I have 19 plans about to die, please help


Active Member
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Heres pics from today, Are they looking better? I mean they havent gotten any droopier, so I cant be overwatering right?


Ursus marijanus
They're not quite healthy at this point ... a healthy plant has that crisp "reach up and out" look. What is your current fill-and-drain schedule?

I'd put an airstone into the bottom of one pot and see if that makes a diff. cn


Active Member
well since they were drooping a few days ago, I moved them to every 3-4 hrs fill and drain its on 15 min then drain.


Well-Known Member
They are doing much better. You can see that the lower leaves are starting the straighten out. But still needs a few days to recover. As CN said they should reach upwards then they are happy. So your on the right track. Keep it up and you might be ready to flip in a few days.


Ursus marijanus
well since they were drooping a few days ago, I moved them to every 3-4 hrs fill and drain its on 15 min then drain.
3, or 4, or something else? I'm assuming you have the fills automated, pump and timer. What is the timer setting? You've tickled my curiosity. cn


Well-Known Member
they deff look over waterd i bet thats your problem no oxygen is getting to the roots. thats what mine look like when i over water :)


Well-Known Member
It's hydro. As long as there is air in the water how can it get over watered? If any one can tell me that explain DWC.


Active Member
I have them watering every 3-4 hrs. all night long, since this problem stated. Before that I watered two times a day. They are on a timer that fills in 15min sessions then drains. I even water them one time while they sleep on my 18-6 just to keep water moving. I have 30 gallons in my res. 2 12" airstones that run constantly ph is around 6.0 always and the ppm's are at 590 right now. So tell me your thought, please


Active Member
And they dont seem over watered because when I increased the watering they actually havent gotton and droopier, they may have improved a bit, but not a whole lot.


Well-Known Member
You have 2 12" stones. I'm gonna guess it's the skinny blue ones. They suck and break alot. When you can swap them out for 2 2" rounds. 3 bucks each. I've dropped a few and no problem. Also cleaning is easy. I rub them on concret to open pores and boil. Like new.


Active Member
They still seem a little droopy though right? Does it just take some time. I feel like they looked even bettere than that earlier then sort of drooped, so idk. Do they look ready to flip? Size wise I mean


Well-Known Member
If they arnt doing any worse they are doing better. Just depends on them how long it takes to bounce back. So I think your doing good.