I hate my life.... please help


New Member
And i have seven years on you and have no idea what i want to do with my life. How do you think that makes me feel?


Well-Known Member
hit the blunt, get the degree, and go job searching.....dont worry about money....i know i dont...rather, worry about job security man..a degree will grant you job security..w/out a doubt...


Well-Known Member
i know i was in the same position 2 years ago...but you need to think on the positive man..you gotta g/f (at the time, i didnt have a gf) and you are in school


Well-Known Member
Im in sort of the same position as you. Im back home with my mom again after I got kicked out of my apartment for not paying. Im 22 years old and I havent really done shit yet. The only thing I think of most the time is how Im gonna grow weed when I get my own place again. All I really think about is smoking and these dreams for my life that are far away. I do have minor depression though and maybe some other stuff, and I need to man up and get a girl again, but no bullshit it has to be someone I really love and love to spend time with thats all I really want.

But, if u have depression or not bottomline u just gotta calm down. Drink a little something and smoke a little bit and just chill out with someone u love. Everything might seem hard and confusing but it will all be cool in the end. U gotta clear ur mind and realize all the good things in ur life, theres just a lot of bullshit that will fill our minds from time to time and consume us, especially us people with depression and anxiety. Find a way to be at peace and clear ur mind and everything will make sense, life is great.

lol..come on man...


Well-Known Member
you kids are just un motivated .. get your ass out there and "DO SOMETHING" Dont MOPE around .. go cut the grass . keep busy .. rebuild a car , buy a motorcycle and see the world . sitting in the house IS THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO... JOIN THE Army or something ... Peace

right on and well said..kk im done posting for this thread


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Well-Known Member
shit how much do you smoke a day man...could be the buddas..now im done....shit, kick the ball against the garage door if you feel lonely or depressed..might cheer you up..:D


Well-Known Member
Hang in there. I take 8 pills a day for depression and anxiety and always ask the question..... Why me? Some days are good and other days i just can't function. I have learned to stay busy with projects and am working on becoming sober. Just remember be thankful for the things you have. Trust me i have been at the end of my rope many times but something inside me tells me to keep breathing and moving forward. I have also been doing therapy sessions. So what im saying is maybe it wouldn't hurt for you to talk to someone. You might benefit from it.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by GIJOE8383

i have a counselor but sometimes i tend to think he is a "pharmaceutical junkie"

Yes im beginning to think my Doc is pill happy as well.



Well-Known Member
lol this guy is always real chill and shit...could be takin does of valium and xanax .. ive ogtta counselor and a psych....but i guess if i was a psychatrist and had access to information unavl to the public id be poppin oxy too


Well-Known Member
u need to get laid, go clubbing and get laid more... then well u get the point party! have fun!