I have alot of rabbits in my yard...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i honestly don't know. i do it based on sight at this point. i'll make some tomorrow and let you know. you can add all types of veggies to it to. i like to add diced bacon to the pan first. draw the grease out and then add the garlic, onion and some veggies. just brown it a little and then you add a little butter. let it melt and then cream cheese, heavy cream, and a little white whine. let it simmer for 10 minutes.
What are the origins of salsa blanca? We don't have that in New Mexico (at least not native to this area). We have regular salsa made with pequin and Salsa Verde (yum by the way). But that's it. :)


Well-Known Member
What are the origins of salsa blanca? We don't have that in New Mexico (at least not native to this area). We have regular salsa made with pequin and Salsa Verde (yum by the way). But that's it. :)
i have no clue where it came from. when i moved to costa rica it was a dish a commonly say. they make it a lot of different ways here but i like that recipe best. i've also seen it in nicaragua and honduras. in honduras they make it with chicken stock and it's more of a reduction sauce. a lot thicker. in nicaragua it's basically made the same ways as in costa rica but they make it more watery and much lighter. they use it mostly to dress up white rice. not really as a dressing for fish or chicken like here.


Moderatrix of Journals
Hiya Kitty! Garden, garden, garden oh yeah... Well work once again got crazy and I had no time or money to amend the soil so I just put everything in pots. Just trying tomatoes and peppers this first go-round. Hopefully next year I'll see it through. I just don't like doing things half-ass.
i'm mostly in containers this year too. still smarting from last year's broccoli massacre. fuckers took down ALL my beans, peas and my prized romanesco natalino. :(


Ursus marijanus

damn scooby. that sounds fucking awesome. what are the measurements for the ingredients?

It looks kind of like a bechamel sauce

sweet cream
cream cheese
white wine
But what is the binder/liaison? In a béchamel, you make a roux by sautéing some flour in butter. I preferred a white or pale-yellow roux, but momma liked it rather browner. ~coffee drinkers~
It sounds like the cream cheese is doing binder duties here. I wonder what the finished texture is like. cn


Well-Known Member
Wild rabbits can have parasites and diseases like tapeworm and tularemia. Make sure you use gloves when dressing the rabbit and examine it closely for signs of parasites. If the liver looks unhealthy, (white spots or other abnormalities) don't eat it, and make sure that you cook it well! I love rabbit and squirrel, but my grandpa would never kill one between 5/1 and 10/1. This is when they are likely to have the most problems. Just be careful.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
But what is the binder/liaison? In a béchamel, you make a roux by sautéing some flour in butter. I preferred a white or pale-yellow roux, but momma liked it rather browner. ~coffee drinkers~
It sounds like the cream cheese is doing binder duties here. I wonder what the finished texture is like. cn
Pretty damn creamy and smooth judging by the ingredients. I use flour in my bechamel. We had hashbrowns, sausage and biscuits with a medium thick sauce this morning. It was delicious. :p


Well-Known Member
kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit!

lmao actually those little guys look like they'd taste good, but i'd never eat a wild one, only eat one raised for consumption.
my grandma used to make me go out every night and feed the wild rabbits outside, its funny, desert rabbits go apeshit for lettuce