If you had a good budget what would your method be for a secure mid size indoor grow?

Yer, thanks to you pros the first five pages of google are all bs led claims and jarred wet boveda weed from scrogs that now outyeild sogs...

Round of applause to all those dumbasses who made that so, ya you know how to grow weed... not! :-)

Some of us do grow pretty well ya know. Plenty of real evidence of high GPW or GPSF with quality buds to be seen if you take off the blinkers and open your mind quaid :eyesmoke:
Better books than how to grow weed would be the higher green house management books and manuals online.

These will detail your complex stuff like free/forced leaf cooling/transpiration, cation exchange soil ph and anionic runoff, ambient/radiant temperature and so on.

Weed books just dont go into the detail of whats needed to have a good scientific grasp on growing and they dont tend to cite any studies.

Most pro greenhouses would laugh hard at our info and grow products.
Better books than how to grow weed would be the higher green house management books and manuals online.

These will detail your complex stuff like free/forced leaf cooling/transpiration, cation exchange soil ph and anionic runoff, ambient/radiant temperature and so on.

Weed books just dont go into the detail of whats needed to have a good scientific grasp on growing and they dont tend to cite any studies.

Most pro greenhouses would laugh hard at our info and grow products.
Sound like you getting a little technical I bet I grow better pot than everyone that's read those fancy books
Sound like you getting a little technical I bet I grow better pot than everyone that's read those fancy books

Ya i just never stopped trying to learn and after a while you cover most things so you have to consume more technical stuff and replicate the results.

Whoever grows the best pot is of little concern, whoever grows the best seedlings gets my admiration :-)
Solar has my vote but 60k to do 20 plants. That's crazy. I built all my rooms I have from scratch with all my perpetual buying of newer lights and the fact I run solar I still haven't reached that amount spent. I run around 6000watts to your friend may want to learn more about what he's doing 60k is more what I would be spending to start a small commercial grow. I know I've looked into it. But I'd say he best keep learning and I'm with everyone here black dog isn't the way to go either. Plenty of much better stuff from hlg that will leave those black dogs where dogs should be, outside.
Ya i just never stopped trying to learn and after a while you cover most things so you have to consume more technical stuff and replicate the results.

Whoever grows the best pot is of little concern, whoever grows the best seedlings gets my admiration :-)
Kings right never stop learning. It's why I'm back in school getting a degree in botany. It'll make my third.
Haha it wasn't total bunk it's still better than 95% of the "top shelf" I see at dispensaries in norcal just not nearly as good as the last few runs
i gave that stuff about 2 weeks before i figured out it wasn't "all that". i just hope it works well on my lawn this spring!
i gave that stuff about 2 weeks before i figured out it wasn't "all that". i just hope it works well on my lawn this spring!
Haha right? I threw mine away did not live up to the hype. A few people weren't happy with my conclusion haha I wish I had a lawn to use it on