Identifying/Disposing of Males & Pot Size Help


Question #1
This is my first rodeo. I think I have identified a male. I would like confirmation. Should I kill it? How do you discretely dispose of your plants without alerting the neighbors and garbage men?

Question #2
I switched to a 12/12 cycle 10 days ago. 9 days ago I transplanted into 5 gallon bags. The growth under this 1000 watt bulb has been significant in the last 3 days since I began addressing a nute deficiency. I'm not sure these bags are going to take me to the finish line. Someone here mentioned that it is inadvisable to transplant after 2 weeks in bloom. Is that true? It has not yet been two weeks.
Should I transplant into larger pots? If so how long can I wait? I don't want to waste soil transplanting males. A couple from regular seeds I'm still not sure of. I may need your opinion of those too.

Here is a couple pics of one of the shorter but fuller plants for reference. I'm thinking I'm going to need bigger pots to avoid root lock. What do you think?



The first few pictures show A definite male. If you are worried about someone potentially seeing part of a plant in your trash, just make sure to chop it up small and tie it up tight in a black plastic bag. If you're still feeling paranoid just slip that inside a regular garbage bag and any smell should be well covered up. When I first started it was still illegal, and I would blend my males before bagging them and adding them to a regular smelly garbage bag.


The first few pictures show A definite male. If you are worried about someone potentially seeing part of a plant in your trash, just make sure to chop it up small and tie it up tight in a black plastic bag. If you're still feeling paranoid just slip that inside a regular garbage bag and any smell should be well covered up. When I first started it was still illegal, and I would blend my males before bagging them and adding them to a regular smelly garbage bag.
Thanks for your response cosoul. That's precisely what I'll do.

What about the 5 gallon bags? Think I would be wise to go bigger?


Well-Known Member
Could also bury them in the yard. Call me paranoid >.> just seems like an easier way to handle the situation. Just make a mulch bed around a tree with some flowers in it, will give you a reason to dig around in the dirt every once in a while.


Could also bury them in the yard. Call me paranoid >.> just seems like an easier way to handle the situation. Just make a mulch bed around a tree with some flowers in it, will give you a reason to dig around in the dirt every once in a while.
But if the neighbors see me burring things in the yard they'll think I'm drinking again.
Just kidding. Not funny.

Any thoughts on the 5 gallon bags? Should I go bigger?
Here is another photo I just took for reference. They were put into 12/12 ten days ago. And now that I'm giving them the NPK they've been craving they may take off. Does anyone bloom from start to finish in a 5 gallon pot? Minus those doing SOG's with lots of tiny plants of course.



Well-Known Member
dude just cut it hang it and burn it in the BBQ pit while cooking a steak

you could make butter out of it


Well-Known Member
well if it has a shimmer to it i dont see why not
i ran 3 males ( they were in flower though ) the other night for ISO and its like rocket fuel


This plant was grown from a feminized seed. The other plant of this strain does not have these little balls. Is this a hermaphrodite? Or are those not pollen sacks?



Well-Known Member
Thanks RayRay. That plant has already been destroyed. My last post is a different plant. Do you think it is a male too? It was grown from a feminized seed.
mmm I gonna say yes but dont do anything yet im not sure wait and see and get some other feedback. you still have tim to see without worrying before it starts to try to pollinate and cause issues


Well-Known Member
Do you have a cat? If so then just toss the dead plant in the litter the next time you change its box. Cat litter + pee and poop will cover the smell.


mmm I gonna say yes but dont do anything yet im not sure wait and see and get some other feedback. you still have tim to see without worrying before it starts to try to pollinate and cause issues
Okay thanks RayRay. I'll continue to keep an eye on that one.

I've purchased some 8 gallon breathable bags with handles. Some will remain in the 5 gallon disposable bags due to my failure to be a wealthy, healthy man.


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks RayRay. I'll continue to keep an eye on that one.

I've purchased some 8 gallon breathable bags with handles. Some will remain in the 5 gallon disposable bags due to my failure to be a wealthy, healthy man.
yeah man its all good whatever works plus you can see for yourself if the ones in 8g pots do better/worth it or not to know for next time
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