I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

UB is far from racist
How come he uses the N word all the time, even when no one else did?
Because he gets joy in using that word, he is a racist. He has a Stormfront account, and has regaled us with Stormfront posts and content here on riu on numerous occasions. Are you sure you know what a real racist acts like?
Yeah defer to UB the resident racist, He can only compare himself to you and see if you got what it takes to be 100% racist like he is.

by "you" i didn't actually mean you.
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eric garner said that an additional 7 times for a total of 11, before he died as a direct result of NYC Police Department using an unapproved choke-hold on a taxpaying citizen.

all the others dead? meh..who knows? we weren't there.

THIS time it's DIFFERENT..we ALL were there.

you may have noticed i've not blogged about the others..what came first chicken or egg?

I will tell you something though, black men and boys are taught at a very early age, to make no sudden moves, keep your hands where they can be seen.

what's moved me most about the eric garner case is, if you watch the YT, he was doing just that.

this case will be monumental and create change, but we've got one hella fight on our hands here.

i will be taking listeners calls..

hello, caller..?


This pretty much says it all about the state of affairs in this tyrranical police state.


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The choke hold is illegal. Period.
Cops are trained to arrest people with minimal force and to cause the least amount of harm. It is not their job to cause as much pain possible amd kill you.

For those that think he deserved it. I hope you dont end up in a similar situation. People think you have to disrespect cops to get abused. NOT TRUE. Sometimes they are just trying to hurt you, even WHITE people. Shocker..

Dont be so quick to judge, it could happen to you. What the cop did was ILLEGAL. That should raise a red flag for us. Cops breaking the law, taking it too far, you could be next!
And see that is why you are so easy to spot.
Your not smart enough to closet away your racism.
Racist = stupid and fearful
Then you must not think Jarrod Taylor and Phillipe Rushton are racists.

You can't deny their intelligence.

Taylor graduated from Yale and graduated with honors, went on to a very prestigious post grade school that 10% of applicants get into from ivy league schools.

Saying all racists are stupid is just as stupid as saying all blacks are stupid, a claim Rushton and Taylor do not make.
Then you must not think Jarrod Taylor and Phillipe Rushton are racists.

You can't deny their intelligence.

are you claiming that intelligent people are incapable using their intelligence to justify their stupid fears?

some harvard and yale graduates believe in ghosts and are afraid of ghosts. i bet even more harvard and yale graduates live in fear that sky daddy will send them to eternal damnation if they don't kneel down and chant every sunday.

ghosts and biblical fairy tales are both examples of shit intelligent yet stupid, fearful people believe in.

jared taylor used his intelligence to do easily debunked math to justify his stupid fears. rushton paid people at the mall $5 to tell him about their sexual habits in his valiant attempt to prove that big penis = small brain. i think that tells us everything we need to know about what he was stupid and fearful of.

racists are stupid and fearful. the only question is what they are so scared of.
And the N word is not?

Let me quote you

I could go on for 184 pages of material.
You ever notice that you are the one using that word over and over and over? Why is that?

hey farm boy..

do you have cows?

if so, question: do you think that 2% is "changed" once it goes through the process.

my personal trainer said he would rather me use whole (because i can), or skim because they aren't processed.

he feels nutrients etc; are lost.

what are your thoughts?
eric garner said that an additional 7 times for a total of 11, before he died as a direct result of NYC Police Department using an unapproved choke-hold on a taxpaying citizen.

all the others dead? meh..who knows? we weren't there.

THIS time it's DIFFERENT..we ALL were there.

you may have noticed i've not blogged about the others..what came first chicken or egg?

I will tell you something though, black men and boys are taught at a very early age, to make no sudden moves, keep your hands where they can be seen.

what's moved me most about the eric garner case is, if you watch the YT, he was doing just that.

this case will be monumental and create change, but we've got one hella fight on our hands here.

i will be taking listeners calls..

hello, caller..?

The video I saw of him yelling "I can't breath", the cop no longer had the choke hold on him. I think it was all the cops putting their body weight on him that stressed his heart. He didn't strangle, he had a heart attack.

"I will tell you something though, black men and boys are taught at a very early age, to make no sudden moves, keep your hands where they can be seen." Yet anyone watching "COPS" can tell you that isn't what happens much of the time.