Thank you.

Thank you.
Now if we can just get you to not support stepsHe died from complications that arise from a police state.
Murder begins where self defense ends. I think he was murdered.
His "crime" did not involve attacking another person, it was for trying to make a living and for thinking he owned himself. The victim was attacked and killed on the street. Badges, costumes and guns do not grant extra rights. The fuckers that killed him got away with murder. They were not protecting anybody.
Now if we can just get you to not support steps
How come you can't even properly interpret his debate on that one? Even though he has clearly laid it all out for you. He doesn't support segregation, he supports the government not having any say over your decision to segregate.Now if we can just get you to not support steps
I appreciate that you liked my post in this thread.
However, I do not support forced segregation, never have. I also do not support forced integration. never have.
You seem to have missed the operative meaning in both of those declarations I just made. I consistently object to the initiation of force and nonconsenual interactions amongst ANY AND ALL people regardless of race, gender preference etc.
You reject force sometimes, when you correctly are outraged by the killing / murder described in this thread. Although at other times you support the initiation of force against a potentially peaceful person when you support forced integration. Nobody that leaves other people alone should be forced to associate with anybody or be prevented from associating with anybody that wants to associate with them. Please be more steps
saying you support the right for others to NOT serve others base on race, color, religion, or national origin is supporting segregation. What do you call it ???I appreciate that you liked my post in this thread.
However, I do not support forced segregation, never have. I also do not support forced integration. never have.
You seem to have missed the operative meaning in both of those declarations I just made. I consistently object to the initiation of force and nonconsenual interactions amongst ANY AND ALL people regardless of race, gender preference etc.
You reject force sometimes, when you correctly are outraged by the killing / murder described in this thread. Although at other times you support the initiation of force against a potentially peaceful person when you support forced integration. Nobody that leaves other people alone should be forced to associate with anybody or be prevented from associating with anybody that wants to associate with them. Please be more steps
Chokeholds were banned years ago. You can quibble about the details of the hold they had on poor Eric but, they should not have had the arm around his neck because that is too close to the banned choke hold. There were 87 complaints against the NYPD in 2014 for illegal use of the chokehold. The policy change was already there, NYPD cops seem to think it doesn't matter. There also is the problem of the NYPD cops clearly ignoring the pleas of a man in serious distress. The cops involved should be up for involuntary manslaughter at least. And all for a few cigarettes. This wouldn't even have happened if New York wasn't so larcenous that cigarettes cost $14.oo. They created the black market and now are killing people over cigarettes. PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!They don't need to be sued --- it was a terrible accident. A policy change and training to prevent these situations.
Having said that, I'm sure big bucks will be paid to lots of deserving lawyers.
what is your definition of forced integration and forced segregation?
either way you have a form of being forced. Now which would you preferDo you endorse making people integrate or making them segregate? Why?
saying you support the right for others to NOT serve others base on race, color, religion, or national origin is supporting segregation. What do you call it ???
either way you have a form of being forced. Now which would you prefer
Chokeholds were banned years ago. You can quibble about the details of the hold they had on poor Eric but, they should not have had the arm around his neck because that is too close to the banned choke hold. There were 87 complaints against the NYPD in 2014 for illegal use of the chokehold. The policy change was already there, NYPD cops seem to think it doesn't matter. There also is the problem of the NYPD cops clearly ignoring the pleas of a man in serious distress. The cops involved should be up for involuntary manslaughter at least. And all for a few cigarettes. This wouldn't even have happened if New York wasn't so larcenous that cigarettes cost $14.oo. They created the black market and now are killing people over cigarettes. PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!
I suggest if you don't want to be messed with do not start a business open to the public dealing in interstate commerce.False conclusion, there are other possibilities.
D. none of the above.
Leave people alone if they leave you alone is the correct answer. Don't try to manage other people or their human relationships.
I suggest if you don't want to be messed with do not start a business open to the public dealing in interstate commerce.
Can you tell me why you would support someone who told me to get out their store just because of my color.I didn't think you would accept my challenge.
Interstate commerce? That's a good one Harry really.
Can you tell me why you would support someone who told me to get out their store just because of my color.
He doesn't support segregation
I don't support them or their action
yes he does.
he supports relegalizing discrimination on the sole basis of skin color.
that's segregation. we literally saw it happen in this very country less than 50 years ago you dumb fuck.