
A few years ago my Wife had an injury that's triggered a series of painful surgeries.
She manages her pain pretty well with her current meds plus the weed I grow; but we're always looking for something to help reduce opiate intake.

After researching Kratom for a while, I decided to try it & bought 100 grams of Red Vein Bali Kratom powder.
Here's what I've noticed so far. Other experiences, opinions and advice welcome.

Kratom tastes AWFUL. --- I have yet to figure out how to get the desired dosage (5-8g for me) without just "getting it down" however I can.
--- all recipes welcome!!
--- So far lemonade & kombucha mask the bitterness best, thinking capsules may be the solution...
Kratom works, shockingly well. I find that the above mentioned 5-8g mentioned above acts much like a vicodin or similar opiate.
--euphoria, pain relief, warmth, slight itchiness --- very similar.
--I have taken as much as 15g and found it difficult to get down, caused stomach upset, and wasn't THAT much stronger than the 5-8g range I've been taking.
From reading elsewhere, it seems that there is some risk of addiction, though not as much as opiates.

We're cautiously optimistic that my Wife will be able to use Kratom periodically as a "tolerance reducer" for her pain management schedule.
Kratos blows I hatted it.
Imo, if you have been addicted or even mildly lured by strong opiates, kratom is a godsend if your not ready to quit.

When a substance brings you to the absolute brink of death and you cant stop, when you wake up in an icu unable to move half of your body due to brain damage, kratom doesn't look so bad. With that said it could also be a gateway for those that are opiate curious to try something stronger, its a trade off i guess.

Moderation is key. If you abuse it, it will abuse you right back. Luckily i've found kratom to be a lot less killy than the fentanyl and benzos i was doing.

If your a potential addict reading this, stick with kava for your gabaergics, kratom for your opiates and weed for ya know...WEED :blsmoke:
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American Shawman Pharacitual is making Kratom now. They are getting pretty much into meds for mental illnesses and pain control. It's supposed to be good for sleep, too. Their main target is mental issues.