I have 19 plans about to die, please help


Active Member
Im watering now and ill set it for every 4-6 hrs to water and see if they perk up by later, Ill get back to everyone. Thanks alot for the advice


Active Member
I grow hydro and if I get lazy and forget to top they drink all the water/nute soulution and look like yours do , once I feed them in a few hours they are back up.. Either that or lack of O2 and you have airstones so thats not it. 3x day for 15min is not enough water at this stage.


Active Member
Ok, thanks, I set them to every 4 hrs right now. I will see if they come back. Ill be back later thanks, and how do you put quotes at the bottom of your page


Active Member
Ok you have to go to My Profile and edit your signature. Another thing is if people are helping you and you like the help and want more you should reward the helpers by giving them Rep the little star next to Journal this post. Now you dont have to give it to everybody every time its just a good way to show your appreciation.. Good luck


Active Member
Been watering every few hours, all night they seem to be the same, and or look a little better, I cant really tell. They havent drooped any more though and they are still growing off the top. If they continue to droop or do this should i stop watering for a day and see what they do?


Active Member
No it takes some tiime recover , I do dwc and once I refill it still take a day to recover. It doesnt happen to me often only 2x but both times they needed a day to realize they good now.. Just try not to let the roots dry out keep checking them , but dont over do it and over water either..Good Luck ..


Well-Known Member
You may need some time. If your roots got too dry, you may have damaged part of your root ball bad enough for it to need some recovery time. Remember, as long as it's oxygenated, you can't "overwater" your plants in hydro.


Active Member
You can over water in hydro if you are feeding in intervals and leaving standing water in the bucket , even if the water was oxygenated it wont stay that way in the bucket for a prolonged period. Good Luck..


Well-Known Member
You can over water in hydro if you are feeding in intervals and leaving standing water in the bucket , even if the water was oxygenated it wont stay that way in the bucket for a prolonged period. Good Luck..
It will for quite some time. I have buckets that are un-aerated for 12+ hours because I wanted to see the effects. Nothing went wrong, that was in dwc. I'm not sure how long the water would have to be there, but it would be some time I'd imagine.


Active Member
No your not sure how long the water would have to be there in your case. Not mines the pump went out for 6 hours and the ladies showed signs of overwatering , drooping. And once I changed my buckets cleaned the air stone and hose and forgot to put it into the bucket with the nute solution , it wasnt even 2 hours and drooping. Not everybody's experience is the same like strains. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Ah, I used gravity return on my system like this. I'm guessing you used a return pump? Mine never got a chance to go stagnant when the pump was running, the buckets were always overflowing back into the rez. Never did like that two pump system for that reason.


Ursus marijanus
Ah, I used gravity return on my system like this. I'm guessing you used a return pump? Mine never got a chance to go stagnant when the pump was running, the buckets were always overflowing back into the rez. Never did like that two pump system for that reason.
I've worked with rocky on his other thread. My recommendation then and now was to get some oxygen into the buckets. He uses a pump-fill, gravity-drain setup which means no recirc, just a static fill.
I missed the bit about only 3 fills a day.

So i agree with both under- and overwatering: not enough fills, and with the pellets in the bucket and that fibrous collar, I think the air in the buckets gets stagnant.
Since the plants are in distress, i recommend aggressive action: 1) at least double the number of fill cycles, and 2) get an airstone into the bottom of each pot to displace the motionless air in there! cn


Active Member
Im not sure how to get an air stone in there to each bucket, but i put up some pics of right now, what do you think.


Well-Known Member
They look better than they did yesterday. No?

Having more fills over the 12 hours of light should help with getting fresh air in there.

In that pic, it looks like your roots are looking pretty healthy. From reading the earlier posts, i expected a brown mess.


Well-Known Member
Looking better then the first photos. But it's hard to say if it's because the light just came on or that's just how thy are. Nice color but alittle curling. Might be heat.


Active Member
I keep it at 75 in there steady, except during the sleep period it gets to 84 when I turn the lights back on.


Ursus marijanus
They are definitely looking better! It looks like more frequent fills will do all on their own. Good call, kpmarine. cn