I have questions on my room! Please help

I was gonna ask about the cooled lights. If I can exhaust out of the basement under the deck, how do I go out then exhausting the heat from the light? Like where do I exhaust that to
I honestly don’t know man I have trouble finding places to exhaust also. I am pretty much done exhausting other than small veg area went sealed with a mini split for flower(as soon as I can buy c02, venting a small amount to attic In the mean time). It’s really a case by case basis depending on your house and what’s available and possible to do. You could possibly dig a ditch under the deck and put a couple pieces of 8 inch hard pipe in there and then use and elbow so that it stick out of ground under the porch.
You have the lights and the fan/filter all in one line of duct, the heat from both goes to the same extract point.
I’ve done it both ways, I prefer to have the lights on a seperate fan, but if making too many holes in your house scare ya then that can def work. I recommend going in this order filter/fan/lights. That way your blowing thru the hoods as the hoods are never truely sealed and if your pulling thru them they will pull in some smell. With blowing you just push a small amount back into the room, also fans supposedly don’t like heat I’ve never had one fail from it but manufacturers claim that heat will make them fail.
If you are growing in Michigan basement, plan on heat issues, then cold issues, then humidity issues, then humidity issues again, also more heat issues to go along with the next humidity issue.
Then, when Spring ends, Summertime heat and humidity issues start.
Humidity/ heat issues can mean, too much, and/or not enough. The Autumn season is even more exiting!!!
What I'm getting at is, it's a beautiful ride...
I grow in a MI basement. I get 14-18 perfect weeks then the struggle with the environment is on. My dehuey is my best buddy.
I buy every single second hand dehuey I run across....I've picked them up for prices ranging between $25-$125....
Had a great score today actually, halfway decent portable AC at a yard sale for $15.

I actually prefer the Winter months here in Da UP, much more predictably with the furnace keeping the temps in order....
This is what I don't understand. You said you were running a sealed room, but then you talk about exhausting the room through a carbon filter. At first, I assumed that you were going to have a sealed room and you would have air-cooled lights where the intake is coming from outside of the tent, going through the lights and cooling them, then being exhausted outside the tent, but in that case you would not need a carbon filter because none of the air inside the tent would be getting exhausted. A sealed room would mean you need CO2 generation of some sort, with no intakes or outtakes for the actual air inside the tent. In the case of a sealed room, you would only need intakes and exhausts for the air-cooled lights, and that air should not come in contact with the air inside the tent. With a sealed room you wouldn't need the carbon filter. So, which is it?