I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

then why do you constantly refer to black people using racial slurs?

I think you're making shit up. Other than the infrequent good humored poke to a few others here I reserve my slurs for the likes of you.

The reason why, is you began being an insulting dick to me several years ago. Perhaps the fumes from your diaper have mushed up your brain?

Also, you never explained who the term Mulatto insults, a white person or a black person. Also why do you refer to a person of mixed race as "black". You're not one of them racists fellas that says, "iffen they got jes one drop of nigra blood in 'em theys nigras"

So, please explain yourself.
He retains things in his ass? So you mean that pic of the double fisting he posted was a selfie?
Oh my, I don't even want to know how he built himself up to that ability. Life long trial and error I assume.

I admit he doesn't retain everything, sometimes he lets it all hang out when he's fast foodin' and just can't wait to do his floor art.
He retains things in his ass? So you mean that pic of the double fisting he posted was a selfie?
Oh my, I don't even want to know how he built himself up to that ability. Life long trial and error I assume.

If you stick your foot in your mouth enough as a liberal eventually it can pop out your ass. Followed by the ankle, calf, thigh... By that time double fisting is childsplay right UB?
I believe she meant an actual agreement wherein all of the people that are affected by the agreement voluntarily consented to it as individuals.

it's the law, and if you want to open a store that serves the entire public you have to agree to it!

of course, no one is forcing you to serve the public. you and you alone make that determination. just make your store private since you hate blacks so much, robby!
That's known a s a thug scrum or a pig pile. The guy was murdered and his family and friends will not receive any justice.

This kind of activity is not going to go away, it will get worse and is a symptom not of a coming police state, but of one that is already here.

And with a never ending stream of ill-conceived picayune laws, the police-state (nanny state) is a growth industry.
And with a never ending stream of ill-conceived picayune laws, the police-state (nanny state) is a growth industry.

says the racist retard who rooted for the candidate who wants federal legislation nanny stating every single pregnancy in the nation from the moment of conception.
it's the law, and if you want to open a store that serves the entire public you have to agree to it!

of course, no one is forcing you to serve the public. you and you alone make that determination. just make your store private since you hate blacks so much, robby!

It's the law!!! Says the prohibitionist.

It's the law to return runaway slaves !!! Says the plantation owner.

Why do you hate Mulattoes so much ? Are you against racial mixing?
It's the law!!! Says the prohibitionist.

It's the law to return runaway slaves !!! Says the plantation owner.

Why do you hate Mulattoes so much ? Are you against racial mixing?


it's the law because we tried it your way and your way caused much harm.

no one has a right to harm anyone else, like yo want to allow.
want more?
If he used the N word on a daily basis I would tend to agree with you, but since you are the only person who uses that word all the time, I tend to think that you are trying to deflect and hide your own raging racism by pointing fingers at others.
Mulatto is in the official English dictionary and simply means someone of mixed ancestry. You aren't saying that Obama isn't of mixed ancestry are you? I know you refer to him as black, but he is as much white as he is black, not that it makes any difference to make the distinction, after all he is as human as you or I and needs no special label like you want to give him.
want more?

You are funny. You never told me who the term mulatto disparages or which part of a persons being is insulted by the term, the white part or the black part.

What you are doing is known as grasping at straws. That's probably so you can build a strawman later.....pathetic Poopy Pants....pathetic.
If he used the N word on a daily basis I would tend to agree with you, but since you are the only person who uses that word all the time, I tend to think that you are trying to deflect and hide your own raging racism by pointing fingers at others.
Mulatto is in the official English dictionary and simply means someone of mixed ancestry. You aren't saying that Obama isn't of mixed ancestry are you? I know you refer to him as black, but he is as much white as he is black, not that it makes any difference to make the distinction, after all he is as human as you or I and needs no special label like you want to give him.

good job on sticking up for you racist buddy, but mulatto is an offensive and pejorative term you dumb racist.

it's the law because we tried it your way and your way caused much harm.

no one has a right to harm anyone else, like yo want to allow.

A law that forces people to integrate, so you like forcing people to associate ? Why?

No one has the right to make others serve them. When you do that, it's a form of slavery.

Also, letting a peaceful or indifferent person alone to determine the use of his own property doesn't cause a harm.

Please explain how leaving others alone constitutes an act of initiated aggression against them. You never have explained that have you?

Also please explain that smell in the room, you didn't, well you know, again did you?
The definition of initiated force against a person that isn't applying force to us does not change if we endorse or do not endorse integration and / or segregation.

So, again rationalizing that sometimes it is okay to apply force to somebody that isn't applying it to us is not striking the root problem, which is, the rationalization and activation of the initiated force in ANY instance.

As far as forced integration and segregation they are two sides of the same coin. Do you endorse making people integrate or making them segregate? Why?

you didn't answer my question.
A law that forces people to integrate

there is no law that forces people to integrate. civil rights forces no one to open up a store and serve the entire public.

letting a peaceful or indifferent person alone to determine the use of his own property doesn't cause a harm.

while i object to you calling racists who deny service to people based on skin color "peaceful" or "indifferent", i agree that letting them choose to make their businesses private does not cause harm.

hence why we still allow hateful and aggressive racists like yourself to open private businesses and clubs.