
Silver spoon doesn't always = brains.
Oh what a bleeding heart liberal you've turned into. The tables are turning.Nice nickname you have for poor people. Poor is not a disease, it does not have to be permanent.
so you hate the poors but you're the one grinding flour. Ok broke ass.
I agree. I didn't realize we were talking about the feds running the program.
Definitely one of those broke ass poors. I'm gonna send you an @ home castration kit.I dont have a tv in my house, either. You may assume its because I'm a broke ass.
The reality is that more jobs are needed, that is the only thing that will change the situation for good. What again I am frustrated about is that the producers in this country are under assault every day, maligned and envied and on the other hand the demand for subsidies for the poor has never been louder. Why be a producer and evil when you can just sit back and be a consumer?? The trend is in the wrong direction.
I feel for the children, they have no say or means of providing for themselves. Its the adults we need to cut off and fund a meat wagon for.
It needs to go as far as controlling what foods ebt is used for, among other things. Its not for fun, it should be for healthy survival. Do you think adults would be selling EBT credits for cash when all you could buy is the essentials needed for a healthy diet? No one is going to trade dope for grain. This way the kids are taken care of in a healthy fashion (no boxed processed garbage and soda drinks for their lazy parents to throw at them) and it takes the potential "benefits" of qualifying for assistance away and turns it into what it should be, a healthy survival.
Oh what a bleeding heart liberal you've turned into. The tables are turning.