i screwed up


Well-Known Member
so i tried supercropping (for the first time) and im pretty sure i kiled one of my main stems lol this is only a practice run for me, so its not a huge deal, but can you tell me if its probly dead or not? one of them turned out better, but i think the one is fucked.

just incase the pics didnt show up or work
just hit second image at the top to see the second one

can i atleast turn it itno a clone? gettin bud isnt really the issue, ive never cloned before and itd be a good chance to learn. i dont have the rootex tho, is it possible to clone without that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Just tape it together with greytape. Better soften up the stem by rolling them between your fingers before bending/breaking next time. ;)


I wouldn't put any cloning gel into that break it might make it worse. just duct tape it with a couple popsicle sticks to brace it.


Well-Known Member
dont have any glone cel :( is that the stuff you would put on the stem of the clone to root it?
Honestly dude don't worry about the gel I'm sure in real severe cases you could use that but yours is fine jus prop it back up tape it maybe even throw a tooth pick in there to keep it straight no need to get all fancy lol


Well-Known Member
Honestly dude don't worry about the gel I'm sure in real severe cases you could use that but yours is fine jus prop it back up tape it maybe even throw a tooth pick in there to keep it straight no need to get all fancy lol
lol k. ill probly buy some anyways and maybe make some clones just for the hell of it, i need to learn how to do that anyways for the next grow when shit gets real! what do yall recommend? just anything that i can pick up at a hydro store is alright or what?


Active Member
I just learned about supercropping recently as well. I found that if the stem breaks and doesnt bend, then you need to tape it ASAP or else it drys out and dies.

As for cloning, I find the powder or the gel work well. I think it is important, especially if you clone near your flowering time to get the clone some rooting hormones to help change over from the flowering hormones. When I clone, I like to take a branch with at least 3 sets of leaves on it, more is better. You will almost certainly loose the first set of leaves, and sometimes the second set before it roots. Thats why its important to have at least 3 nodes on each clone. I take my cutting on an angle, and make a small 1cm (0.5 inch) cut vertically down the base to split the end into a "V" shape. This will help prevent an air bubble or something else getting jammed in the main "artery" and will also increase the surface area for the roots to grow off of. I leave about an inch or more below the first node and after putting the end in either the rooting powder or gel I stick it into the soil/medium up to the first node to root. They need to have wet soil, but you dont want to over water at ALL in this stage because they will rot or mold pretty easy, especially if you have a way of keeping the humidity up (which helps them root).

It would be good to read a bit on it, but I thought I would pass this info along from my experience. :mrgreen:bongsmilie

Cheers and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Ya you wanna scuff the end about a half inch up or how ever much you will cover with gel and the pods. You wanna make the cut at like 45 degrees I think and I clip the leafs that are left. Hope this helps. Sorry that was backwards the cut first then scuff then dip in gel them pod then clip leafs and repeat.
make sure everything is sanitized also!


Well-Known Member
Ya you wanna scuff the end about a half inch up or how ever much you will cover with gel and the pods. You wanna make the cut at like 45 degrees I think and I clip the leafs that are left. Hope this helps. Sorry that was backwards the cut first then scuff then dip in gel them pod then clip leafs and repeat.
make sure everything is sanitized also!
Cool thanks! I have a few more questions, but I posted another thread for that so there's no reason to ask again lol but thanks a lot, I didn't know about the 45 degree cut thing