I dont think I can say I have ever experienced the Medical effects of Different Strains

I so need to add some hydraulic lifts under my computer desk. So i can stand and look upwards at the monitors.

My newest problem, is I went on a 10 mile hiking trip just over a year ago, and had 45 lbs or so on my backpack. Now I've had chronic costochondritis, and my sternum pops like 2-3 times a day. Washing dishes, or looking down locks my chest up. Computer use really does it, and probably the main cause, other than the trauma I caused on the trip.
My back is fucked too. I busted up L3 and L4 like 8-9 years ago, jumping off a rock into a creek. I got chronic sciatica and some other diagnoses. Forgot what they're called.. stenosis, and something else. Ruined my posture more than anything, and tweaked other stuff more than just the fractures..

Its all added up stuff, like doing heavy countertop work, and slouching in chairs. Then, one good injury on top the lifestyle to land you with chronic problems.
You know anything that's burnt is carcinogenic. Even toast, bacon, potato chips, etc. Anytime there's char basically. I switched to vaping years ago and my lungs thank me. I've been smoking out of a pipe again lately sometimes and I've got to stop doing that again. Vaping tastes better anyways. It just has a slightly different effect. I finally quit smoking cigs like a year and a half ago. Cancer is in my family too so that sucks.

Have a friend, late 60's, who's been smoking joints all day long for decades. That abuse caught up with him 2 years ago with throat cancer. The treatments, the severe loss of weight and gum/teeth damage was severe as a result. He will never be the same. Moderation is key.

I am a lightweight taking hits off a live resin MPX cartridge using a vape pen from time to time. Convenient and clean. Also can be too much if you're not careful. Nice but not quite as good as smoking some THC-8 mixed with homegrown C99 bud in my new Bob Marley perc bubbler.

Forum friend from a new OG reunion site gave me a bunch of Dancehall seeds. Supposedly a fine THC high with plenty of CBD going on. Haven't germed those yet. Got them for my beloved wife who passed last January from many medical complications stemming mainly from RA and Lupus. Most painful time of my life, as a caretaker and watching her waste away 15 days in 3 hospitals.

Have quite a few of the old landrace stuff seedlings going now like Deep Chunk, Kush, Afghaani crosses. After growing sativas all my life, doing the couch lock strains next. New Viparspectra KS5000 light is on its way.

Used to harvest shrooms from cowpies at my parents' land back in the 70's in south Texas. Did a lot of acid, great quality, 60's. Picked a thou of peyote buttons from the fields around Rio Grande City before the checkpoints in the late 60's. Those were the days. Astral projection, dissasociation from ones self with astral travel, was one of the most unique aspects of a pure peyote trip. We would eat 7 buttons at a time. Making a strong tea using a pressue cooker worked great too. Crazy stuff.
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Not sure if this thread was directly spurred for my request for recommendations about strains that will help with back pain. But, it got me thinking nonetheless.

I have some disc degeneration, and spondylolisthesis which causes instability. The worst of my pain comes from spasms as a result of some of that slippage.

Some heavy indicas have provided a bit of relief by helping the muscles relax a bit.

But, I've honestly never really thought about CBD. I decided to give it a shot and ordered a strain from DCSE that's supposed to be about 1:1, that being: Seattle Chronic’s HelioZ which is a cross of MelvinZ (Zkittlez x OneZ f2) and a Cannabigerol male. Hopefully it'll help, I know nothing about it. I also picked up some StrayFox Tahoe and Blueberries (Tahoe OG x Blueberry Milk) because it was on sale and I've wanted to try some StrayFox gear for a while.

FYI everything at DCSE is 30% off today.
My back is fucked too. I busted up L3 and L4 like 8-9 years ago, jumping off a rock into a creek. I got chronic sciatica and some other diagnoses. Forgot what they're called.. stenosis, and something else. Ruined my posture more than anything, and tweaked other stuff more than just the fractures..

Its all added up stuff, like doing heavy countertop work, and slouching in chairs. Then, one good injury on top the lifestyle to land you with chronic problems.

Yep! Sorry. Suggests you may need a fusion. I have rods and screws holding my lower lumbar together - L1 - L4. Neurosurgeon will clean out the stenosis buildup between discs during the op. Possible side effect is nerve damage which may affect your sex life. There are areas below my waist where when I scratch with my finger I feel little. Move 2" over and it burns.

