Well-Known Member
i never understood why mf'ers went crazy over weezy, but i didn't fuck wit' 50 from day 1, and he got love for a minute (especially from the burbs) 

Im glad im not the only one who realizes that todays "rap" music is ruining the future of society.
Im glad im not the only one who realizes that todays "rap" music is ruining the future of society. Current "rap superstars" use other rappers popularity to make themselves popular which wouldnt be so bad if they were about something good like country music...Which they are far from producing.
Now dont get me wrong Ive been to the clubs and ive freak danced many beautiful women to popular beats while getting crunk, but as i get older i realize there is a means to an end. Where is rap music really going? And what really is rap music?
Rap music is the struggle between good and evil. Rappers protray themselves as people with no rules, "gansters" as they call it. They idolize people of old like Al capone and other mafia types. Hell they even idol fictional characters like Tony Montana.. or real drug lords like Rick Ross.
They idolize anything that they can demonize the "white world" with. Yet they brag about how rich they are. What do they do with all that money? Hmmm they do white things. They do the opposite of what they preach. ...Bottomline Rappers are fucking idiots that have no common concern for this nation and have one thing in mind. To make money at any cost. Which last time i checked is not the best way to go about becoming an entrepeneur. ...eventually you will lose your costumer. one way or another.
They Preach to the ignorant about everyting they want to hear, (with knowledge of what is to become of the consumer of the "music" once they begin to believe the nonsense). Rappers think of those who buy/worship their music as nothing more than a drug user. Thats all the young impressional minds are to them. Just another body that can supply them with money so they can lead a more successful pointless life.
Rap...Heavy metal... all of this music is a plague to this country. ...But what can you do when its protected under freedom of speech? ...Stop buying it? Haha how do you tell a young kid to stop anything. you cant. The only way to remove this type of music is to create something better. ...I vote to bring back the morals of Classic rock. Nothing has yet to touch the vibe of the 60's and 70's...Hell even the 50's music era. We need to bring back soul to our music![]()
you need to open your mind
and your ears
there is amazing music in every genre. From classical to metal or jazz to rap. There is plenty of awesome rap (and other musics) out there that does not fit into your stereotypical description of it.
LMFAO I need to open my ears? Hahaha ive listened to every kind of rap music there is and all i get out of it is Racism and ignorance.
Someone please tell me what rap music truely stands for today...
you mention heavy metal is a "plague to the country" yet you cite the music of the 60s 70s as being good or golden. Heavy Metal started in the 60s-70s...no?
All rappers talk about is fucking white women and make fun of white men.
Open your damn eyes people.
i dont know and dont really care. ...
so, if you are able to conclude this obvious truth, we should have full confidence in
take some time to consider what you write on the net. it's permanent.![]()
You have got to be kidding me![]()
I agree, rap is poor because it isn't competitive, now hip hop on the other hand is a whole different ball game altogether, i've been listening to hip hop since 93-94 and most of my collection consists of hip hop from late 90's to early 2000, im talking the likes of Red, Meth, and the whole Wu-Tang era, and a load of other stuff too.
Im white btw and have no issues with what they sing about, shit i'd like to fuck me some white girls also so we gots something in common right, ha ha
i have to be kidding you? are you serious? do you not know that you commited to an ignorant ass statement?
"All rappers talk about is fucking white women and make fun of white men."
1) you said it
2) it's full of ignorance
3) it's void of fact
You have got to be kidding me
im not going to preach here people but how can you defend rap music? It is not the poetic music it once was... It breeds hate amung all those who listen to it