
Shit man how much were you taking?? To me I can’t see how anyone can overuse Kratom. I take too much I just feel like shit. Now opiates are a different story LOL
Around 50 grams a day need to take it every 2-3 hours or ill start getting sick and mornings you feel like complete death until you take it was never that way with me until i started taking some new stuff our local headshop started stocking one of the biggest regrets i have i would truly love to withdrawl from morphine again than this
Around 50 grams a day need to take it every 2-3 hours or ill start getting sick and mornings you feel like complete death until you take it was never that way with me until i started taking some new stuff our local headshop started stocking one of the biggest regrets i have i would truly love to withdrawl from morphine again than this

Yeah that’s a lo!! I only took at the most around 10 grams a day. I make my own pills because the head shop is too expensive
The Capsule Machine. Size 00. It holds 24 capsules. You put 12g into it and get 24 .5g capsules. Express Capsules has some veg caps in all kinds of colors so you can use red for your red vein, peach for your gold vein, etc. That's how I go about it.

FWIW, the dosages I'm seeing in this thread are kind of high in my opinion. Everyone is different and quality varies based on supplier but, shit. I can't imagine taking 50g in a day. I've done 10g in a day and that kept me sweating and gave me a hangover.
Guess an update might be helpful:

I get a kilo of powdered Red Maeng Da kratom from a friend - lasts my Wife & I a few months usually before re-ordering.

She uses kratom in rotation with her prescription opiates. The result has been that she's lowered her tolerance to the point that her Dr has reduced her prescription to a weaker pill.
She completely detoxes from the opiate using 6 grams of kratom 4x day. She uses kratom for a week or two, then reverses the process; minimizing her tolerance to either.
She says that kratom is easier to taper from than the opiate. re: cravings

I tapered off over the course of a month till I didn't need it. I have used it a few times since to recover from mild injuries, to alleviate arthritis and for relief from a toothache. - Dosage was between 4-6 grams except for the toothache - 8 grams.
My withdrawals were very minor because I took a month of structured tapering.
Restless legs at night was the worst, so I started with a near-normal dose (normal being 6 grams) reduced to 5 grams for sleep, then 4 grams during the day. 4.5 grams next night and 3 during the day, and so on until I was comfortably finished with it. I never exceeded 24 grams in a 24 hour period.

I think that experiencing severe withdrawals earlier in life has given me a great respect for pills / compounds and a much different relationship with medication in general. I would NOT want to repeat that hell ever again.
She completely detoxes from the opiate using 6 grams of kratom 4x day
I dont know if its been said before but thats not working. Kratom contains mitragynine which is an opioid.

So maybe its easier, cheaper or feels better than whatever used before but dont fool yourself. Its like saying you stop drinking because you substituted vodka for beer.
I dont know if its been said before but thats not working. Kratom contains mitragynine which is an opioid.

So maybe its easier, cheaper or feels better than whatever used before but dont fool yourself. Its like saying you stop drinking because you substituted vodka for beer.
Its not really an "opioid".. how ever it does partially attach to the mu-1 receptor making the receptor think its an opiate.. it also partially binds to the gaba receptor making it think its getting "gabapentinoids" and kappa receptors..
Fuck! Kratom basically affects the whole c.n.s.
Its not really an "opioid".. how ever it does partially attach to the mu-1 receptor making the receptor think its an opiate.. it also partially binds to the gaba receptor making it think its getting "gabapentinoids" and kappa receptors..
Fuck! Kratom basically affects the whole c.n.s.
Being an agonist at mu receptors is what defines an opioid.
Regarding the second point you rose, binding itself is not enough to define pharmacological effect. It can be an agonist, antagonist and a whole lot more.
Being an agonist at mu receptors is what defines an opioid.
Regarding the second point you rose, binding itself is not enough to define pharmacological effect. It can be an agonist, antagonist and a whole lot more.
It does act as an opioid but its not an opiate, if that makes scense.. either way it is quite a pain for some to withdrawl from because of its affects on the nervous system versus a true opiate or opioid designed to attach or partially attach to just the mu-1 receptor..
It does act as an opioid but its not an opiate, if that makes scense.. either way it is quite a pain for some to withdrawl from because of its affects on the nervous system versus a true opiate or opioid designed to attach or partially attach to just the mu-1 receptor..
The distinction of opiates and opioids is meaningless. There's some interesting chemsitry to it but what does the structure matter outside of a organic lab?
I dont understand what you mean with "attach to"? Do you mean binding? Because binding alone doesnt have any pharmacological effect.
Its not really an "opioid".. how ever it does partially attach to the mu-1 receptor making the receptor think its an opiate.. it also partially binds to the gaba receptor making it think its getting "gabapentinoids" and kappa receptors..
Fuck! Kratom basically affects the whole c.n.s.
I believe in 2006 the definition of opioid was broadened to include I believe anything that attaches to mu receptor. I just remember after reading the article when it happened I wondered if chocolate was now defined as an opioid.
I found it works best if I treat it like they do in southeast Asia. One leaf contains about 0.5-1.5g dried. My tolerance doesn't go up if I keep the total daily amount under 5 dried grams, that's about 3-4 good size leafs.

