"i'm crazy, and i'm right"

Let me introduce you to me:



Once again, I love how straight people try to tell GAY people how we act or how we should act because of a fucking stereotype.

Hey brother... Your a good looking guy, shorts are a little short for my taste! Oops I just said that!

I am not telling you how to be or act, so don't get all offensive....

THIS is more my point! And I have many a great looking gay friends that would agree!

Hey brother... Your a good looking guy, shorts are a little short for my taste! Oops I just said that!

I'm a triathlete. I wear shorts all the time. My point is and was that your stereotype is just that, a stereotype. And for some reason you keep confusing campy with flaming. Must be because of all those gay friends you have hanging around. I bet you have tons of black friends too.
I'm a triathlete. I wear shorts all the time. My point is and was that your stereotype is just that, a stereotype. And for some reason you keep confusing campy with flaming. Must be because of all those gay friends you have hanging around. I bet you have tons of black friends too.

What size ropers do you wear?
I'm a triathlete. I wear shorts all the time. My point is and was that your stereotype is just that, a stereotype. And for some reason you keep confusing campy with flaming. Must be because of all those gay friends you have hanging around. I bet you have tons of black friends too.

I work sound and lighting in live stage theater, so yes many a gay and lesbian FRIENDS... More then once I have ventured out to a gay bar with them and my GF and yes I have seen things most right wingers CRINGE at and even had my ass grabbed by a man! Did my right wing ass shoot him....? Hell I was almost flattered he grabbed mine rather then the rest of the crowd!

And to answer your racist question, I have no black "buds", but I have many black relatives thru marriage and birth and we all enjoy beating up the homies (with words)!
I work sound and lighting in live stage theater, so yes many a gay and lesbian FRIENDS... More then once I have ventured out to a gay bar with them and my GF and yes I have seen things most right wingers CRINGE at and even had my ass grabbed by a man! Did my right wing ass shoot him....? Hell I was almost flattered he grabbed mine rather then the rest of the crowd!

And to answer your racist question, I have no black "buds", but I have many black relatives thru marriage and birth and we all enjoy beating up the homies (with words)!

Just ask him out already.
honestly who gives a shit if people are gay, i think its funny when hardcore right wingers are obviously closet homosexuals but prosecute them at any chance they can. thats truely tragic, its like the sergeant sedanko from the nice dreams. bustin the pot heads balls but doing the same shit himself, they contradict themselves and work against themselves, and live with that in the back of their head while they lie about loving their "normal" family. dont know how many times theyve caught senators going to bath houses and shit. its even more ridiculous when they lie and persecute themselves in hindsight.

i dont give a fuck what people do in their bedrooms, i care about peoples ideas. ive met plenty of normal guys and girls that turn out to be gay but i didnt know, its even more weird when you think a girl was flirting with you but turns out to be a full blown lesbian hahaha.

if theyre flamers though, theyre trying to be gay and get attention, then yes i have something against them and all the obnoxious people in the world.
On April 13, the "rent boy" (whom we'll call Lucien) arrived at Miami International Airport on Iberian Airlines Flight 6123, after a ten-day, fully subsidized trip to Europe. He was soon followed out of customs by an old man with an atavistic mustache and a desperate blond comb-over, pushing an overburdened baggage cart.
That man was George Alan Rekers, of North Miami -- the callboy's client and, as it happens, one of America's most prominent anti-gay activists. Rekers, a Baptist minister who is a leading scholar for the Christian right, left the terminal with his gay escort, looking a bit discomfited when a picture of the two was snapped with a hot-pink digital camera.
Reached by New Times before a trip to Bermuda, Rekers said he learned Lucien was a prostitute only midway through their vacation. "I had surgery," Rekers said, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." (Medical problems didn't stop him from pushing the tottering baggage cart through MIA.)
Yet Rekers wouldn't deny he met his slender, blond escort at Rentboy.com -- which features homepage images of men in bondage and grainy videos of crotch-rubbing twinks -- and Lucien confirmed it.
On April 13, the "rent boy" (whom we'll call Lucien) arrived at Miami International Airport on Iberian Airlines Flight 6123, after a ten-day, fully subsidized trip to Europe. He was soon followed out of customs by an old man with an atavistic mustache and a desperate blond comb-over, pushing an overburdened baggage cart.
That man was George Alan Rekers, of North Miami -- the callboy's client and, as it happens, one of America's most prominent anti-gay activists. Rekers, a Baptist minister who is a leading scholar for the Christian right, left the terminal with his gay escort, looking a bit discomfited when a picture of the two was snapped with a hot-pink digital camera.
Reached by New Times before a trip to Bermuda, Rekers said he learned Lucien was a prostitute only midway through their vacation. "I had surgery," Rekers said, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." (Medical problems didn't stop him from pushing the tottering baggage cart through MIA.)
Yet Rekers wouldn't deny he met his slender, blond escort at Rentboy.com -- which features homepage images of men in bondage and grainy videos of crotch-rubbing twinks -- and Lucien confirmed it.
i think those are the only people that really exist in anti-gay activism, just closet homos