"i'm crazy, and i'm right"

Man, my closets don't have dicks, or mirrors, or any of the hawt new features. I feel underequipped for this brave new century. cn
NLXSK is a GOPer, he feels that trickle down economics have been a success and refuses to start a series of super awesome businesses because obama was elected and gave him a tax break.

he is one of the very few dedicated GOPers on the board. he will even stick up for romney and newt if they get attacked. it's hilarious to watch.

And your..... in the center I would guess. LMAO
are we incapable of making new threads now?

Please stop dredging stuff up from the 1800's of the internet (last month)
i can only speak for myself, but it was kind of deflating to suddenly lose all those threads.

I agree, primarily because now people are just rehashing threads that are older than hell rather than creating new ones and starting something fresh to talk about.
And you wish you were in the closet getting your dick sucked by him...


And like the majority of GOP apologists you likely wish you were the one on your knees in the closet.

Quite a cast the GOP offers us....

Newt The Poisonous Toad


SmuglySelfSanctified Santorum.

I'd rather vote for a clod of DIRT than any of the above or O'Bummer or Pandering Paul.

If your gay, be gay....Fine for you and I have your back being such!

BUT being "FLAMING" gay stands out like me being a "FLAMING" womanizer!

It just does not fit in either life style!

I have MANY gay friends from working live theater and the one thing most of them hate is........... FLAMERS!

What " live theater" were you " working"? Or did you make a mistake and end up in the bathroom at the Castro Theater?
And like the majority of GOP apologists you likely wish you were the one on your knees in the closet.

Quite a cast the GOP offers us....

Newt The Poisonous Toad


SmuglySelfSanctified Santorum.

I'd rather vote for a clod of DIRT than any of the above or O'Bummer or Pandering Paul.

so basically, fuck all the candidates?
I just know in my heart that Santorum is a closet dick sucker.

you know what they say about gayar

Gay men have a 50 percent chance of being left-handed
