I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

whoa! wait a sec! YES! YES! YES!

this guy needed a "takedown" by the NYCPD HYENAS because he was SUSPECTED of selling loose cigarettes.

you don't know if the brother was paying sales taxes or not however, i suspect as a resident of staten island he was paying:

a local tax - staten island
a city tax - NYC
a state tax - NY
a federal tax - FED

just to live there.

EDIT: shaking this guy down for the pennies of sales tax he MAY have owed the city? an abomination.
More like $7.00 a pack. And yes, that is what the libtard mayor of New York insisted the NYPD make a priority.
when was the last time you took an anatomy or pathology class?

you're way off base here.

with garners physique his breathing capacity was already impaired because of his weight.

what do you think all that fat does to your organs? it aids in compressing everything including his lungs.

this combined with the officer steadily increasing the choke much like a snake does.

it relies on the targets breathing outward where the trachea is collapsed an ever increasing pressure is applied to suffocate the target.

experiment: it took 18 seconds for me to say "i can't breathe" in the same fashion as garner.

once you lose conscienceness, the agonal process takes over and within 3 minutes you are brain dead; 6 minutes dead dead.
" it took 18 seconds for me to say "i can't breathe" in the same fashion as garner." Now that's dedication. Allowing someone to strangle you to "prove" a point and post it online. Is there a video?
Yes, you conducted a scientific experiment by choking yourself. This is what liberals call science.

He died from complications of being fat and other conditions and primarily due to fighting with the police.
"This is what liberals call science." Or foreplay? This may explain Sky's lack of cognitive ability.
yes, see OP.

lemme know what percentage you'd like to assign to garner resisting arrest with his hands in plain sight, palms open and facing up.
They weren't behind him and he was attempting to leave. That, my dear, is "resisting arrest".
hey farm boy..

do you have cows?

if so, question: do you think that 2% is "changed" once it goes through the process.

my personal trainer said he would rather me use whole (because i can), or skim because they aren't processed.

he feels nutrients etc; are lost.

what are your thoughts?
Real Organic milk full of nutrients can only be given to you by a dairy farmer, it is illegal for anyone to sell it to you. Anything you legally purchase, whether its whole, skim, 1%, 2% has been processed.
Good luck with that.
So totally not racist.

in some areas white culture is looked down upon. Swimming is part of that culture. Some people are made to feel guilty if they enjoy doing what is normally considered a "White Devil" past-time.
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are you claiming that intelligent people are incapable using their intelligence to justify their stupid fears?

some harvard and yale graduates believe in ghosts and are afraid of ghosts. i bet even more harvard and yale graduates live in fear that sky daddy will send them to eternal damnation if they don't kneel down and chant every sunday.

ghosts and biblical fairy tales are both examples of shit intelligent yet stupid, fearful people believe in.

jared taylor used his intelligence to do easily debunked math to justify his stupid fears. rushton paid people at the mall $5 to tell him about their sexual habits in his valiant attempt to prove that big penis = small brain. i think that tells us everything we need to know about what he was stupid and fearful of.

racists are stupid and fearful. the only question is what they are so scared of.
I took a psychology class in college and going out into public and offering people a few dollars is a valid method.

He never says any attribute equals small brain.

His whole work is about one thing, I guess you're too dumb to catch on to that.

He conducts a study and charts the distibrution of the mean among the races. They're always the same.
The video I saw of him yelling "I can't breath", the cop no longer had the choke hold on him. I think it was all the cops putting their body weight on him that stressed his heart. He didn't strangle, he had a heart attack.

"I will tell you something though, black men and boys are taught at a very early age, to make no sudden moves, keep your hands where they can be seen." Yet anyone watching "COPS" can tell you that isn't what happens much of the time.
I think we all can agree you are the RIU expert on death.
Are you hinting at difference in physical attributes that have no relation to melanin?

Because I'm quite sure that is racist. Factual though it may be.

They would have fun. They enjoyed cold weather activities. That is a stereotype to. I think it is more of a reference to drop you guard a little bit and you might have some fun.
He never says any attribute equals small brain.

why don't we see what rushton himself has to say, bignbushy?

“Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”
--J. Philippe Rushton, speaking at the 2000 American Renaissance conference

Although his training is unrelated to biology or genetics, Rushton has not hesitated to spread his controversial opinions far and wide, especially through his major published work, Race, Evolution and Behavior. His findings: black people have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks — characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence. Although the University of Western Ontario has always been careful to defend Rushton’s academic freedom, officials did reprimand him twice for carrying out research on human subjects in 1988 without required prior approval. In the first incident, Rushton surveyed first-year psychology students, asking questions about penis length, distance of ejaculation, and number of sex partners. In the second, he surveyed customers at a Toronto shopping mall, paying 50 white people, 50 black people and 50 Asians five dollars apiece to answer questions about their sexual habits.

you are dumber than most dumbasses, bignbushy.
why don't we see what rushton himself has to say, bignbushy?

“Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”
--J. Philippe Rushton, speaking at the 2000 American Renaissance conference

Although his training is unrelated to biology or genetics, Rushton has not hesitated to spread his controversial opinions far and wide, especially through his major published work, Race, Evolution and Behavior. His findings: black people have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks — characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence. Although the University of Western Ontario has always been careful to defend Rushton’s academic freedom, officials did reprimand him twice for carrying out research on human subjects in 1988 without required prior approval. In the first incident, Rushton surveyed first-year psychology students, asking questions about penis length, distance of ejaculation, and number of sex partners. In the second, he surveyed customers at a Toronto shopping mall, paying 50 white people, 50 black people and 50 Asians five dollars apiece to answer questions about their sexual habits.

you are dumber than most dumbasses, bignbushy.
If you think about brain size and hip/pelvis width there is a perfect natural relationship.

Women have to pass a babies skull through their hips.

If a hip is narrow, larger heads cannot pass.

If a head is bigger, the hips need to be larger.

The chicken egg problem is avoided because either way is the same here. With respect to results .

he is also careful not to say it's causal. He only points out the correlation. He also points out the means of the three main racial categories. The order in which each race falls is always the same. No one study is significant. But the fact that every single one gives the same order of hierarchy is significant.

Note that his repremand was not for his methodology, but just for not seeking IRB approval prior to. Everything has to go before the IRB.

You've failed go levy any legitimate criticism.

Who is the dumbass?
Seems like you're the one who is incapable of grasping simple lines of rreasoning.

If you want to refute any of Rushton’s or Taylor's findings, go ahead.

Seems all you're able to do is point and shout racist.

You've condemned Taylor's use of FBI statistics yet you used them recently to make a point.
I've never seen any deciet. I've heard you say it, but not seen evidence of it.

You made a claim, now back it up.

oh, i guess you glossed over the passages i posted from "color of deception" by tim wise, a complete rebuttal to "color of crime" by jared taylor.

not my fault you are selectively illiterate, bignbushy.