I'm About to Give Up on Cloning


Well-Known Member
I didn't read this entire thread and it probably was mentioned before...

Clone in soil. :)

There is a wonderful video series out called "Sea of Green" by Hans. Check it out.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read this entire thread and it probably was mentioned before...

Clone in soil. :)

There is a wonderful video series out called "Sea of Green" by Hans. Check it out.
My systems are PVC pipes with adjustable flood level collars. The most dirt like medium I could use is perlite because I need and want to stay in hydroponics. I'll check out the video! thx


Well-Known Member
Perlite would probably work....nice and airy. Not sure how difficult it is to keep watered, though.

Maybe perlite + vermiculite? Folks use it for hempy buckets, so it's probably worth a try for cloning. I may give it a go myself just for kicks.


Well-Known Member
OMG!! I now this kind of gayish but I'm so excited! two clones started to root today.. yep white beautiful little thingies sticking out of the stems... the other clones of the same mother are showing progress too, the two top colas I topped have several white bumps in the stem I thought it was stem rot but it just keep filling whitout turning more brownish and the bacteria would've prevented the others from rooting. The SLH clones are nowhere near to show progress and one LSD clone is starting to show white bumbs as well... I'll try to post some pictures to confirm if this are the first roots I grow ^^ even if they die this could be huge progress!


Well-Known Member
There's an alternative to the way you're cloning that is seems most people are unaware of. There's a name for it but unfortunately I can't remember what it's called. Maybe someone else here remembers what it's called? Feel free to chime in.
Here's how I do it: Select a lower branch (it works faster on lowers). Locate a spot on it where there's an inch or more between leaves. Take something sharp like an Xacto knife and shave away part of the outer layer of the branch. (Some have had success shaving a ring around the branch. Myself, I only do it in 2 places, opposite to each other.)
Next put some root hormone on the exposed part(s) and put a wad of soil around it.
Then encase the soil wad in plastic wrap. I just tape it at the top and bottom.
Wait a few days and viola', roots grow.
Cut the clone below the root growth and plant it.
I've had 100% success rate doing it this way vs 0% any other way.


Active Member
I made a aeroponic clone bucket and used RO water, 45 deg cut, slice down the middle, and scraped the outside. 100% success. Didn't ever spray the leaves, use hormone gel or bother with a humidity dome. The room they were in probably was only 30-40% hum at the time. Right now I'm trying clones in PH'd root riot cubes with some hormone gel. Only cause that's how they were given to me, but they get probably 95-100% success with them too.


Active Member
masp84, man i have been growing SLH since they came out and let me tell you they have multiple phenos and clone times vary with those phenos! I have come to expect anywhere from a 14-21 day clone time for my plant. it sucks but i love my SLH....


Well-Known Member
There's an alternative to the way you're cloning that is seems most people are unaware of. There's a name for it but unfortunately I can't remember what it's called. Maybe someone else here remembers what it's called? Feel free to chime in.
Here's how I do it: Select a lower branch (it works faster on lowers). Locate a spot on it where there's an inch or more between leaves. Take something sharp like an Xacto knife and shave away part of the outer layer of the branch. (Some have had success shaving a ring around the branch. Myself, I only do it in 2 places, opposite to each other.)
Next put some root hormone on the exposed part(s) and put a wad of soil around it.
Then encase the soil wad in plastic wrap. I just tape it at the top and bottom.
Wait a few days and viola', roots grow.
Cut the clone below the root growth and plant it.
I've had 100% success rate doing it this way vs 0% any other way.
Yeah, I think that's called air layering. Been wanting to try that myself for a while now.

Good to here it's working for you.


Well-Known Member
masp84, man i have been growing SLH since they came out and let me tell you they have multiple phenos and clone times vary with those phenos! I have come to expect anywhere from a 14-21 day clone time for my plant. it sucks but i love my SLH....
SLH is sweeeeeeet! I'm flowering one and vegging a new mom but according to your info it's normal not to see roots by now so patience is my friend and I'll cross my fingers as well!
2 plants out of 10 are definitly rooting!! this 0 to 20% success rating got me partying all night long. By 3 days they should be established given it's happening kinda fast for them now. I scraped the whole stem of all the clones but I wont do that again.. The 2 opposite places thing sounds way better and I rekon I might've shaved the hell outta some stems (meybe the ones that are not rooting). Another thing I wanted to know if is it normal for this milky color bumbs to appear allong with some swelling. is this good or bad? The cuttings look healthy and in spite of the brownish color in the stem, alongside they hasn't really got worse over time.!


