I have a serious question that I please need help with! Emergency!

Like think everyone's out to get you?
Don't listen to the voices.

In all seriousness mental health is not a joking matter and you really should see the Vet doctor and have a chat with them.
Linking two words spelt similar and coming up with a Chinese spy pretending to be Australian on a drug forum is not normal.
Neither is an “Aussie” (who seems to be trying really hard to point out that he’s an “Aussie” to everyone) getting pissed off because I caught a Belarusian pretending to be a Greek. That’s pretty suspicious, considering we never had beef until afterwards.

As I said, I have better shit to do than play games with you. Get some Vaseline for that butthurt.
Neither is an “Aussie” (who seems to be trying really hard to point out that he’s an “Aussie” to everyone) getting pissed off because I caught a Belarusian pretending to be a Greek. That’s pretty suspicious, considering we never had beef until afterwards.

As I said, I have better shit to do than play games with you. Get some Vaseline for that butthurt.
Believe what you want mate. As I have said in the other thread. I have nothing but respect for you. Its only the last week you have been acting strange and paranoid. Please see the Vet Dr. Ring and make an appointment.
Believe what you want mate. As I have said in the other thread. I have nothing but respect for you. Its only the last week you have been acting strange and paranoid. Please see the Vet Dr. Ring and make an appointment.
Fill this out and hand it in to someone who gives a fuck.

Fill this out and hand it in to someone who gives a fuck.

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Im not hurt mate. Im concerned.
I was upset you took another thread and twisted it and brang it here. I was linked to it and replied. But now im concerned. I know you have had a hard time of it and I know as a Vet you are in danger of mental health problems (as my dad is, as my Grand farther was).
Insult me all you like but please see the Dr. I hope any other vets on here urge you to do the same privately.

I wish you the best.
Im not hurt mate. Im concerned.
I was upset you took another thread and twisted it and brang it here. I was linked to it and replied. But now im concerned. I know you have had a hard time of it and I know as a Vet you are in danger of mental health problems (as my dad is, as my Grand farther was).
Insult me all you like but please see the Dr. I hope any other vets on here urge you to do the same privately.

I wish you the best.

When are they cleaning your enclosure?
Im not hurt mate. Im concerned.
I was upset you took another thread and twisted it and brang it here. I was linked to it and replied. But now im concerned. I know you have had a hard time of it and I know as a Vet you are in danger of mental health problems (as my dad is, as my Grand farther was).
Insult me all you like but please see the Dr. I hope any other vets on here urge you to do the same privately.

I wish you the best.
Yeah, you’re really fucking concerned. You’re concerned after I point out the coincidence between TGG being caught and your sudden change in demeanor afterwards. I specifically told you before all this began I didn’t want to argue with you. You persisted. Now that I’ve drawn the parallel between the two events, you check yourself. You wanted to start shit, I didn’t. Fuck you, dude.
Yeah, you’re really fucking concerned. You’re concerned after I point out the coincidence between TGG being caught and your sudden change in demeanor afterwards. I specifically told you before all this began I didn’t want to argue with you. You persisted. Now that I’ve drawn the parallel between the two events, you check yourself. You wanted to start shit, I didn’t. Fuck you, dude.
I have no idea who TGG is.
Easy way to prove im not a Chinese agent doing whatever it is you think im doing on a drug forum. Ask in the Aussie thread which state and country the seeds are I post to them are from and the state they post them to me. If that doesn't show you, you have a delusion im not sure how else I can help you.
I have no idea who TGG is.
Easy way to prove im not a Chinese agent doing whatever it is you think im doing on a drug forum. Ask in the Aussie thread which state and country the seeds are I post to them are from and the state they post them to me. If that doesn't show you, you have a delusion im not sure how else I can help you.

How do you get a wifi signal in your mud hut?
I have no idea who TGG is.
Easy way to prove im not a Chinese agent doing whatever it is you think im doing on a drug forum. Ask in the Aussie thread which state and country the seeds are I post to them are from and the state they post them to me. If that doesn't show you, you have a delusion im not sure how else I can help you.
Paranoia/delusion and hypervigilance aren’t the same thing. Hypervigilance isn’t rooted in delusion. Hypervigilance is a symptom of PTSD, a traumatic/anxiety disorder. Paranoia is a symptom of psychotic disorders such as Schizophrenia. I dunno what your fucking problem is, but I have always been straight with you. It’s pretty fucking suspicious you’d start shit with me after two years, only after the incident with TheGreenGreek (who was Belarusian and, like you, very insistent he was what he said he was, to the point he had to tell everyone he was Greek.)
Paranoia/delusion and hypervigilance aren’t the same thing. Hypervigilance isn’t rooted in delusion. Hypervigilance is a symptom of PTSD. Paranoia is a symptom of psychotic disorders such as Schizophrenia. I dunno what your fucking problem is, but I have always been straight with you. It’s pretty fucking suspicious you’d start shit with me after two years, only after the incident with TheGreenGreek.
mate I just got linked to you saying weird shit about me on this thread. I don't and have never had a problem with you.
mate I just got linked to you saying weird shit about me on this thread. I don't and have never had a problem with you.
I didn’t say shit with you until AFTER you started shit with me. After the second time, that is. Other people noticed you were acting weird the first time. At which point I said “I have no idea, I was always cool with him.” The first time was almost immediately following TGG getting caught; I only realized it afterwards.
All I can say bud is to prove your delusional is to ask that Q in the aussie thread in general discuss.
If you don't want to help yourself then I cannot help you.
All I can say bud is to prove your delusional is to ask that Q in the aussie thread in general discuss.
If you don't want to help yourself then I cannot help you.
You’re clearly too dumb to understand the difference between delusion and hypervigilance, despite it just being explained to you, and I’m not wasting my time trying to educate you.
Hypervigilance is an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity accompanied by an exaggerated intensity of behaviors whose purpose is to detect activity. Hypervigilance may bring about a state of increased anxiety which can cause exhaustion. Other symptoms include: abnormally increased arousal, a high responsiveness to stimuli, and a constant scanning of the environment.[1]

In hypervigilance, there is a perpetual scanning of the environment to search for sights, sounds, people, behaviors, smells, or anything else that is reminiscent of activity, threat or trauma. The individual is placed on high alert in order to be certain danger is not near. Hypervigilance can lead to a variety of obsessive behavior patterns, as well as producing difficulties with social interaction and relationships.

Hypervigilance can be a symptom of post traumatic stress disorder[2] (PTSD) and various types of anxiety disorders. It is distinguished from paranoia. Paranoid diagnoses, such as can occur in schizophrenia, can seem superficially similar, but are characteristically different.”