I came for all the good Biden posts

Speaking of Mitch,

After Voting To Acquit, McConnell Torches Trump As Responsible For Riot

Following Saturday's vote acquitting former President Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., excoriated Trump for his actions on the day of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, calling them a "disgraceful dereliction of duty."
But he said ultimately, he did not vote to convict the former president because of constitutional concerns.



Trump did it.
Speaking of Mitch,

After Voting To Acquit, McConnell Torches Trump As Responsible For Riot

Following Saturday's vote acquitting former President Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., excoriated Trump for his actions on the day of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, calling them a "disgraceful dereliction of duty."
But he said ultimately, he did not vote to convict the former president because of constitutional concerns.



Trump did it.
Mitch is a bitch. He wants to have it both ways and eat his cake too. He can't.

Honestly tho, Trump was a very useful tool for McConnell despite the way things turned out. Many think that Mitch was Trump's tool, but I think it quite the other way around. Sure there will be GOP backlash and unease for a bit until things settle from the post-Trump era, but Mitch made a lot of "progress" via Trump's policies. It's pretty sad that this whole thing was in Mitch's hands the whole time. He could have chosen to convict and brought 10 of his buddies votes with him, but nah.
Mitch is a bitch. He wants to have it both ways and eat his cake too. He can't.

Honestly tho, Trump was a very useful tool for McConnell despite the way things turned out. Many think that Mitch was Trump's tool, but I think it quite the other way around. Sure there will be GOP backlash and unease for a bit until things settle from the post-Trump era, but Mitch made a lot of "progress" via Trump's policies. It's pretty sad that this whole thing was in Mitch's hands the whole time. He could have chosen to convict and brought 10 of his buddies votes with him, but nah.
Mitch said out loud that Republicans know what Trump did. Republicans don't care, so he's going to be dragged over the coals for speaking the obvious.

I don't know why but he had to go and make some worthless statement about morality. Maybe Mitch is trying to have it both ways -- calling Trump "morally" guilty and hiding behind a fake constitutional argument. Or maybe he's looking down the road, thinking that Trump is going to drag the party down and is inserting a line in today's news about Trump being at fault. The unprincipled bitch.

Morality is high on their rhetoric list but without principles, what is morality?
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I remember the shock of seeing an empty pop can in the middle of the PCT trail while I was days away from any trail head.
Night Crawler (YouTube hiker) was carrying soda cans and other trash he picked up on the PCT to the next water cache. But since it's so dry in the southern section, some of them were 30 years old and had not rusted away.
Where that can was, the closest trail head was days away, accessed by way of Bishop on the east side of the Sierras. From that side, getting to the PCT trail is switchback hell. Yes, I picked it up and yes, I carried it for days on my way to Kings Canyon where we had arranged for people to meet and drive us out (we were hiking from north to south, roughly a 120 mile trek). But I still wonder how it got there. I'm guessing horse-packers. The trail otherwise was clean and free from litter. Just this one can.
The book and movie, Wild has all the trails overcrowded now. On the AT all the days in March are overbooked for start dates. And you know there are lots of folks who don't register.
The best movie ever about trash.

I understand this thread now. Two people at work asked me (the token never-Trumper) the same question. Darn, these cult members sure are good at mindlessly following their thought guides.

So who was it? Hannity? Carlson? Was there a Q drop? Did Trump join their discord server?

Anyway, I answered. They squealed like little piggies.

So adorable.
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I understand this thread now. Two people at work asked me (the token never-Trumper) the same question. Darn, these cult members sure are good at mindlessly following their thought guides.

So who was it? Hannity? Carlson? Was there a Q drop? Did Trump join their discord server?

Anyway, I answered? They squealed like little piggies.

So adorable.
lol what was the question?
lol what was the question?
"Where are all the posts listing all the great things Biden has done?"

Trump had a well oiled machine of supporting posts. Many of them came straight out of the daily Leningrad briefing. Think about Trimp's tweeter feed. "We love you, sir. Best president ever."

Now they want their people to believe that the lack of robotic, slavish praise is evidence that Trimp "won this election by a lot."

Its adorable.