i hate rap music

i like x he's a silly type of rapper - but hes not "whack" if you know what i mean....tom green however - he's fuckin great haha
So you liked him in that show pimp my ride or whatever it was called?
The dude acted like an idiot.

i dont watch tv


i download/stream the shows i wish to watch.

take note i also said he's a silly type of rapper - i like silly seeing as how everyone is a gangster now a days even on the internet :roll:
say what ya wanna say but 2Pac was awesome






Im glad im not the only one who realizes that todays "rap" music is ruining the future of society. Current "rap superstars" use other rappers popularity to make themselves popular which wouldnt be so bad if they were about something good like country music...Which they are far from producing.

Now dont get me wrong Ive been to the clubs and ive freak danced many beautiful women to popular beats while getting crunk, but as i get older i realize there is a means to an end. Where is rap music really going? And what really is rap music?

Rap music is the struggle between good and evil. Rappers protray themselves as people with no rules, "gansters" as they call it. They idolize people of old like Al capone and other mafia types. Hell they even idol fictional characters like Tony Montana.. or real drug lords like Rick Ross.

They idolize anything that they can demonize the "white world" with. Yet they brag about how rich they are. What do they do with all that money? Hmmm they do white things. They do the opposite of what they preach. ...Bottomline Rappers are fucking idiots that have no common concern for this nation and have one thing in mind. To make money at any cost. Which last time i checked is not the best way to go about becoming an entrepeneur. ...eventually you will lose your costumer. one way or another.

They Preach to the ignorant about everyting they want to hear, (with knowledge of what is to become of the consumer of the "music" once they begin to believe the nonsense). Rappers think of those who buy/worship their music as nothing more than a drug user. Thats all the young impressional minds are to them. Just another body that can supply them with money so they can lead a more successful pointless life.

Rap...Heavy metal... all of this music is a plague to this country. ...But what can you do when its protected under freedom of speech? ...Stop buying it? Haha how do you tell a young kid to stop anything. you cant. The only way to remove this type of music is to create something better. ...I vote to bring back the morals of Classic rock. Nothing has yet to touch the vibe of the 60's and 70's...Hell even the 50's music era. We need to bring back soul to our music :joint:
Lol I never hear anyone rapping about people in the italian mafia, what the fuck kind of rap are you hearing?

Btw you said rap and heavy metal negatively influences people and that country is better, I was watching manswers last night and they said that people are more suicidal after listening to country than any other music genre.

Everything you post is so fucking stupid man
Everything you post is so fucking stupid man

Im glad Im not the only one who thinks so.
Im really so sick of this kid running around on here thinking hes the next best thing to god (and no you didn't say that) but you sure seem to know everything

Give it a break man
I got news for you. Just because you believe something whole heartedly does NOT mean it is right.
There are many people with just as much conviction as you who are dead wrong(as you are in most cases)
Im not claiming to know better than you on any specific topic but the ONLY stuff I ever see you posting is immature nonsense
do you want to know my background with rap? ok it will be brief

Started with NWA when i was 12. I found the cd in the street. I thought the music was hilarious.

Moved on to snoop, Dr.dre, biggie, JayZ and then to eminem. Then i started to listen to dipset and ludacris etc.... im no stranger to rap music but now that im older i realize rap music really does you no good. All it teachs you is to be a criminal and you succeed. which is totally untrue.

your point? you keep avoiding the fact that you said "All", along with a few other stereotypical generalizations. until you address any of that (which is all I directed at your illiterate ass), "don't come talkin' to me if you're about to be in my face wit' that buuuul-shit" (lil wayne). :bigjoint:
they hold there crothes cuz the white man has taken every thing else from them their afrade that we will take that next

you must be one of those back-woods, imbred country fucks holding onto your ridiculous myths to justify your irrelevant existence. learn something BITCH! :finger: :lol: :hump:
you can't get people to like or dislike a certain genre of music, or anything for that matter

whatever love what you love, who cares what anyone says.

back to point, I enjoy some rap. Some. The newer rap is crappy, it doesn't really seem like the artist put much thought or feeling into it. It just feels like they made it just for the sake of making it.
Best rapper alive is Immortal Technique, I like him mainly for the fact he blatantly says what he thinks and he isn't afraid to say it. Free speech is fantastic