I dont think I can say I have ever experienced the Medical effects of Different Strains

Strange I can grow an use legally here in the USA no one is forced to go to shops an pay tax.Trust me that so called free health care you think your getting LOL your paying . How much you pay for petrol, heat an elec for the home? your paying just not to ya Doctor

We have a thing called National Insurance which is deducted from our earnings and obviously there is taxation. I have family in the US and a few American friends, I have also been there and had to pay a stupid amount of money for healthcare insurance. Our system is much fairer. I have just had full Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and aftercare, it cost me nothing. Yes, I have paid taxes, but that is a tiny amount compared to what it would have cost directly.
If you burn organic matter it will produce tar and all sorts of other toxins, most of which are carcinogenic, this is a fact. Be it cannabis or tobacco. I have smoked cannabis for over 30 years and got smoking related cancer.

The medical marijuana industry was a con to get the US medical industry a foot hold in another industry. I am one of the dozens of people in the world that doesn't live in america. In the UK we don't have private healthcare trying to sell us products and services for the good of our health, we have a National Health Service that is free for all.

I am not in favour of legalised cannabis at all. It isn't legal in the UK. If they legalised it here they would tax the shit out of it and regulate it's supply. I would rather see the Dutch model where it is simply not criminal to posses, grow or use.
Too bad they'd tax it so highly. Cannabis isnt govt regulated and left up to individual States here. With a medical card you can buy $70 ounces in my home state. It might not be as good as what we all grow, but it's reaching people at the least.
If you burn organic matter it will produce tar and all sorts of other toxins, most of which are carcinogenic, this is a fact. Be it cannabis or tobacco. I have smoked cannabis for over 30 years and got smoking related cancer.

The medical marijuana industry was a con to get the US medical industry a foot hold in another industry. I am one of the dozens of people in the world that doesn't live in america. In the UK we don't have private healthcare trying to sell us products and services for the good of our health, we have a National Health Service that is free for all.

I am not in favour of legalised cannabis at all. It isn't legal in the UK. If they legalised it here they would tax the shit out of it and regulate it's supply. I would rather see the Dutch model where it is simply not criminal to posses, grow or use.
I am sorry to hear about your cancer and I hope you are doing better and feeling well.
We have all been taught that smoking causes cancer and other health issues- however I think it might be difficult to prove it was the 1 cause for your cancer. Many environmental factors could have contributed- radon- inhalation of some gasoline from syphoning years ago- a chemical exposure from benzyne or heavy VOC finishes drying. The list is endless. Many people have been diagnosed with lung cancer and never smoked- some ran marathons- now I am not in denial that smoking anything is bad for our bodies- it is just logical- so I will be making more edibles.
I also think of American Indians who had open fires in teepees and used open flame to cook with daily -lots of inhalation of carbon-
If someone smokes a pack of cigarettes daily - around 15 drags per cigarette- that’s 300 inhalations - I prefer 1 hit bong so I am getting maybe 15-and likely less daily- not good to be combusting and ingesting anything but life is about choices and compromise- and hopefully we will be blessed with a good long life if that’s what you want.
We must find our happiness and contentment each day. Peace and love ☮️❤️
For those in the thread who do experience the medicinal benefits for pain relief I would like to know 2 things.

1 what strains are they.

2 more importantly exactly what about those strains help you. I would like to understand the science behind it.

1. Harlequin and Canna-Tsu strains both work well for me. 2:1 CBD to THC ratio roughly seems most effective.
Its a non-intrusive buzz. Super pleasant but fully functional.
2. Both provide me with arthrits pain relief in my hands and some other lower back muscle pain.
from my understanding the cbd uses the thc as a pain killer. The cbd can act as an Anti-inflammatory.
takes a few days to a week or more of smoking for it to settle in and do the job. Maybe a gram or more per day.
from my experience the only thing thc alone does for pain relief is let you relax ignore it more easily.
I find that it does have the medicinal ability to take the focus off of irritated nerves. It does take away pain for me that way. Especially when processed through my digestive tract, instead of just inhaling into bloodstream, although doing both works best. I make my topical creams so potent that i'm sure you could probably fail a test too, even though they say it can't break the skin barriers that way... it all works good for me.

I'm blazing some atonic CBD strain right now, that I just cut fresh from the plant last night. Still wet in the center\stem too after quick dry.. Its so spicy & terpy its numbing my mouth like cloves or something, and my bad tooth that has been bothering me lately. My carpel tunnel syndrome just subsided right now as I get baked too.. Oh shoot, I forgot my back hurts too. Thanks cannabis.

Something about smoking plant matter that is still practically alive, and would even show energy bolts discharging from the bud with Kirlian photography as I roast it.. yum. I love fresh weeds :)
So it's not free?

Stop being a pedant. It is free at the point of use, regardless of the whether you have paid direct taxes or not. I haven't paid National Insurance or Income Tax in years, mainly due to illness. My treatment would have cost hundreds of thousands under the American system.

I have had complications in my aftercare, today I have had a full check by a doctor and been booked in for a full blood screening next month at zero cost. Go figure.
He didn't. He blamed smoking. Smoking Marijuana is just as bad for you as smoking tobacco. Cannabis smoke is just as carcinogenic as tobacco smoke. Also, it isn't legal here. Our health service didn't fall for the medical marijuana crap.
You know anything that's burnt is carcinogenic. Even toast, bacon, potato chips, etc. Anytime there's char basically. I switched to vaping years ago and my lungs thank me. I've been smoking out of a pipe again lately sometimes and I've got to stop doing that again. Vaping tastes better anyways. It just has a slightly different effect. I finally quit smoking cigs like a year and a half ago. Cancer is in my family too so that sucks.
You know anything that's burnt is carcinogenic. Even toast, bacon, potato chips, etc. Anytime there's char basically. I switched to vaping years ago and my lungs thank me. I've been smoking out of a pipe again lately sometimes and I've got to stop doing that again. Vaping tastes better anyways. It just has a slightly different effect. I finally quit smoking cigs like a year and a half ago. Cancer is in my family too so that sucks.

