I think my neighbor is a dealer!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

So I have a couple large plants that I grow for myself in my basement. I found out from a couple people in our neighborhood that a person in our culvisak sells and they are not happy about it. They are thinking to call the landlord or police.
My question is if the police brought a "real"(actually able to smell weed) drug dog, would it be able to smell my grow op in the basement?

It never stinks around the room but It is NOT sealed. and I have recycling pots from my no-till runs I set outside the room. My question again is do you think if the police raided my neighbors house I could also get caught as a side project? The house is right next door.

We also all own our houses except for the dealer.

Thank you so much for your time.
When they raid a drug dealer they don't usually go around and search the neighbors houses too. As long as it can't be smelled from outside the house I'd say you're probably OK. Then again maybe it does smell and they think you are the drug dealer and the raid is scheduled for you. Idk.
Your question was will a dog be able to smell mj within your home even if humans cant detect any odor , the answer is yes , you can filter till the cows come home & the dog can still detect the odor .

Fyi most home raids do not invlove k 9 units where the dog is a drug dog , those are rare in most police forces & usually in high demand for non consent vehicle searches , the chances of cops bringing a drug dog to the property are slim .

Normal procedure is surveillance of the house , snitches, knock n talk ect , dont panic your fine .

That is unless the dealer neighbors are referring to is you & they told you in a nice way .
I'd say Panhead got it right. Because otherwise if they bring a true sniffer you're doomed, I had my experience with those coming out of a Taco Dell with a couple delicious chalupas in my hand I find myself face to face with the K9 unit cumming for lunch, got in the parking lot the dog was in the van and he pick the smell on me right away and turn ecstatic, got myself a little beating & search they find nothing on me, follow the usual questioning and then the ask to search my vehicle, I refuse, they get the dog out, he check the car, find nothing, they bring him next to me and right away he sniff my left hand and sit down, this dog was able to smell residue from a Ralf I smoked the previous day, fortunately no charge.
do u own a dog or a cat ..........if not spray your yard with repellent and put a sign out in the front

make sure a clear sign is posted in the yard that u have repellent down ,,,,,,,,,,otherwise u can be charged with a felony assault on police officer

a real trained dog will bark at u your house your car everything u own .........when u grow u are touching the plants and tools those are covered in scent then u touch the walls the clothes all that other stuff and the smell is transfered over .........after long enough u will personally set a dog off like u are carrying 5 lbs in a backpack .....this is the down fall of grown there is only one way to a void this work naked then when done a scrub down shower ( u touch nothing until the shower is over )
Your question was will a dog be able to smell mj within your home even if humans cant detect any odor , the answer is yes , you can filter till the cows come home & the dog can still detect the odor .

Fyi most home raids do not invlove k 9 units where the dog is a drug dog , those are rare in most police forces & usually in high demand for non consent vehicle searches , the chances of cops bringing a drug dog to the property are slim .

Normal procedure is surveillance of the house , snitches, knock n talk ect , dont panic your fine .

That is unless the dealer neighbors are referring to is you & they told you in a nice way .

Definitely not. I don't sell and I even go out to dinner with one of the neighbors. But if It is me and I get a knock and talk I will cut asap. But I did google drug dogs as legal reason to enter a home and it is not. So I should be good since I don't sell or smell :)