Well-Known Member
I was sure it was a fail.. I did all this wrong:

- I didn't flushed my moms properly, neither I heavily sprayed them before taking the cut
- I didn't make a second cut underwater as advised and some root zones were cut way to big, from now 1 1/2" under the cap will be the standard.
- I mutilated the root zones rather than scraping them.
- My cloner has a lot of tech flaws, including light leaks which rises PH by 1 point every 2 days, also water is getting trough the surfice and if the himidity is not right powdery mildew starts to appear.
- Ideal temps are between 22 and 25°C and RH around 60% CONSTANT. I hardly achieved that so this two plants must be golden!

Thank you for all the help, and more is widely welcomed!!! The most important lesson learned was that if I'm lazy the plants will be as well.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
When all else fails put them in a cup of plain tap water and change every 2-3 days like mother used to do. Can't go wrong with this simple method.


Well-Known Member
Yo just cut them ho's and put them in tap water and leave them alone no ph no superthrive nothing and see what up. I been doing all that bullshit to and it just fucked it up just treat that bitch like a ho life is a bitch and plants are the most natural thing so treat her like a bitch she will love you more. in aeroponics im talking about. Just cut them your killing them adjusting shit, all the dame time fuck ph/temps and all that other shit leave alone and check them on the 5th day good luck


Well-Known Member
whats up cloning can be a pain in the ass and it sounds to me like you have tried allot of complicated procedures (rockwool, dwc cloner) now i already posted this in another thread helping a guy out with cloning it is cheap and simple as hell and i get 90% of my clones to root in 7 days (tried aero, dwc and more techniques for cloning and got this perfected) and transplanted in my rockwools in veg in 9 from cutting. anyway here is a run through hope it helps

ok here is what i do when i clone im not sure what you are using to clone (RW or rapid rooters) now i have found i myself have much MUCH better luck with rapid rooters. RW holds to much water for my liking. so now i will start by using some regular tap water not ph'd mixed with some rooting hormone (i myself use hormex but any will do im sure) i will load my tray up with all the RR im going to use then pour some of the mixed water on them leaving some in the bottom of the tray (not filling the tray just enough to see it coming in the upper tray holding the rapid rooters) then take your sterile razor blade, scalp-ole, xacto knife etc etc... and find a good cutting (this also is important find good ones that are thriving not wilting and dying) make a good 45 deg cut (smooth cut as well no jagged/ripped cutting ends) now once that is done you have to take your razor blade or whatever you are using and put it to the very tip of the cut you just made and make a clean cut about 1" up the stem as disrupted cells will pop roots much faster, now if in this part the measuring gets to you (as i use to not split the stem enough) just use the rapid rooter as a guide split it alost as deep as you will be putting in the plug. anyway after you split the stem dip it in some rooting gel (i use clonex but have used earthjuce before all work well) let it sit for a sec then plug it in the rooter. now just repeat as many times as you would like. now when im done another thing is people tend to get a little over the edge with tending to fresh clones i have found the less i mess the more success lol i lightly mist once right after cutting and the water in the tray usually keeps it moist inside the dome if the lid is not removed allot. i remove dome once daily for about 10 to 15 min to assure good air exchange and still dont have to re mist just throw the dome on and let it go till the next day.


Well-Known Member
SLH is sweeeeeeet! I'm flowering one and vegging a new mom but according to your info it's normal not to see roots by now so patience is my friend and I'll cross my fingers as well!
2 plants out of 10 are definitly rooting!! this 0 to 20% success rating got me partying all night long. By 3 days they should be established given it's happening kinda fast for them now. I scraped the whole stem of all the clones but I wont do that again.. The 2 opposite places thing sounds way better and I rekon I might've shaved the hell outta some stems (meybe the ones that are not rooting). Another thing I wanted to know if is it normal for this milky color bumbs to appear allong with some swelling. is this good or bad? The cuttings look healthy and in spite of the brownish color in the stem, alongside they hasn't really got worse over time.!
Those bumps are called calluses, and yes, they are what the roots grow from.


Active Member
Wolverine said it, when you see those white bulbs the roots are about to shoot out and you are in busines....


Well-Known Member
4 more plants started to root!! and the first pair are really speeding up! that KISS (keep it simple stupid) advice changed my life lol!

there's one thing that worries me there's a white powder eating some branches.. it's not agresive.. can this be treated?


Well-Known Member
Yo just cut them ho's and put them in tap water and leave them alone no ph no superthrive nothing and see what up. I been doing all that bullshit to and it just fucked it up just treat that bitch like a ho life is a bitch and plants are the most natural thing so treat her like a bitch she will love you more. in aeroponics im talking about. Just cut them your killing them adjusting shit, all the dame time fuck ph/temps and all that other shit leave alone and check them on the 5th day good luck
Well bitches don't like when you treat them like ladies that's truth!