Growing old is a bitch.
I managed to get my boy's mom pregnant, while I was down for months with my broken back, lol. No pain pills either, except the 4 they gave me at the hospital which I took 1 of(i'm sure I could have pushed for them, but glad I didn't), just lots of cannabis treats for months on end til I was better.

Even got to blaze while on probation for an earlier BS charge that came back up from being appealed years before, and had to show the judge and whole courtroom why I didn't want steriod shots in my back, which is all they would really offer me, and why I should be able to use marijuana.

The news headlines that day were talking about the same wicked 2 inch blunt needle looking steroid shots giving people spinal menengitis, and I even printed the report to show off. Court went good that day for once, lol. My PO would always ask "just weed man?". Yep, and never even got tested but like once. Thats what I had to fight, and my PO got me the court date to do it too.
If you guys have had those suckers stuck in between your vertibres.. I dunno, I just can't. I would pass out. Heard they do work from some people. I'm scared of big ass needles though, lol.
Correct me if I am wrong here but weed was on a no research list for any medicinal purpose until about 5-6 years
Can't say as I trust studies. Who are the ones doing the studying?

I dont think that is enough time to define if it has true medical purpose or not.
Hasn't cannabis been found in earlier civilization digs? That'd probably take some research and I'm just shooting from the hip here, but imo it had to hold some sort of healing property.
So at this point I don't know if it should be offered under the assumption of medicinal.
I've seen some posts from members growing cbd strains for pain, so if they're taking the time to grow those strains out ( time, space) I'm inclined to believe them. Especially if the member is taking the time to run those plants more than once.

It's all a matter of opinion on whether or not it helps pain, but I think the vast majority of members would agree it helps with depression and anxiety. Most certainly a medical condition.
Can't say as I trust studies. Who are the ones doing the studying?

Hasn't cannabis been found in earlier civilization digs? That'd probably take some research and I'm just shooting from the hip here, but imo it had to hold some sort of healing property.

I've seen some posts from members growing cbd strains for pain, so if they're taking the time to grow those strains out ( time, space) I'm inclined to believe them. Especially if the member is taking the time to run those plants more than once.

It's all a matter of opinion on whether or not it helps pain, but I think the vast majority of members would agree it helps with depression and anxiety. Most certainly a medical condition.
I've been studying cannabis for almost 40 years so I'm classified as an expert.
THC cant penetrate the skin in sufficient amounts to have an effect.

I make my CBD or THC pot into oils then for topical pain relief on specific joints I mix it about 10:1 with DMSO and apply it with a roll-on applicator. Works really well that way. DMSO works by itself for some joint or muscle pain but for me a lot better with some CBD in it. The THC I've used on some of those pre-cancerous spots like on the forehead us old folks get froze with liquid nitrogen at the docs sometimes.

Little 2oz bottle of 90% DMSO at the health food store was $14 but I got an 16oz bottle of 99% at the feed store for only $18. $28 for the same but a gel. Might try mixing some horse de-wormer in there and keep Covid away too. ;)



Nope, all these clinics are phasing out opioids. All the old clinics that did are shutting down. That's why we've got 100k overdoses a year. Pain management cut nanas oxy off & she went and found a stamped fent pill on the black market.
Your right..they took the pills away and all the dope Is feyntanal..my wife overdosed just last month..this stuff is deadly period.
I will say that weed renders you in a state where you no longer give a fuck. The irony is that my oncologist told me that my cancer was most likely caused by smoking.

That sux. Have you used RSO for self treatment at all. I might have something going on with my prostate that way but I don't think so. I've been taking a small dose of RSO nightly for over a year and the last few weeks adding some CBD oil to it as they both work better together and the CBD is great for my joint pains.

Pot can interfere with some chemo drugs tho so any drug that the doc says to not eat grapefruit with can be affected by cannabis. Interferes with an enzyme so you drug levels can either go higher than supposed to or lower. If the doc is aware of your pot use he.she can monitor the drug levels in your blood and adjust as needed. Just went thru this exact subject with my doc yesterday while finding out my brain MRI shows I do not have MS! Now to find out what it is messing me up so had a bunch of blood taken at the lab today for follow-up.

Hope there's a happy ending for you too!