Used to eat 30g + a day but been off for more than a year. Been on it for about 3 months now again and I don't have RLS or feel totally lethargic without it like I used before. When my tolerance get a little to high I simply have a day off or just eat a small dose that day.
Good point.
I have no illusions about substances like this - even under ideal circumstances there can be withdrawals; I just found that taking a whole month for a disciplined, structured detox worked well for me.

My Wife does it in 2 weeks - but, as you correctly point out - she's switching scotch for brandy (to borrow AA's lit.).
However - there is enough difference between her prescription pills and Kratom that rotating keeps her tolerance low when compared to other chronic pain sufferers.

We're hoping amputation will provide enough relief to get her off the pain killers; but that comes with its own problems...
Good point.
I have no illusions about substances like this - even under ideal circumstances there can be withdrawals; I just found that taking a whole month for a disciplined, structured detox worked well for me.

My Wife does it in 2 weeks - but, as you correctly point out - she's switching scotch for brandy (to borrow AA's lit.).
However - there is enough difference between her prescription pills and Kratom that rotating keeps her tolerance low when compared to other chronic pain sufferers.

We're hoping amputation will provide enough relief to get her off the pain killers; but that comes with its own problems...
That's too bad about your wife. Was that her hand that she cut? Or am I thinking of something else? How much are they gonna amputate? I've heard about ghost or phantom pains or whatever, but I couldn't imagine what it's like. I wish her the best man. The rotation system makes sense though.
Kratom is just as addictive and much less effective as other opioids. Now if you're using strictly to wean yourselves off of pills, then great, I know a few people who have traded pharmaceuticals for Kratom and are much better off for it. That's a good start towards the ultimate goal of quitting. But make no mistake, after a few weeks it will give you zero pain relief and you'll be left servicing an addiction every 6 hours.
This!!! This was me. I fought opioids for years off and on and when I finally ended up on Kratom I thought I won the lottery. The withdrawals from Kratom were absolutely worse than any other opioid I’ve ever taken. My advice is be careful. It can be a big help but also a hindrance
Here's the facts gentlemen.

Kratom is safer than any opioid pill because it doesn't depress your breathing. (See the U of Florida studies). Which means Nana's not gonna be found blue in a Starbucks restroom. That's a good start. I've lost family members to pills, I've lost no-one to kratom.

You won't die from the withdrawals
(You can from alcohol & benzos)

Don't take it if you don't need it.

Getting off any drug CAN be hell, if you don't taper.

If you're using Kratom to stay off OR get off street drugs that likely contain fent (that definitely will kill you) well then you've made a wise move. I'd call you a scholar. Only buy lab tested material, heavy metals suck.

Want to quit? Same protocol as ANY OTHER DRUG (SSRI, benzo, opioid or otherwise) a doctor gives you. Slowly taper over time. Get capsules, go from 50 (or however much you take a day) to 49, to 48... eventually to 1 a day over the course of several weeks or months. It's not rocket science, we're all adults here. #HarmReduction
Sciatica and trapped nerves in my back and leg fkd up a decade and more of my life.

I tried pretty much everything over the period to get relief including morphine sulphate, while pain killers helped make it easier the one thing I got most benefit from is gabapentin, it's not an opiate and not addictive in the real world (unless you're prone to asprin/cola addictions) i can take 3-4 a day for 2-3 weeks straight then not need them for wks/months, anything that's addictive ime that's never going to happen, after 10 days straight there's going to be withdrawals maybe mild but enough to encourage one to take more of the offending drug.
Gabapentin isn't desirable in any way unless you think a dry mouth is fun.

Speak to your doctor about them, good luck.
That's too bad about your wife. Was that her hand that she cut? Or am I thinking of something else? How much are they gonna amputate? I've heard about ghost or phantom pains or whatever, but I couldn't imagine what it's like. I wish her the best man. The rotation system makes sense though.

Her middle finger is collapsing, and the scar tissue in the palm has the rest of her hand frozen and contracting along with it.
A ray resection - removing the finger from almost the wrist. The idea is that she'll experience less pain by relieving the tension caused by the collapsing finger and gain additional function - the surgeon thinks 30-70% function could be regained.

@Star Dog re: Gabapentin - thanks for the tip :) - another tool to combat entropy...
I can tell you that it is not advisable to take Kratom and opiates together, you can overdose. My son's step kids father died of taking Kratom and prescription Codeine.
Agreed, you should not mix any drugs. The leading cause of overdose death in this country is poly-drug cocktails. However, of those 2 drugs, codeine is the only one that depresses breathing. Depressed breathing is what kills people.

There have only been (#3) I want to say deaths where Kratom was the ONLY drug present. Meaning it has a better safety profile than Aspirin or basically any other OTC medicine.


Don't mix recreational drugs.

Don't mix herbal supplements

Don't drink & take pills.

This is the drug education that needs to be taught in school. That might actually save lives.