Yeah, I am now a full time vaper. I'll never smoke again, it could literally kill me. I bought a dry herb vape a while back, trouble is it really fucks me up.:D
You know anything that's burnt is carcinogenic. Even toast, bacon, potato chips, etc. Anytime there's char basically. I switched to vaping years ago and my lungs thank me. I've been smoking out of a pipe again lately sometimes and I've got to stop doing that again. Vaping tastes better anyways. It just has a slightly different effect. I finally quit smoking cigs like a year and a half ago. Cancer is in my family too so that sucks.
They did studies in France that shows that smokers only made up a fraction of the hospitalized c19 patients. 80% or so were non smokers.

They recommended the rest of the countries do studies too, that might prove nicotine is the best way to fight off spike proteins or whatever.. Not advocating smoking, but using other forms, like patches and lozenges, etc.

Funny thing, is there are the least amount of overall smokers in the world in a long long time, yet.. we have all these pandemics going on at the same time. And vice versa, if you look into the past.

Anyway, I been vaping for 7 years or so too. I feel like pharmaceutical grade nicotine has many health benefits too. Even numbs pain, just like cannabis does for me.

I been wondering lately, if vaping good clean nicotine all the time (even when sick sometimes) is the reason I haven't got as bad sick as some people, with all the viruses going around.
I find that it does have the medicinal ability to take the focus off of irritated nerves. It does take away pain for me that way. Especially when processed through my digestive tract, instead of just inhaling into bloodstream, although doing both works best. I make my topical creams so potent that i'm sure you could probably fail a test too, even though they say it can't break the skin barriers that way... it all works good for me.

I'm blazing some atonic CBD strain right now, that I just cut fresh from the plant last night. Still wet in the center\stem too after quick dry.. Its so spicy & terpy its numbing my mouth like cloves or something, and my bad tooth that has been bothering me lately. My carpel tunnel syndrome just subsided right now as I get baked too.. Oh shoot, I forgot my back hurts too. Thanks cannabis.

Something about smoking plant matter that is still practically alive, and would even show energy bolts discharging from the bud with Kirlian photography as I roast it.. yum. I love fresh weeds :)
Carpal Tunnel huh. I've dealt with that too. What solved my problem without surgery was to teach myself how to sleep with my wrists straight. My hands use to go completely numb feeling.
So many years with oscillating power tools in my hand, vibrating my wrists apart. Wrist that is already messed up from using a computer mouse for the majority of my life. It's weird how the pain can spread to the other wrist, that has barely been slaved as hard.

I'm sure I could cure it if I changed my ways, but still man aging through it without surgeries, lol.
Funny thing, the US is talking about reducing the nicotine in cigs, if i'm not mistaken.

Is that actually possible? When I was young there was this thing where they claimed cigs were "low tar", it was proven to be bollocks and all they actually did was but a row of tiny holes around the filter so it drew less well and tasted weaker.
So many years with oscillating power tools in my hand, vibrating my wrists apart. Wrist that is already messed up from using a computer mouse for the majority of my life. It's weird how the pain can spread to the other wrist, that has barely been slaved as hard.

I'm sure I could cure it if I changed my ways, but still man aging through it without surgeries, lol.

My wrists and neck are fucked from computer use. My profession is actually a systems analyst. At college I would spend days on end coding in old Unix terminals, in a shitty chair at desk that was too low.
So many years with oscillating power tools in my hand, vibrating my wrists apart. Wrist that is already messed up from using a computer mouse for the majority of my life. It's weird how the pain can spread to the other wrist, that has barely been slaved as hard.

I'm sure I could cure it if I changed my ways, but still man aging through it without surgeries, lol.
Just try to keep your wrists straight as much as possible. It helps.
I mean.. they do extract it out of the tobacco leaves first, add chemicals, and then reinfuse it back into whats more like shredded paper, if I remember right.

I just came across an article the other day about them doing lowering the amount, and all I could think of was that nicotine/covid study. Not even sure it was official or anything..

But I couldn't help but think.. Its like the US wants us to inhale more carcinogens, but less nicotine. Like they want us to die, and secretly know nicotine is a good antidote against respiratory viruses. As if that is their answer to the recommendations to do any studies

Haha. I know, i'm crazy or something.
Was just reading some other threads where someone was asking about specific strains for pain.

I have smoked a shit ton of weed in my life.

I have also ALWAYS been in pain from either training or injuries (most of the time both)

I don't recall my pain ever subsiding due to smoking any amount of weed.

My mental anguish subsides but in no way does my physical pain.

I also don't really experience any difference between indica and sativa. Both make me sleepy.

Is there anyone else who doesn't get these benefits or differences from strain to strain?
I empathize with this.

A lot of this stuff is like the story of The Emperor's New Clothes. Someone says "medical marijuana" and then it becomes gospel. I grew up smoking it to get high -not to ease any health crisis. And THC is THC -doesn't matter whether it comes from Indica or Sativa. Terpene profiles might vary, but terpenes also vary within the species, as well.
I just want to find strains that TASTE good. I already know that THC levels are going to be adequate enough, regardless. Part of getting high, for me, is from the enjoyment of the taste and smell. If I just wanted THC, then I could buy a pure THC isolate and have at it.