I have a serious question that I please need help with! Emergency!

Sorry about ruining the thread. That said, I’m still positive of what I was saying. Sorry for disturbing you guys, I just figured you guys might listen, if anyone.


Russia sends GRU sleeper cell to UK to BRING DOWN INTERNET: Major hunt launched”


“The 21st-century Russian sleeper agent is a troll with an American accent”

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What's Emily's username on here? I always had neo in this moderator election but could be swayed.
She's on Pollitup

And Lucky Luke, who claims to be Australian, said “of cause” instead of “of course” while rabidly defending China. Now, if you are a Chinese National, or maybe Belarusian as well, those two might sound the same. I figure he meant to use a colloquialism but he used the wrong word, because he’s only ever heard it said aloud. He also asked why I spelled jail as such instead of the Norman French original “gaol.”
Seriously? Cause and course and you get all that?
You should either take your meds or see a doctor. Could also just mean im fkd at spelling eh?

O and Gaol. I never did say 'Norman French"- you did. I said English spelling. Americans as you should know have changed a few English words like Gaol and Colour. But then perhaps you don't which is why my comment got you so confused....But you have taken my whole comment out of context so beautifully that I have to give you some credit. With that much twisting I bet you got your panties in a bunch.

Gaol vs. jail - Grammarist - English Grammar, Grammar ...
Gaol vs. jail . Gaol is an ... spelling and the simplified minds who are in favour of destroying the Queen’s English. Gaol it has always been and gaol ... (old .

Definition of 'gaol'
Learner: gaolEnglish: gaolAmerican: gaolExample sentencesTrends
Word Frequency
Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense gaols, present participle gaoling, past tense, past participle gaoled jail
Gaol is one of the 30000 most commonly used words in the Collins dictionary

Gaol definition
gaol (jāl) n. & v. Chiefly British Variant of jail. gaol (dʒeɪl) n, vb Brit a variant spelling of jail ˈgaoler n ˈgaoleˌress fem n. jail (dʒeɪl) n. 1. a prison, esp. one for the detention of persons awaiting trial or convicted of minor offenses. v.t. 2. to take into or hold in lawful custody; imprison.
Gaol - definition of gaol by The Free Dictionary

I know you complain about reading posts that have more than 30 words so here is a picture:


And some History so you can learn something and not repeat "Norman French". https://www.spectator.co.uk/2014/04/why-did-we-ever-spell-jail-gaol/

Another word springs to mind when reading your silly deranged rant. Wanker.
wanker - Wiktionary
8/08/2018 · wanker (plural wankers) ... (Australian) fuckwit ...
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Seriously? Cause and course and you get all that?
You should either take your meds or see a doctor. Could also just mean im fkd at spelling eh?

O and Gaol. I never did say 'Norman French"- you did. I said English spelling. Americans as you should know have changed a few English words like Gaol and Colour. But then perhaps you don't which is why my comment got you so confused....But you have taken my whole comment out of context so beautifully that I have to give you some credit. With that much twisting I bet you got your panties in a bunch.

Gaol vs. jail - Grammarist - English Grammar, Grammar ...
Gaol vs. jail . Gaol is an ... spelling and the simplified minds who are in favour of destroying the Queen’s English. Gaol it has always been and gaol ... (old .

Definition of 'gaol'
Learner: gaolEnglish: gaolAmerican: gaolExample sentencesTrends
Word Frequency
Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense gaols, present participle gaoling, past tense, past participle gaoled jail
Gaol is one of the 30000 most commonly used words in the Collins dictionary

Gaol definition
gaol (jāl) n. & v. Chiefly British Variant of jail. gaol (dʒeɪl) n, vb Brit a variant spelling of jail ˈgaoler n ˈgaoleˌress fem n. jail (dʒeɪl) n. 1. a prison, esp. one for the detention of persons awaiting trial or convicted of minor offenses. v.t. 2. to take into or hold in lawful custody; imprison.
Gaol - definition of gaol by The Free Dictionary

I know you complain about reading posts that have more than 30 words so here is a picture:


And some History so you can learn something and not repeat "Norman French". https://www.spectator.co.uk/2014/04/why-did-we-ever-spell-jail-gaol/

Another word springs to mind when reading your silly deranged rant. Wanker.
wanker - Wiktionary
8/08/2018 · wanker (plural wankers) ... (Australian) fuckwit ...
You just going to follow me around talking shit like a bitter, petty little bitch? You must really want to suck my dick.

If you knew shit about etymology, you’d know “gaol” comes from Norman French “gaole.” You should stick to your native Mandarin.
Middle English: based on Latin cavea (see cage). The word came into English in two forms, jaiole from Old French and gayolefrom Anglo-Norman French gaole (surviving in the spelling gaol ), originally pronounced with a hard g, as in gale .
You just going to follow me around talking shit like a bitter, petty little bitch? You must really want to suck my dick.

If you knew shit about etymology, you’d know “gaol” comes from Norman French “gaole.” You should stick to your native Mandarin.
Middle English: based on Latin cavea (see cage). The word came into English in two forms, jaiole from Old French and gayolefrom Anglo-Norman French gaole (surviving in the spelling gaol ), originally pronounced with a hard g, as in gale .

You’re about 40 points off in your estimate of Luke’s IQ. He can’t even piece together basic sentences in his native language. Leave him to feed on his own waste.
So, TheGreenBelarusian isn’t coming back. Must really piss you off, being his comrade and all.
Take ur meds man.

So from that whole post you again brought up Normandy and not the English use of Gaol..maybe read your and my post again eh. Your fixating.

and its Northern French..i know they sound the same..are you Russian?
"e in Northern French and jaiole in Parisian French."
I know you may of not been there but Normandy is in Northern France. I much preferred southern France but each to their own. Not that it matters were it came from I spose..its the Queens English,
Do you think Languages just get snapped out of thin air..they evolve and Gaol is most defiantly English. I even showed you a picture. Surley having served you have been to England or an English speaking county apart from America. Do Canadians use Gaol? Im guessing they would being part of the commonwealth.
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Nah, that skank can keep them. You can fight with yourself, I’ve got better shit to do.
Then get another prescription. You need them pretty bad. When was the last time you saw your shrink?
You should also ask him about those homosexual tendancies. Asking male strangers on the internet to suck your dick isn't normal.
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Nah, that skank can keep them. You can fight with yourself, I’ve got better shit to do.
Like think everyone's out to get you?
Don't listen to the voices.

In all seriousness mental health is not a joking matter and you really should see the Vet doctor and have a chat with them.
Linking two words spelt similar and coming up with a Chinese spy pretending to be Australian on a drug forum is not normal.