LOL.. this is very funny.. demonic1.. once again, u kill it man, LoL.. some good points.. and i'm bothered by olost cause the things this guy says.... he does'nt really know what he wants.. or what he's, theres tomany things he wants to say.... and you know the more you talk, the more you slip up, or make yourself sound like an idiot.... anyways, im a little pissed cause all this guy yaps about is other people and what not... and im 17.. underage as you would say.. but how can you even say underage?? its illegal.. so really, you midaswell be underage too.. but clearly your not... your an overaged naw i dont wana cause anymore problems.. but i just think that your a bit of a hater buddy.. and you need to do is take the time to look in the mirror once in a while...... ANYWAYS ENOUGH OF ALL OF THIS>. YOUR POSTING ON SOMEONE ELSE"S THREAD.. SO UNLESS YOU HAVE SOME HELPFULL ADVICE FOR THIS GUY.. I THINK WE SHOULD ALL STOP and yes i will.. anyways.. ilove u all.. happy gro 09 muthafuckaas!! Whooooo!yEAHH lol... sorry if i affended anyone.. thats not my intension.. just to make a bit of a stoner teenage anyways.. im ramblin... laterr all..
we have rules here as well. sorry, but i had to ban you.