I have 19 plans about to die, please help


Active Member
All my plans are looking sort of wilted and curling in and drooping. I have my temp strait, air flow, ph 5.9 ppm 399 running bucket system with clay pellets. The light are not to close, I just tries h2o2 last night, no change today. Someone please help. I water on a timer 3x a day for 15 min each time. My plants are about a foot or so high. Still in veg. Some leaf tips are curling under. I would so apprechiate anything

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Active Member
Do you think i should stop the timer and not let it water for a day or so? Someone suggested h2o2 i tried it and it didnt work. That was last night


Active Member
Looks underwatered to me but their not that bad. You have to check the roots to see if they get dried out for prolonged periods of time with that watering sched.. As plants grow the drink more and more , and if it is hot in your grow area that would dry them out too.. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
If you already watered then let it dry out. If its overwatering then it just needs some space. If its a toxicity problem like with nitrogen for example you'd wanna flush them with a mild and complete fertilizer not including nitrogen so that you flush out the toxicity of it. And then just lay off the nitrogen for a week so that the leaves use it up.
Are the buckets full of clay pelts? Is there air stones in the res? What nutes are you using.it really does look like over watering but since your hydro this can also happen from stagnate water or lack of . As long as your water has plenty of oxygen in it you could run it 24/7 back in the day I ran a similar setup and ran it 24/7


Active Member
Yes the buckets are full of pellets, I have 2 12" airstones in the resevoir. Im using the all in one supernatural agua grow. Do you think I should not water them for a day and see if they come back?


Active Member
The roots are already thru the bottom of the bucket. Should I just pull up the bucket and see if theyare dry, or if they are wet still? and should I lower or go higher with my fill line? its about a 7 inches up the bucket now.


Well-Known Member
That looks like a ebb and flow system. Are you sure your return pump is running right and leaving as little water on the bottom as possible? And how much air do you have running to your res? H2O2 isn't a overnight fix ether. And that's best is you have root slime or root. And can take up to a week to really see changes. Alot of all in 1 nutes are 10-10-10. And sometimes need extra parts added. You look N def. I would recamend useing a 2part system and some extra N. Such as AZOS. For best affect you need to mix it in a jug till liquified then add to your res.


Well-Known Member
Water 3 times a day min. 1 day without water in hydro you will hate your self. I have my timers set to go off every 6 hours. Lights on or off. I do this just to keep the water moving. The plant won't feed in the dark but don't want stale water in the buckets for longer them 6 hours


Active Member
Yea I pulled up each bucket and there is no water in there, There is a wet spot where it was but there isnt any sitting in the bucket. And I have two 12" airstones in my resevoir. running all the time. So water them more, maybe add some more nutrients? and if I water them more and they get worse, just stop watering will they come back when they dry up?


Well-Known Member
It's under watered, I'd bet my bottom dollar. There's no yellowing I see at all. The drooping leaves and 3x15min watering sched. seems to indicate that you need to water more often. Just set it to run constantly for a few hours and see if they perk up some. If not, then you know to move on to something less likely. That looks just like my plants when I didn't up the watering amounts as they grew. You have to scale waterings with the plants. Bigger plants need more water.