If You Voted For Bush STFU


New Member
I didn't vote for Bush, but in either case, you can't simply tell ppl to STFU because they voted a certain way. This isn't the Soviet Union, not yet.

No one is taking the shine off of Obama except ... Obama himself. It is his own inexperienced blundering which is responsible for the world and the USA thinking a mistake has been made.

Obama embarrasses himself and you look for excuses. Typical....


Well-Known Member
I didn't vote for Bush, but in either case, you can't simply tell ppl to STFU because they voted a certain way. This isn't the Soviet Union, not yet.

No one is taking the shine off of Obama except ... Obama himself. It is his own inexperienced blundering which is responsible for the world and the USA thinking a mistake has been made.

Obama embarrasses himself and you look for excuses. Typical....
Cracker indeed I can tell you to STFU .....the same way you tell others that they lack knowledge....now its up to them to accept if they lack knowledge or don't get it , or stupid.....I can tell you to STFU, but do you really have to STFU....:bigjoint:


I guess Bush wanted Health Care For All....I guess Bush wanted to close Gitmo...I guess Bush really didn't believe in torture...I guess Bush and Obama tax policy was the same...I guess Bush really wanted to have talks and resolution with Iran that does not invoke war....I guess Bush views of global warming and the environment are the same....I guess Bush changed his views on stem cell research as well....Dude just because he kept some Bush people on board his first year does not mean they are the same.....

this is where you argument falls apart faster than a model airplane in flight

Obama does not oppose torture, i cant believe you just said that

what obama DOES oppose, is a committee to investigate whether or not we were torturing people, as well as whether or not war crimes were committed

obama supports torture, as well as the cover up of torture, obama also supports the unconstitutional "prolonged detention"


Well-Known Member
All clearly photoshopped. Look at the hands, and look at where Bush's head comes in 'contact' with Obama's suit. :-D :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
To make Obama's massive ear cast a shadow on Bush's face like that was the work of a master photoshopper. Quite a feat, to be sure...:hug:


Hey london, how about i make a thread that says

if you dont live in the U.S., then STFU about our politics

how does that sounds to ya?

its the same thing your doing with this post


Well-Known Member
Hey london, how about i make a thread that says

if you dont live in the U.S., then STFU about our politics

how does that sounds to ya?

its the same thing your doing with this post
ROFL.....You have not even read this thread yet .....that topic on my location has already been discussed...please do tell wtf country I'm from...please don't let your small mind think that just because you see "londonfog" I'm from England...lol....OMG poor poor sheeple....Its worst then I thought...go back and read we went over this all ready....ahhhhhhh (sigh).....oh yeah if you voted for Bush STFU


you yourself admitted your not inside the US

quit your bitching especially when your not even posting facts or even things that make sense anymore, just pictures

thread fail


Active Member
Frankly im gonna have to agree with london fog on the "If you voted for bush u suck thing" however for alot different reasons. Main being I never agreed with the trickle down economic policies that the bush admin implemented around 2003ish There was a clear flaw in the logic behind tremendous companies recieving such huge tax cuts ( in hopes of stimulating expansion :) cuz that worked ha ) and the average to poor citizen recieving a couple checks for a few hundred dollars at most ? Im sorry but naturaly my priorities flag went off.

And im not sure who posted this and correct me if im wrong but i dont belive it was the "liberals" that reformed policy for banks to lend out riskier loans i would really love to see some proof or evidence of this as im uncertain but to my understanding and i would like to cross reference my first point the reason behind these risky loans was the fat stimulus from the bush adminstration ? Bush issued massive tax breaks ha that ironicaly many of the stuggeling banks qualified for ;) in hopes that this would stimulate expansion and job creation however It seems as though due to the lack of oversight instead of creating jobs in lue of higher profit margins and interest rates etc etc anyone that was 18 with a social could now get a loan...

Lastly bush is a fuckin idiot for handling 9/11 and iraq the way he did . The way the war was mishandled and the Ridiculus amount of money we are in debt becouse of it makes me look at all the poeple that are bashing on obama (after a year of being in office) for not doing enough . Hell if bush didnt do fuckin anything at all we would have been better of let alone him doing us any good. It doesnt take much research into halliburton and his early ties with the oil industry to really understand our motives for being in the middle east . Wanna argue tell me where osama is first and tell me why we have spent billions on removing one bad dictator in one small country in one huge wolrd full of higher risk threats ... quite a coincidence if you ask me haha well i just lost my high time to go blaze a fatty :) something everyone seems to agree one haha


Well-Known Member
Frankly im gonna have to agree with london fog on the "If you voted for bush u suck thing" however for alot different reasons. Main being I never agreed with the trickle down economic policies that the bush admin implemented around 2003ish There was a clear flaw in the logic behind tremendous companies recieving such huge tax cuts ( in hopes of stimulating expansion :) cuz that worked ha ) and the average to poor citizen recieving a couple checks for a few hundred dollars at most ? Im sorry but naturaly my priorities flag went off.

And im not sure who posted this and correct me if im wrong but i dont belive it was the "liberals" that reformed policy for banks to lend out riskier loans i would really love to see some proof or evidence of this as im uncertain but to my understanding and i would like to cross reference my first point the reason behind these risky loans was the fat stimulus from the bush adminstration ? Bush issued massive tax breaks ha that ironicaly many of the stuggeling banks qualified for ;) in hopes that this would stimulate expansion and job creation however It seems as though due to the lack of oversight instead of creating jobs in lue of higher profit margins and interest rates etc etc anyone that was 18 with a social could now get a loan...

Lastly bush is a fuckin idiot for handling 9/11 and iraq the way he did . The way the war was mishandled and the Ridiculus amount of money we are in debt becouse of it makes me look at all the poeple that are bashing on obama (after a year of being in office) for not doing enough . Hell if bush didnt do fuckin anything at all we would have been better of let alone him doing us any good. It doesnt take much research into halliburton and his early ties with the oil industry to really understand our motives for being in the middle east . Wanna argue tell me where obama is first and tell me why we have spent billions on removing one bad dictator in one small country in one huge wolrd full of higher risk threats ... quite a coincidence if you ask me haha well i just lost my high time to go blaze a fatty :) something everyone seems to agree one haha
"First, Bush supporters suck.

Second, liberals don't make mistakes.

Lastly, Bush is a fuckin idiot."

How clever...:hump:


Well-Known Member
you yourself admitted your not inside the US

quit your bitching especially when your not even posting facts or even things that make sense anymore, just pictures

thread fail
I tell you what...... you show me where I said I'm not inside the US...are you making things up...lol....damn you guys will say anything....geezzz....again read the freakin thread before you start to post....lazy freakin Americans...lol...does that mean I'm not in the USA.....I'm in Kenya with Obama making birth certificates you :dunce: