I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

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Active Member
I thought it was about not doing this to your plants.
Whatever dude... it wasn't your plants, so get over it.
If it works, good. You don't need to imitate everything you see here.
But if you ever overwinterize plants, you'll see what I mean.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Have you invented a light that can penetrate leaves and just get to the bud then, maybe you should take it on Dragons den because I would buy one and I'm in!!

Your little picture shows a plant which has clearly been defoliated down the left!! Who's side are you on here???

I don't have any intentions of studying law and becoming a solicitor, but thanks for the careers advice it's duly noted.

It's quite hard to take a person seriously that has a picture of man who is clearly as mad as a box of frogs as their avatar.
PAR light does penetrate the leaves. Again you do not even have a grasp of the basics...


Active Member
right, and how much more does it cost to replace all those panels? The extended time in veg for the plant to recover from the stress is not worth the cost of the time and energy and stress to the plant to do it your way.
Okay it's not my way. Let's just read about "comprehension" again...
And about the veg time, that's for another experiment if it is worth the extra time.
But that wasn't what you were arguing about. It's a point to make, but it wasn't yours at first...


Active Member
Ever say something meaningful, chuck?

Other than quoting about "comprehension" so others may teach you about it.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Okay it's not my way. Let's just read about "comprehension" again...
And about the veg time, that's for another experiment if it is worth the extra time.
But that wasn't what you were arguing about. It's a point to make, but it wasn't yours at first...
you are here arguing in favor of it, therefore, it IS your way. OWn it dude. My argument is very valid to this discussion. Cost of power and time to recover? I mean c'mon dude. Common sense says it will cost more.


Active Member
I say what is true, and that is, I have never done this myself, but nature did to my plants, and they have 3 times the leaves that fell off.
That's also why I may agree with the added veg time. Because it's not my way that I defend to the death, but a possible method to increase foliage.

....and heres comes chuck to tell me how butthurt I am and defensive, when in fact he is the one who had to switch arguing points after debunking hes / their reason to argue.


Well-Known Member
Okay it's not my way. Let's just read about "comprehension" again...
And about the veg time, that's for another experiment if it is worth the extra time.
But that wasn't what you were arguing about. It's a point to make, but it wasn't yours at first...
So.....if you don't rape your plant, and you extend the veg time, and you flower the now enormous plant (enourmous because it was not raped) that has used the SAME amount of electricity to develop it will produce less bud? Simple topping at every 4th node is the technique to use if you want a lower profile more voluminous plant, NOT RAPE.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I say what is true, and that is, I have never done this myself, but nature did to my plants, and they have 3 times the leaves that fell off.
That's also why I may agree with the added veg time. Because it's not my way that I defend to the death, but a possible method to increase foliage.
Awhile back you spoke in definite's. Now you have digressed to using words like possible. The back peddling has begun.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I say what is true, and that is, I have never done this myself, but nature did to my plants, and they have 3 times the leaves that fell off.
That's also why I may agree with the added veg time. Because it's not my way that I defend to the death, but a possible method to increase foliage.
ok, go measure the time and cost to rape your plant vs not and report back. otherwise,please STFU

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I say what is true, and that is, I have never done this myself, but nature did to my plants, and they have 3 times the leaves that fell off.
That's also why I may agree with the added veg time. Because it's not my way that I defend to the death, but a possible method to increase foliage.

....and heres comes chuck to tell me how butthurt I am and defensive, when in fact he is the one who had to switch arguing points after debunking hes / their reason to argue.


Active Member
So.....if you don't rape your plant, and you extend the veg time, and you flower the now enormous plant (enourmous because it was not raped) that has used the SAME amount of electricity to develop it will produce less bud? Simple topping at every 4th node is the technique to use if you want a lower profile more voluminous plant, NOT RAPE.
And that is what I am going to do. Top my plants, or maybe try fimming. If you read back, you can see I have not argued about how this is the best method, but against that removing so many leaves will do no good.


Active Member
Like whatever I say has any meaning in your dumb fucking brains anymore...

Awhile back you spoke in definite's. Now you have digressed to using words like possible. The back peddling has begun.
Like how the fuck do you come at me with that one word, when you have failed at your whole point you tried to make in this god forsaken thread. (sorry op :D)


Well-Known Member
Hey Chuck thanks for bringing up apical dominance.

From UC Davis -

By pruning the main axis early, several lateral buds were released from apical dominance and allowed to grow out. This plant therefore has several main axes ...​

Pruning (topping) NOT raping is beneficial to your plants. STOP the violence :hump:

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
And that is what I am going to do. Top my plants, or maybe try fimming. If you read back, you can see I have not argued about how this is the best method, but against that removing so many leaves will do no good.
the first thing you posted, and I quote

  • Then you should have understood that if you defoliate, MORE leaves grow in place of them. But no, you all keep on saying just how leaves are beneficial (which I guess we already knew, but thanks, stupid.), and don't remove them, SO BASICALLY DO NOT DOUBLE THEIR AMOUNT. Which is okay to not do, btw, but don't say doing so is just nonsense.​

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