I have alot of rabbits in my yard...


Well-Known Member
I bought my house 4 years ago and have been so friendly with the rabbits that I can actually walk 4 feet from them and they don't move, just get a little skittish. There are literally 8 or so that just hang out in my yard eating the grass and dandelions. They're pretty damn cute. But they also look pretty damn tasty. Would it be fucked up to eat them? I know it's not fucked up to eat them because I need food, but at the same time I think it's fucked up that I tricked them into thinking I was friendly all these years. Pretty sure they're Eastern Cottontails. Well shit what do you think??? :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
They have no idea who you are and they have no conception of the word trust. They just know you live there too and you are not agressive. With that said go eat you one brother they are tastey little critters.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you google how to skin and clean them they are by far the simplest to prepare for the stick.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Catch them and fed them, thy'll spply you with unbelivably good ferts. Rabbit poo cant be bet when it coms to manure!!!


Well-Known Member
Quick shot to the head and the rest of the rabbits won't associate you with the killing - no breach of trust. Wear gloves when skinning/cleaning the rabbit and cook thoroughly. There are a few nasty things rabbits can transmit but a proper cooking and handling will take care of that.


Well-Known Member
Well since every week more bunnies are born I say eat them all you want...our dog eats rabbits at least once a week...we have hundreds that go hopping all over, and we don't fool them into thinking we are nice, but they still like to hide in this breyer covered embankment we have...so there they are, and here we are, and they become dog food, but I would eat them I think...maybe...if it squealed when I killed it I couldn't eat it...but if it died quietly I would fire up the grill


Well-Known Member
Was outside tending to my bonsais and was able to snap these with no problem. I think I'll plug one in the head then have my wife do the dirty work. :bigjoint:



New Member
I've got a hanfull of rabbits on my 3 acres....These are wild, tho! I have never gotten a chance to take a pic of them....they run. I did manage to watch one for a few minuts one day! I like having them around. Anytime a guest sees one, the person usually says 'wow!'!

I don't eat rabbit but home grown must be good!