I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

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Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Like whatever I say has any meaning in your dumb fucking brains anymore...

Like how the fuck do you come at me with that one word, when you have failed at your whole point you tried to make in this god forsaken thread. (sorry op :D)
I speak in proven biology and botany. You speak in weak forum paradigm. You do not has a grasp on light, biology or horticulture. You are the one that is failing.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member

  • Buds DO NOT photosynthesis'. Nor do they provide the plant any other source of energy extracted from light for any practical purpose. Nor do they transpire for the plant. Fan leaves carry out photosynthesis and transpiration for the plant. And by doing these two things they create the needed energy sources for a plants growth. The so called lower popcorn buds are a hormonal response that has nothing to do with the lack of direct light. Lumens mean dick too. Its a measurement based on what the human eye see's. Not what a plant uses to grow. So removing leaves to remove a shadow from a bud site only makes the grower feel good. It has the opposite effect for the plant......​


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member

  • Buds DO NOT photosynthesis'. Nor do they provide the plant any other source of energy extracted from light for any practical purpose. Nor do they transpire for the plant. Fan leaves carry out photosynthesis and transpiration for the plant. And by doing these two things they create the needed energy sources for a plants growth. The so called lower popcorn buds are a hormonal response that has nothing to do with the lack of direct light. Lumens mean dick too. Its a measurement based on what the human eye see's. Not what a plant uses to grow. So removing leaves to remove a shadow from a bud site only makes the grower feel good. It has the opposite effect for the plant......​

Wonder if he will try and understand what we are teaching him? Or just keep on in favor of something he has never even tried. There is some very valuable info left along in some posts. Big words that have to do with real botany,not forum B.s.


Active Member
the first thing you posted, and I quote

  • Then you should have understood that if you defoliate, MORE leaves grow in place of them. But no, you all keep on saying just how leaves are beneficial (which I guess we already knew, but thanks, stupid.), and don't remove them, SO BASICALLY DO NOT DOUBLE THEIR AMOUNT. Which is okay to not do, btw, but don't say doing so is just nonsense.​

What is your point? I still don't see myself saying how it's preferred over anything else, only how it's a working method. (Which, you clearly are against.)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go out on a limb here and presume that I speak for Chuck as well as myself when I say this to all of you who think ideas like this are sound botanical procedures. This is a newbie central forum and as such is read by ACTUAL newbies looking for advice. Placing this insanity in this forum unchallenged is simply unconscionable and I and many others will spend our valuable time debunking this bullshit with actual science so the folks who need help don't run afoul of these silly notions that crop up constantly.


Active Member

  • Buds DO NOT photosynthesis'. Nor do they provide the plant any other source of energy extracted from light for any practical purpose. Nor do they transpire for the plant. Fan leaves carry out photosynthesis and transpiration for the plant. And by doing these two things they create the needed energy sources for a plants growth. The so called lower popcorn buds are a hormonal response that has nothing to do with the lack of direct light. Lumens mean dick too. Its a measurement based on what the human eye see's. Not what a plant uses to grow. So removing leaves to remove a shadow from a bud site only makes the grower feel good. It has the opposite effect for the plant......​

Still, you do not understand that it means more leaves...
You basically say it's bad because it will have more leaves, and leaves are needed.


Active Member
I'm going to go out on a limb here and presume that I speak for Chuck as well as myself when I say this to all of you who think ideas like this are sound botanical procedures. This is a newbie central forum and as such is read by ACTUAL newbies looking for advice. Placing this insanity in this forum unchallenged is simply unconscionable and I and many others will spend our valuable time debunking this bullshit with actual science so the folks who need help don't run afoul of these silly notions that crop up constantly.
Increased veg time may very well be the only valid point against this.
The proof is right in my room, where after ALL the leaves fell off, almost exactly 2 grew in pleace of every 1 of them.
What is a good point, is how nobody should take this as a 100% way to increase yield.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
What is your point? I still don't see myself saying how it's preferred over anything else, only how it's a working method. (Which, you clearly are against.)
its a great method if you are the electric company or have enough money and roof space to double your solar panels.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Did some research on defoliating and found it was originally a hoax perpetuated by finshaggy! The joke is on everyone who believed it...lol
It wouldn't be a hoax if finshaggy posted it, as he truly believes everything he posts as correct, it's just the rest of the world that questions him

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Increased veg time may very well be the only valid point against this.
The proof is right in my room, where after ALL the leaves fell off, almost exactly 2 grew in pleace of every 1 of them.
What is a good point, is how nobody should take this as a 100% way to increase yield.
your avatar is very ironic. Don't ya think?
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