i got busted :(

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Active Member
heres what I think, This could FUCK OVER the parents, but on the other hand there are dozens of parent hippies on this site that have kids and grow illegally and could leave their kids without parents or parents in jail or having to go through that humiliation and no one gives those people shit, even though it would be much harder and tramatizing for a kid to go through then some mom paying a fine

think about it, whos irresponsible and disrespectful now

btw they can kick you out kid so delete this


Well-Known Member
no, im not. i also moved my grow outside. which shows its NOT a respect issue. i did as my father asked and removed them. as did this guy. stop saying we are disrespecting them! we both honored their wishes!
shitty... well, to be honest i think any parents wud know if there was weed growing in there house (unless they were really dumb and confused it with tomato?)..
my parents are the same way.. to them, marijuana = abortions, meth, rape, and killing puppies.


Active Member
You guys will care when the po-po rock up and take your parents house, if you were my kid i'd kick your ass into the next century. Are you punks even old enough to be on this site? If you are, your lame for still living with your folks....
Hi that's fucked up can the police just nab your house if you been growing and what if it's rented?


New Member
no, im not. i also moved my grow outside. which shows its NOT a respect issue. i did as my father asked and removed them. as did this guy. stop saying we are disrespecting them! we both honored their wishes!
AFTER you got caught!!! How is that honoring their wishes when you did it anyway untill you got caught?

And Again what gives you the right?


Well-Known Member
Hi that's fucked up can the police just nab your house if you been growing and what if it's rented?

Yes they can, its called proceeds of crime... if its rented its not yours, but property you own can be confiscated even if your not living in it...


New Member
Hi that's fucked up can the police just nab your house if you been growing and what if it's rented?
If the house is used in a criminal operation (growing weed), yes. It is highly unlikely at this level, but it can happen. Now if your renting you can really be fucked. Kicked out with onloy a few days eviction notice for breaking the druf clause in the rentral contract.


New Member
they never said not toountil they found them......
Did you ask them? Wanna know why you didn't ask them? Because you knew what they would say. NO!

So don't act all ignorant. You were a scheming little bitch and went behind their back. You didn't want them to find out so you did a lame ass "Stealth grow". Those posts are another way of saying, "hi! I live with my parents and i'm underage, and growing without their consent. I'm a big douche bag and can I get an elbow off my case grow?"

Kids like you are what wrong with America today...


Well-Known Member
A little hostile of ya'll don't ya think? He's already in shit lol The message is clear though, it's not cool to grow an illegal substance in your parents house, and depending on where you live you could SERIOUSLY be in shit, in fact if it were serious enough it would be a parent going to jail for you. But cmon you guys, we all frickin grew at our 'rents! Most of us just never got caught lol Anyway take it all with a grain of salt buddy and when you got your own place lay down the dope op. Peace bro.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
well being it is spring the plants will revert back to veg in a few weeks and wont bud till the fall, the advantage is that you will get a shit load more bud than you would would have gotten in a pc grow, im not going to bitch at you for growing in your parents house but you should remember on your next grow that success all boils down to location, cops and rip offs are the worst threat to most growers so adding nosy parents to the mix will result in failure


New Member
LEO is not going to take his parents house for 2-3 plants...get for real!! That can be claimed as personal stash

My friend got busted with 15 plants all he got was a fine, community service and a night in jail....didnt take his house or car or money


New Member
If the house is used in a criminal operation (growing weed), yes. It is highly unlikely at this level, but it can happen. Now if your renting you can really be fucked. Kicked out with onloy a few days eviction notice for breaking the drug clause in the rentral contract.
Please note red text..


Well-Known Member
i grew in my parents house and my aunt and uncles when i lived with them for a few years. they knew beforehand however. sucks to get busted. and no they wont continue to flower. they will be shocked for a while and the light isnt at 12/12 right now. the sun is in the blue spectrum until the end of summer. maybe try cutting off the buds, letting it veg in the summer sun until the end and it may flower all over again.
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