I'm not racist because

450 a day... for 1/2 a days work. I am not bragging I am trying to tell people that they can make money at their own businesses.

This week is looking at over $1000 right now and there is potential for $2000.
your maths not adding up bro. if you were making 900 a day you wouldn't be here. 1000 for a week doesn't equal 900 a day. I make money at my own business. I am the american dream. I grew up on food stamps and worked my way into self efficiency. Your ideas about pulling yourself up by your boot straps aren't real though. They don't apply to all people. I'm a 6'5 blue eyed good ol boy. It's easy for me to get work. My friend who's black has already been pulled over 5 times for being in a white neighborhood early in the morning on his way to take care of some of their yards.He even has a nicer truck and trailer than me but I don't get the same problems. Things aren't as open and cut as you make them seem. Idk man it's easy to sit up on a throne and look down upon all the other people. Your boy thick stemz was just complaining about helping out families with sick kids. Idk where that kind of mentality comes from. Is there seriously no compassion left at all in society? It's fucking nutty now days. As an american you should want to give resources to help out your community and get as many people prospering as possible because we are on the same team when it all comes down to it. Your thc levels are low you need to get some real weed in your system because there is no damn way that someone that has great dope is this concerned about people who have pretty much zero effect upon your life.
You asked me what I liked about Trump. I said building a wall. Building a wall is an action not a policy. I havent looked at nor care about the policy portion of it.

A wall is not a policy.
here I brought some of the web site over for ya. Part of his Immigration reform policy. 3 core points from Donald
1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

your maths not adding up bro. if you were making 900 a day you wouldn't be here. 1000 for a week doesn't equal 900 a day. I make money at my own business. I am the american dream. I grew up on food stamps and worked my way into self efficiency. Your ideas about pulling yourself up by your boot straps aren't real though. They don't apply to all people. I'm a 6'5 blue eyed good ol boy. It's easy for me to get work. My friend who's black has already been pulled over 5 times for being in a white neighborhood early in the morning on his way to take care of some of their yards.He even has a nicer truck and trailer than me but I don't get the same problems. Things aren't as open and cut as you make them seem. Idk man it's easy to sit up on a throne and look down upon all the other people. Your boy thick stemz was just complaining about helping out families with sick kids. Idk where that kind of mentality comes from. Is there seriously no compassion left at all in society? It's fucking nutty now days. As an american you should want to give resources to help out your community and get as many people prospering as possible because we are on the same team when it all comes down to it. Your thc levels are low you need to get some real weed in your system because there is no damn way that someone that has great dope is this concerned about people who have pretty much zero effect upon your life.

Nothing is cut and dried. I make between $280 and $500+ per job and can do up to 2 jobs a day. They come in by phone on a random basis. I cant tell you what I will make by the end of the week because it is not all added in yet. Why wouldnt I be here if I was making 900 in a day? That isnt every day.

As an American I do give to my community regularly. I do not believe the government should take over all charitable giving and turn it into an institution.

What I am concerned about is that the politicians divide the people and get them to fight against each other while the politicians take our wealth and squander it and run up massive debt becasue we are too busy squabbling about the little shit to realize they are about to crash the system. The politicians are unaccountable. Shit, there are stories coming out today about how the Obama White House lied about the Iran deal from the beginning and they are bragging about it. They simply dont care anymore, they have no fear of the people whatsoever.

I am concerned that my nephews are going to have to bear more and more of the burden of a system created long before they could even vote.
What if they didnt better their own position? Do you give them more money after that? When does it end?

It doesn't end, but it limits future generations diving into my pockets and my childrens. One fuck up has 5 kids, and those 5 kids have 5 kids, etc, thats a lot of fuck ups to pay for in the future when a small lump sum could of saved the poisoned tree.
here I brought some of the web site over for ya. Part of his Immigration reform policy. 3 core points from Donald
1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.


You still havent figured out the difference between a policy and a physical wall. I do truly feel sorry for you. Cant help with your disability though.
It doesn't end, but it limits future generations diving into my pockets and my childrens. One fuck up has 5 kids, and those 5 kids have 5 kids, etc, thats a lot of fuck ups to pay for in the future when a small lump sum could of saved the poisoned tree.

How about we dont pay for any of them? Let them figure it out. If having 4 kids is tough maybe the people around them will see that and have less kids.

I vote for less money not more money. Bill Clinton instituted Workfare and it cleaned up the welfare roles and overall increased economic development. Nobody wants to give him credit for that.
You still havent figured out the difference between a policy and a physical wall. I do truly feel sorry for you. Cant help with your disability though.
man you really are this stupid. Let us move on
Do you still think only politicians can have a policy ?
And yet you live in the meth capital of the world, surrounded by trailer parks...

I dont live in AJ. Never said I did. I once said I lived near it and uncle retard made it a fact in his demented mind. You and a few others continue to repeat it like it is gospel. Again, not my problem. But amusing since it shows how much you hate on people in what you consider a lower class than yourself.

I dont hate on trailer park living like you seem to. I dont look down on drug users like you do. I dont feel the need to elevate myself by pushing others down.

Which makes this conversation all the more enjoyable as you seethe in your computer chair. Make up another fantasy story about saving the planet, that first one was wonderful!!
I dont live in AJ. Never said I did. I once said I lived near it and uncle retard made it a fact in his demented mind. You and a few others continue to repeat it like it is gospel. Again, not my problem. But amusing since it shows how much you hate on people in what you consider a lower class than yourself.

I dont hate on trailer park living like you seem to. I dont look down on drug users like you do. I dont feel the need to elevate myself by pushing others down.

Which makes this conversation all the more enjoyable as you seethe in your computer chair. Make up another fantasy story about saving the planet, that first one was wonderful!!

You really ought not to be writing me these long love letters, you're not my type sweet heart.
How about we dont pay for any of them? Let them figure it out. If having 4 kids is tough maybe the people around them will see that and have less kids.

I vote for less money not more money. Bill Clinton instituted Workfare and it cleaned up the welfare roles and overall increased economic development. Nobody wants to give him credit for that.

I feel for the children, they have no say or means of providing for themselves. Its the adults we need to cut off and fund a meat wagon for.

It needs to go as far as controlling what foods ebt is used for, among other things. Its not for fun, it should be for healthy survival. Do you think adults would be selling EBT credits for cash when all you could buy is the essentials needed for a healthy diet? No one is going to trade dope for grain. This way the kids are taken care of in a healthy fashion (no boxed processed garbage and soda drinks for their lazy parents to throw at them) and it takes the potential "benefits" of qualifying for assistance away and turns it into what it should be, a healthy survival.
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