I don't think I can't be locked up, just that it HELPED my chances, just like it being Christmas Eve probably helped my chances, as did the reason they were in my house. It also probably helped that my "Black Lives Matter" protest sign was upstairs instead of in the living room, and it probably hurt a bit that I have so much queer pride shit lying around. IMO being blunt about privilege is better than pretending it doesn't exist.
I grew up watching my brother get away with things like shoving a police officer, having multiple ounces of weed on him in high school, and other nonsense that a poor black kid would go to jail for; it is fucked up, and I do what I can to change it (mostly attending protests and donating money to BIPoC), but I'm not gonna pretend my skin color and access to money doesn't influence how I get treated by law enforcement.
I am sorry I made you upset though; I was trying to help manage my anxiety by listing the things I had going for me, not waving my privilege in anyone's face.