So you're obviously not in a legal area. What business do your neighbors have trying to get someone busted? That's really a case of people being too nosy for their own good. Had a few neighbors like that in a circle I lived in during my early 20s. Up until the point I caught one of their kids snooping on the property. Confirmed that after shaking him up a little. I gave em something to complain about. Threw house parties every other night. 50 gallon trash barrels of booze bottles tossed out to the sidewalk twice a week. Had a couple musician pals. Garage turned into their practice place. Ever been around a bunch of guys writing black metal and drinking at 7am? Didn't even take Xmas eve off. I gave em what they wanted. That whole circle knew my business cause they heard it for a year strait. Got my tires slashed once but oh well. Just made it worse. The point is people should keep their noses out of other people's personal affairs. And as far as the person who makes the phone call you should consider them a sub human snitch. People do what they do for 1000 different reasons. People need money. I knew a pretty big dealer who paid for a bachelor's and master's for 2 of his kids. I knew another who looks like badger from breaking bad if badger never shaved or bathed. Looked like a real scumbag. But he paid his grandmothers rent and bills. He actually stayed poor as Fuck most of the time. And what do you plan on doing when these neighbors get pissed at you for whatever reason?
most people wouldn't want customers walking up to their neighbors door all day and night. That's why we have zoning laws. Calling the cops is extreme but I sympathize with them.
If you want to protect yourself again a drug sniffing dog in your neighborhood, soak some old crappy buds and shake in a few gallons of water for a few hours. Then strain out the solid material, load the pot infused water into a garden sprayer, and walk around the neighborhood at night spraying every yard, mailbox, sidewalk and car tire you pass. The K9 will alert on everything, and your home free.

You can hide a small sprayer on your person to make it less obvious, or carry it in plain view. If anyone sees you, tell them you're killing weeds (no pun intended) that keep blowing into your yard.
Pretty simple way to make the dog useless without having to spray everyone's shit down. Doing stupid shit will get you caught and then everyone is gonna start wondering why you were doing something so weird. Then a week later, on a google search, a neighbor figures it all out and calls the cops, lol.

Take a bunch of fan leaves and or trimmings if you dont use them and dry it all to a crisp, then grind it all up into a powder, coffee grinder works, or two rocks and grind together whatever lol? Then once every week or so go around the neighbors yards while on a walk at night and dust the front edge of all their lawns up and down the street, wont need much, just a spot or two per yard is enough, and make sure to stay off their property and don't touch their shit, just drop a dusting on the edge of the property and keep moving. It only takes a super tiny amount of microscopic dust for the dog to alert, so a pinch of powder is like a dump trucks worth to a dogs nose.

Dog is gonna think weed is every where and they will have to put it away.
most people wouldn't want customers walking up to their neighbors door all day and night. That's why we have zoning laws. Calling the cops is extreme but I sympathize with them.

I live in the country for many reasons, this is one.

A fucking door shutting constantly at night and cars firing up= asshole neighbor.

Talk to him, tell him it stops or you file a complaint, dude will stop. Dude doesn't need trouble, dude just needs to change his customers visiting times and be more considerate of those around him.
why on earth is it public knowlege that you are growing weed in your basement?

If gangsters think you are competition, than its gonna be a shit time for you
There goes the neighborhood !
Sounds like you're doing a better job of hiding your extracurricular activities than your neighbor. I wouldn't worry to much but would be cautious of the busy body neighbors because they could easily turn their attention to you.....anyway that's one of the reasons I chose to live in the country where neighbors are few and nosey neighbors are even fewer.....!
Good Luck
Hopefully we won't be seeing you or your neighbor on an episode of cops !
i was walking around houses and i smelled this guys grow one time i went back to the house and left a note on it with my phone number and the guy never called back i guess he got super paranoid or some shit and probably ripped his whole grow down, it was so bad i could smell that shit in the middle of the street and just walked up to the house and i was like fuck this guy must have just harvested
mind your own fucking business.. lol.. im sitting here trying to keep people out of jail. who are u and your neighbors to say that its wrong what he does.. but your doing something just as illegal.. are you harming anyone?.. is he? nope.. non violent drug offenders fill up our prisons.. and if people like you would realize that your apart of that group.. you would mind your business.. if hes really selling.. an is causing a problem. cops will know soon enough and take care of the problem..

but KARMAS A BITCH.. so watch what you say and do ..
Yeah no raids at all. The neighbor that initially told me about it did not end up doing anything thank goodness. The neighbors calmed down for some reason, but the traffic is much less. And that makes me feel safer.