I want to learn more about Kratom


Well-Known Member
I've tried Kratom in the past with mixed results. Lately these capsules of 15x have been available to me and I absolutely love them. The problem is the price, I'm paying $18 for about 10 grams. I've seen much better deals online. I've tried w/e 15x really means and Maeng Da. Id like to order about around $100 worth and I want to get the most out of my money. I was hoping the kind and brilliant folks of the HS forum could help me make this purchase with confidence. I'm interested in trip reports, vendor referrals, and any general information on Kratom.

I typically take 3-5 grams per dose and I enjoy the effects very much. Interested in medical and recreational purposes. A sleep aid bears great interest in me as well.
I'm a fan of kratom. Certainly has helped in a pinch. My buddy buys it off line and makes his own capsules. Basically it's a plant that activates certain receptors related to opiates mu, I believe. I didn't double check, so someone else can feel free to correct me.

Be careful with it though, it can be addictive in its own right, but at that point just move on to real opiates.
I'm a fan of kratom. Certainly has helped in a pinch. My buddy buys it off line and makes his own capsules. Basically it's a plant that activates certain receptors related to opiates mu, I believe. I didn't double check, so someone else can feel free to correct me.

Be careful with it though, it can be addictive in its own right, but at that point just move on to real opiates.

I've heard that it is easy to build a tolerance to but I've taking a dose 3 days in a row and the feeling is the same. Right now, I am not interested in opiates, the kratom gives me the feelings I like without the itchiness and the urge to redose. I'd rather have 5G of Kratom then 5mg oxy/hydrocodone. For me, the high isn't as intense, but the sense of well being and euphoria is better. I haven't had a rebound headache a lot of prescription pain meds give me.
I've primarily taken it when I was out of opiates and needed to deal with pain. Friend that has them is near my work so if I forget my medications or run out, a quick stop near him and a handful of 00 filled capsules will do the trick.
I've primarily taken it when I was out of opiates and needed to deal with pain. Friend that has them is near my work so if I forget my medications or run out, a quick stop near him and a handful of 00 filled capsules will do the trick.

Glad to hear that! At higher doses, do you have any side effects like itching, nausea, or head aches?
Glad to hear that! At higher doses, do you have any side effects like itching, nausea, or head aches?

Some stomach cramping but that's about it. I rarely get the itch from much of anything. Straight morphine is about all that will give me some itch
Part of the reason I am reaching out is that it's cyber week or w/e, I don't want to miss a good opportunity for a bulk purchase.
I have taken kratom almost every day for about 5 years , currently at 6g every 4-5 hours

The stuff is without a dought addictive physically , but the DT's are nothing at all espically compared to standard opiates/opioids

Excelent indo. vendors

Domestic at a good price is shaky right now
BuyKratom.US has keys of powder for 108.0$ with discount code , The stuff was excelent but last two orders about a month apart were just OK, still good for the price thow
http://calibotanicals.com/collections/powders - this place is getting good reviews right now at a fair price (They will be my next order )

The extracts are overpriced for what little they are , best value is plain leaf , If you got a way to screen/mill crushed leaf is even cheaper
I take it from time to time if I'm trying to catch that kind of buzz. Man I like the stuff. Empty stomach is best, I like to take it in the capsule form and then eat a pudding snack pack, that seems to keep my stomach just fine. You can get really fucked up off of them too.
Empty stomach is a must ,but eating a small fatty food about 10-15 minutes beforehand can help with asorbtion . I usually have a slice of cheze. With kratom you must truely rember to stay hydrated becouse of the nature of opiates/opiods, as well as the excesive un-soluble fiber

Yes it can help with opiate withdrawl , but everyone is different, some swear by it, some say its a waste of money

I started when I stoped suboxone , And it realy helped me ,Nothing close to a cure but helps . Of coarse now I must stop this now but this is a walk in the park compared to the weakest RX opiate
Kratom is something you gotta just invest your own time into in order to learn more about.... you can pretty easily find what you like and the direct source to it....
I have always gotten mine from Bikhuk, gonna have to look into those others. Thanks Liberty!
It seems Kratom is getting less hot every month now! Thank God..

The pill caps are nice. I take 8, 00's and it makes me feel like I just took 20mg of vicodin or so to put it in comparison. This is without tolerance.
Extracting it into alcohol and drinking it instead of letting it evaporate works wonders. The kratom shot kicks in in about 3 minutes. BOOM! Yummeh :lol:

Next time I get a big ol' kilo of it, I'm planning on actually making an extract. Gonna play it by ear but use everclear washes to get it to the desired potency. I'll make sure and make a thread about it when I'm not feeling so lazy :)
:fire:MY ONE WISH,
I have always gotten mine from Bikhuk, gonna have to look into those others. Thanks Liberty!
It seems Kratom is getting less hot every month now! Thank God..

The pill caps are nice. I take 8, 00's and it makes me feel like I just took 20mg of vicodin or so to put it in comparison. This is without tolerance.
Extracting it into alcohol and drinking it instead of letting it evaporate works wonders. The kratom shot kicks in in about 3 minutes. BOOM! Yummeh :lol:

Next time I get a big ol' kilo of it, I'm planning on actually making an extract. Gonna play it by ear but use everclear washes to get it to the desired potency. I'll make sure and make a thread about it when I'm not feeling so lazy :)
:fire:MY ONE WISH,

i have made some alchool extracts as well, But for some reason they always screw with my stomach
Kratom can be mean on the stomach if it wants to.. Haha
I was just gonna do an extract on 100g or so, try a tenth of what comes out and then if that's big enough to cap, then I'm in business. If not then x2.. etc..

I hope the tummy doesn't get too upset. That always sucks. I'd bet that you could make a tincture with peppermint oil extract and you'd be fine! And your burps would more than likely taste of candy canes rather than sand nig butthole(that's what we call kratom)!
Just an idea, but that'd seriously probably work.

I developed IBS due to my obnoxious cough medicine habit when I was younger, the pains were ridiculous. I'd be bent over crying thinking I was gonna die out of nowhere. And then I started to take peppermint oil and bim bam boom, all pains gone. And all burps taste amazing. I still take it if I've eaten too much, or hungover in the stomach.. No serious pains anymore whatso-ever, not even IBS related stuff anymore, but I'd bet a million dollars it'd go great in a kratom tincture.
When I make alchool extractions , I just roll up a chunk of the extract into the shape off a pill and powder it in kratom so its not sticky . All my alchool extractions have ben gummy enouth that they hold together well