Correct me if I am wrong here but weed was on a no research list for any medicinal purpose until about 5-6 years ago.

I dont think that is enough time to define if it has true medical purpose or not.

So at this point I don't know if it should be offered under the assumption of medicinal.

Just because the US made researching cannabis so hard to do that American researchers gave up trying to jump thru all the hoops doesn't mean research didn't go on elsewhere. The Israelis have done extensive research on pot's medicinal properties and it's huge business for them now.

Here in Canada medpot users are the ones that fought and fell to finally get medical status for pot 20 years ago and when the sky didn't fall Trudeau knew he could get the stoners off the couch to vote for him if he promised to legalize and it worked. Again the sky didn't fall.

It has been PROVEN to have many medicinal uses so maybe you just need to read outside of the American sphere of influence to educate yourself. The US is the main reason pot was made illegal in the first place then forced their values on the rest of the world. When alcohol prohibition was being lifted Harry Anslinger was about to be out of a job so needed another demon to fight and picked pot. Very few people other than Mexican farm workers and black jazz musicians even used pot at the time and he was a huge bigot. But then all the fuss about pot made white kids curious so it's use swelled from there making it even more popular than ever.

Until pot prohibition came along there were hundreds of medical formulas containing cannabis at every drug store and the doctors fought long and hard to prevent prohibition but big pharma was just beginning and didn't want the competition.

That is only a couple of the reasons that pot was made illegal in the first place and it was mostly about money and prejudice.

Follow the money! That covers almost everything in our lives that is f'ed up by greedy soulless bastards everywhere.

I make my CBD or THC pot into oils then for topical pain relief on specific joints I mix it about 10:1 with DMSO and apply it with a roll-on applicator. Works really well that way
Ok, cool. Now you have DMSO everywhere and your skin is permeable for all kinds of junk. But this does not work well enough to allow sufficient amounts of cannabinoids to penetrate.
For one, DMSO is no longer used for this purpose because it makes it too permeable for everything. So I advice you to stop using it.
The second point I want to make is about dose. The usual drugs that are applied through the skin are very potent: sex hormones, fentanyl, buprenorphin. All of these are dosed at 100s of micrograms or lower. And this is not by chance but because you cant deliver higher doses through the skin. The active dose for THC is about 100 times that, for CBD it's 1000 times more.
Additionally they have a few other characteristics such as not being too polar or too unpolar. The cannabinoids are too unpolar (fat soluble) to work well. They might penetrate into the skin but won't diffuse out of it on the other side.
The last aspect is regarding the timeline. Diffusion is a slow process. With fentanyl peak plasma concentration (and thus maximum effect) is reached 24 hours after applying the patch. That's representative for all such drugs. If you can feel the effect within half an hour it's placebo. It works too but you dont need DMSO to compromise the barrier function of your skin to get there.
Just because the US made researching cannabis so hard to do that American researchers gave up trying to jump thru all the hoops doesn't mean research didn't go on elsewhere. The Israelis have done extensive research on pot's medicinal properties and it's huge business for them now.

Here in Canada medpot users are the ones that fought and fell to finally get medical status for pot 20 years ago and when the sky didn't fall Trudeau knew he could get the stoners off the couch to vote for him if he promised to legalize and it worked. Again the sky didn't fall.

It has been PROVEN to have many medicinal uses so maybe you just need to read outside of the American sphere of influence to educate yourself. The US is the main reason pot was made illegal in the first place then forced their values on the rest of the world. When alcohol prohibition was being lifted Harry Anslinger was about to be out of a job so needed another demon to fight and picked pot. Very few people other than Mexican farm workers and black jazz musicians even used pot at the time and he was a huge bigot. But then all the fuss about pot made white kids curious so it's use swelled from there making it even more popular than ever.

Until pot prohibition came along there were hundreds of medical formulas containing cannabis at every drug store and the doctors fought long and hard to prevent prohibition but big pharma was just beginning and didn't want the competition.

That is only a couple of the reasons that pot was made illegal in the first place and it was mostly about money and prejudice.

Follow the money! That covers almost everything in our lives that is f'ed up by greedy soulless bastards everywhere.

I get what you are saying. Thank you for the response.

Do you have any case studies that prove medicinal benefits for pain from before the US allowed research?

Again thank you for your response