I'm not racist because

Limiting these circumstances would be good, but only if we are teaching them to catch their own fish. Right now we are teaching people its okay to be on welfare for an extended duration of time just because they are in need for whatever the reason. If you fall, welfare should be a pick me up til you get back going again, but for way too many its a career path.

Kids dont have a choice or the means. We as a society need to feed, educate and keep them healthy in hopes of breaking the cycle.

Freedom and liberty have nothing to do with handouts. You aren't entitled to free shit.

If you are unable to care for yourself, why continue the downward spiral by having children?

I'd pay willing parties a lump sum for their ability to reproduce as part of our welfare program. Its a win for them and for society in the long run.

by all means............then those kids can grow up to be wage and tax slaves to the real welfare queens..........corporate america.

brilliant spanky
What productive activity do you plan on doing today? Was waking up and realizing you were wasting your life on a pot message board put piss in your cheerio's this morning??

Where will you be in 5 years?

And you think calling me a dumbfuck makes a difference? ROFLMO!!!

in 5 yrs you'll still be borrowing $20 for gas from your wife to get to your one customer a week "business" while posting stupid shit on a pot msg board
The federal overseer was supposed to have a few specific functions along with regulating trade between the states. It was also in charge of the border and the military. Now, the federal government doesnt want to do border patrol anymore apparently. Using the commerce clause, the federal government has wormed it's way into every aspect of our lives.

And we need a federal overseer to protect us against all the other overseers that want to oversee us.

So we need a coercion based entity to protect us so we won't fall prey to a coercion based entity ?


Right, just keep repeating that bs about how I can't answer a loaded question, when in reality, you can't understand the answer because of your cognitive dissonance. "Free market" is oxymoronic because privatization requires gov't.

You mean if the US gov't commits the greatest genocide in history in order to privatize it?

No, why do you WITH EVERY FUCKING POST SO VIGOROUSLY champion forced segregation?

Except, your argument is easily defeated, here let me show you...

A free market is freedom of the individual(s) to interact. It involves choice of the individual to engage or not, as long as the other party that is being engaged is involved on a consenting basis.

I think you are confused what I mean when I say free market, I am not referring to the faux "free markets" that are alleged to exist today.

For you and I to engage in free market activity, no government is needed, you have a bag of cheetohs that I value, I have an autographed photo of Lysander Spooner that you value, we consensually make the exchange and we both benefit. No government involved. Your assertion has been refuted.

I don't champion forced segregation, I oppose FORCED interactions. It takes two to decide if a human interaction is valuable. If ONE party or the OTHER decides they prefer not to engage, you would use force to make the interaction happen, I would not. Your other assertion has been rebutted.

So, you gonna share those Cheetohs or what Commie?