If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
How could I have said Obama was not going to win when I wasn't even an riu member then? You've taken as much care to think that one through as all your other bouts of verbal diarrhea. Maybe we should all stfu - so we can sit back and watch you make a fool of yourself.
dude please pay attention...I said are you one of those that said he was not going to be POTUS ......it was a question...I heard alot of people ( and not just on RIU ) say oh that Obama he will never be POTUS...now was that you ?????? < here I added a question mark...sorry didn't do it last round..but the "are you" should have let you know it was a question...and again if you voted for Bush its your fault this country is hurting...so STFU complaining
dude please pay attention...I said are you one of those that said he was not going to be POTUS ......it was a question...I heard alot of people ( and not just on RIU ) say oh that Obama he will never be POTUS...now was that you ?????? < here I added a question mark...sorry didn't do it last round..but the "are you" should have let you know it was a question...and again if you voted for Bush its your fault this country is hurting...so STFU complaining
Didn't have 'are you' when I read your post. I thought and hoped Clinton was going to be President. I like the Clintons. :-) If Bill could be back in office for the rest of my life I'd be so fuckin' happy!!


Well-Known Member
Bagram: A living hell
The US military has allowed journalists into its newly expanded secret detention centre at Bagram air base in Afghanistan this week.
The base has been described by campaigners as Guantanamo Bay's "more evil twin" and the allegations of torture and murder within its secretive walls continue to this day.
The US claims this is proof of its determination to provide greater transparency and openness in its policy of extraordinary rendition and detention without trial.
The claim was somewhat undermined by the fact that the touring journalists had no access to the hundreds of inmates held at the facility.

Journalists don't need access to hundreds of inmates. People are going abuse prisoners of war under any president. How is this even relevent?

The torture continues under the obama regime ... tons of reports like this one ...
Afghan teenagers claim abuse at a US prison
The two Afghans said they were beaten by American guards, photographed naked and deprived of sleep during their detention at Bagram airbase.
According to the article, the two teenagers, Issa Mohammad, 17, and Abdul Rashid, (who claimed to be under the age of 16), said they were punched and slapped in the face by American guards during their incarceration.
Obama had promised to put an end to the harsh interrogation methods previously authorized by the Bush administration.
Defense Department spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Wright said all prisoners in Afghanistan are treated "humanely" and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and US law.

When I was in Afghanistan it was common practice for afghans to make claims that they had been abused and disrespected. Some of the time it was true. 80% of the time, they were lying. They're lucky that we're obligated to treat them with any respect at all, as if they would if the roles were reversed.

I am alarmed by the renewed push to propagandize that Iran has secret nuclear facilities and are already building nuclear weapons. The warhawks in Israel are desperate to get the US into war with Iran. I am concerned that Israel may be desperate enough to set off one of their own nuclear devices inside the United States during this upcoming holiday season and blame Iran for it.
Of course, with the exception of Israel, which cannot officially admit they have nuclear weapons without losing the billions of dollars coming from the US taxpayers, the normal process for a nation with nuclear weapons is to announce that they have them and show them off, because after all, what is the point of having a nuclear deterrent if you keep it a secret? If Iran really had a bomb, they would announce it to the world and say, "attack us now and lose a major city." That would make Iran safe, because the US and Israel do not attack and invade nations that actually have nuclear weapons, only those nations who do not, like Irag, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

There are 13 higher security clearances above the presidents security clearance. He's only privied to a certain amount of info. Our government can do a lot of things that the president isn't aware of. I wouldn't be surprised if our own goverment set off one of their nukes in our country, let alone israel


Well-Known Member
Didn't have 'are you' when I read your post. I thought and hoped Clinton was going to be President. I like the Clintons. :-) If Bill could be back in office for the rest of my life I'd be so fuckin' happy!!
yes i did and you can check his reply because it has my quote in it...I said "are you"


Well-Known Member
and again are you the one that said Obama was not going to be the POTUS...but thank you for being a man and admitting that you voted for Bush:clap:......now STFU :wink::smile:
Just for the record.....it states "are you " its a question....but I should have put a question mark...


Well-Known Member
this is possibly the most juvenile argument I have ever seen on RIU
Brilliant! No counter-point, but brilliant nonetheless. :-P

One good non sequitur deserves another:

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Do you like turtles, too?


Well-Known Member
I voted for the other douche bags both times.... I liked bush during the 9-11 times when I thought we were going to lay some smack down on the "bad guys" but then realized it was all just a bag of burning shit on the porch just like everyone else I was dumb and let it burn for a little before I said fuck this and stomped it out. Bush is like this bag of shit because even though he is gone I still have to smell the shit for a little while before it goes away!
As for Obama, I like the guy. In America we are the “I want it now” type of people, much like the little bitch from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory (if you can remember it’s the one that turned into a blue berry). If it was so easy to run this country and make difficult decisions without recourse from the public this world would be a perfect place. Everybody has an opinion on how things should be done, and speak it out loud. Just be happy you have this opportunity as an American and thank a Vet. Also for all the other people that don’t live in the U.S. you should be thankful for the U.S. as well and all the good men and woman that gave their lives to save your hides during the world wars. If not for the brave American Soldiers and Marines you all would be speaking German and eating sauerkraut every day. I guess what I am trying to get at is this; Our leadership might be a little rocky right now, and the last president did suck ball sacks, but let’s dust our selves off and move along to a brighter future. Good luck and keep on keepn’ on!


Active Member
I voted for bush the first time, and yes im ashamed. I dont know, it was all so "first-time I get to vote," and patriotic feeling. Then I joined the military, felt the results there. Seen some lies. Second time around I didnt vote because neither party represented me and this time I wrote in Ron Paul ^^

+so sorry for voting for him once. Forgive me, for I did not know what I was doing. Young and inexperienced ;)


Well-Known Member
I voted for the other douche bags both times.... I liked bush during the 9-11 times when I thought we were going to lay some smack down on the "bad guys" but then realized it was all just a bag of burning shit on the porch just like everyone else I was dumb and let it burn for a little before I said fuck this and stomped it out. Bush is like this bag of shit because even though he is gone I still have to smell the shit for a little while before it goes away!
As for Obama, I like the guy. In America we are the “I want it now” type of people, much like the little bitch from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory (if you can remember it’s the one that turned into a blue berry). If it was so easy to run this country and make difficult decisions without recourse from the public this world would be a perfect place. Everybody has an opinion on how things should be done, and speak it out loud. Just be happy you have this opportunity as an American and thank a Vet. Also for all the other people that don’t live in the U.S. you should be thankful for the U.S. as well and all the good men and woman that gave their lives to save your hides during the world wars. If not for the brave American Soldiers and Marines you all would be speaking German and eating sauerkraut every day. I guess what I am trying to get at is this; Our leadership might be a little rocky right now, and the last president did suck ball sacks, but let’s dust our selves off and move along to a brighter future. Good luck and keep on keepn’ on!
Now that was a very nice read:clap:....Although you did vote for him you now see the error in your ways.... here smoke one :joint: and you do not have to STFU ...


Well-Known Member
I voted for bush the first time, and yes im ashamed. I dont know, it was all so "first-time I get to vote," and patriotic feeling. Then I joined the military, felt the results there. Seen some lies. Second time around I didnt vote because neither party represented me and this time I wrote in Ron Paul ^^

+so sorry for voting for him once. Forgive me, for I did not know what I was doing. Young and inexperienced ;)
Ron Paul I do like....Glad to see you admit your mistake...first time voters get a past...you friend do not have to STFU..